Wednesday 27 April 2022

Do Girls Watch Porn? 20 Reasons to Start & Why They Lie About Watching

Guess what – girls watch porn too! Yes, it’s true. We no longer need to hide our guilty secret because it can actually be a healthy habit to have! 

girls watch porn

Gone are the days when porn was taboo, and masturbation was an unspoken thing, especially for women. While porn can sometimes be seen as intended for men, women are watching more porn now than they ever have. Also, there are now popular sites that cater more to women’s tastes. So yes, it’s true, girls watch porn!

So for those women who are afraid of watching unrealistic, multi-orgasmic women with huge fake breasts being pounded by overly muscular men, you now have more sensual and romantic options to choose from. Try Passion HD and X-Art to start.

Porn can be an incredible tool for improving your sexual satisfaction. It can help you delve deeper into your own sexuality, learn more about the opposite sex, and discover new things that you never even knew you liked in bed. [Read: How do most women like their porn?]

Why girls should try watching porn

If you are not yet one of the sexually savvy, independent females who already watch porn, here are some reasons why you might want to start:

1. To know your body

One of the biggest reasons for girls to watch porn is to get to know your own body better on so many different levels. You will get a better understanding of what your body is fully capable of and what you like when it comes to sex.

Some women never get to understand what their own body is able to experience sexually, simply because they haven’t seen it firsthand.

This is where porn can be a helpful means of getting to know your body on a deeper level, and have more appreciation for what it can do.

Simply having sex doesn’t give you an outside perspective on the act. Sometimes, it lacks the visual stimulation to get you aroused. Porn can help you to discover hidden sensations and spots that you don’t even realize are there. [Read: Being sex positive – Why this matters and why you need to get on board]

2. To discover more about yourself

In addition to learning more about your body, you will also be able to experiment with pleasuring different spots. You’ll be able to establish new techniques for having a mind-blowing orgasm.

You will also discover new aspects of your sexuality, new positions, and get a better idea of what turns you on the most.

You might even be surprised to find some new fetishes that you never even knew you liked. There is a whole world of sexuality to explore that could help you get more in tune with yourself as a result. [Read: How to have sex with yourself and learn what turns your body on]

3. To pick up some new tricks

As a girl, watching porn is one of the best ways to learn new tricks to try with a partner that will enhance the pleasure for both of you. Not only will these tricks benefit your partner, but you can also learn new ways of pleasuring yourself with or without toys to achieve different levels of arousal.

If your sex life is suffering from monotony, porn can help spice things up under the sheets. Even watching porn with your partner is a way to get the fire started. It will make for a more intense lovemaking session.

Just always keep in mind that the people in porn are actors. They may slightly exaggerate how much pleasure can be obtained from certain acts. [Read: How to open up about sex and get your partner to share their deepest desires]

4. To get turned on

Porn can help get you turned on and increase lubrication to prepare you for sex. It can be a great prelude to sex, helping to open up your mind to fantasy, and build up your arousal to enjoy sex even more.

This can help when your man wants to have sex, but you just don’t feel in the mood, as porn can be the perfect way to ignite that flame. [Read: 13 non-porn erotic movies that will turn you on]

5. To relieve stress

As a girl, self-pleasuring while watching porn can be a great stress reliever after a tough day. It also helps if you haven’t had any action lately. It helps get rid of some of that pent-up sexual frustration. Having an orgasm naturally relaxes your body and provides a much-needed release.

Porn is also helpful when you are having trouble getting aroused on your own, and you need a visual aid prior to stimulation.

6. To keep your engine running

Even when you don’t have a sex partner, it helps to keep the blood flowing. Then, you don’t go into a state of sexual regression. Sometimes, going too long without sex can cause you to become so sexually repressed that you ignore your basic sexual needs.

You might even begin to express your frustration in different unhealthy ways. [Read: 13 benefits of being sexually active that makes sex so worth it]

As a girl, watching porn can help to keep you aroused, excitable, and serves as proof that your female parts are still working as they should. Your vagina is a muscle after all, so consider it a form of exercising your sexual muscles.

7. To know how to take care of yourself without a partner

It has to be one of the most liberating discoveries when you first come to the realization that you can get yourself off without a partner. It’s that independent woman mentality that keeps you on top of your game.

It serves as a reminder that you don’t need a partner *even if you want one*, because you can still orgasm without one. [Read: 23 household things yo masturbate with that are pleasurable and very practical as well]

8. To feel sexier

There’s just something about porn that makes a woman feel sexier. Her secret romps under the covers make her feel like a more covetable sex goddess when she is actually having sex.

Watching porn as a woman can boost your confidence and can show a potential partner that you have mastered your body. You will come across as a woman who knows exactly what she wants, and knows how to get it. [Read: How to feel sexy and desirable all the time]

9. To learn more about future partners

Porn is like an instructional video on how to pleasure your partner. It can open up your eyes to new ways to please your partner and keep them satisfied within your sexual relationship.

You can learn about your partner’s body in a way that will prepare you to take what you’ve learned and apply it in the bedroom.

Some people who watch porn secretly wish that their partner would do the same, to learn new ways to enhance their sexual experiences. [Read: The worst bedroom mistakes women make that turn guys off]

10. To gain insight into sex in general

Porn is like a world of possibilities waiting to be explored. Learning about your own body, your partner’s body, and other aspects of the sexual experience can be liberating. It can spark your interest in new things.

Some women never get a chance to experience all of the different pleasures that sex has to offer. They never realize what their own body is capable of.

When learning about other techniques, types of sex, taboo subjects, and so forth, you are also learning about how other people in the world have sex. [Read: Pillow humping – How to hump a pillow and the naughty ways to do it right]

Girls watch porn and it’s healthy, so why the embarrassment?

We’ve talked about why you should be watching porn, but why are some women still embarrassed to admit it? In truth, porn has always been thought of as a ‘guy thing.’ Of course, that’s changing, but attitudes toward it haven’t caught up.

Enjoying porn in a healthy way is nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of girls watch porn! It’s time we all pushed aside the taboo and stigma attached to porn. In reality, we’re all a little curious, right?

Why do women deny watching porn?

We’ve compiled a list of all the different reasons why some women feel the need to keep their porn-watching habits in lockdown mode. Do you feel the need to keep your porn watching quiet because of any of these reasons? [Read: 25 common porn myths that people still believe]

1. It’s still considered taboo

While watching porn may have become pretty common in society, there are still people who consider this extremely taboo. But for some reason, it’s more wrong for women to watch it than for men. Yay for double standards!

So, we don’t tell anyone. No girl wants to be viewed as someone who engages in something that’s considered taboo. We don’t want the label that is associated with watching porn.

2. Embarrassment

This stems from watching porn being considered taboo. It’s not something that women are “supposed” to be doing – in a traditional sense. So we get embarrassed for people to know that we do watch it.

We’re also embarrassed because viewing porn kind of goes hand in hand with masturbation and being perverse, particularly if we go into the specifics of what kind of porn we watch.

Many people still think that the type of porn you watch is the type of sex that you want to be having. That’s not always true. [Read: 15 painfully embarrassing things that happen during sex]

3. It’s considered unladylike

We’re girls! We’re not supposed to eat too much, have short hair, burp in public, have hair in certain places, or watch porn *insert dramatic eye roll at society’s unrealistic expectations*.

Society’s stereotype of women being only a certain way – that way being their preconceived perception of “proper” – has hindered a woman’s freedom of expression. We feel that if we step outside of that ladylike image, people will view us as impure and undesirable.

4. A fear of judgment

“Oh my gosh! She watches porn? She must be promiscuous. Ew!” Believe it or not, this is the reaction from a lot of girls who find out that other girls watch porn. But really, they probably watch it too!

Not only are we fearful of judgment from other girls, but what about the men? If they find out we like to watch two strangers grinding their genitals together, most of their minds immediately start thinking that we must put out easily – a thought no girl wants any guy to be thinking of them. [Read: Easy lay – 18 things that girls do that make guys think a girl is easy to sleep with]

5. Privacy

Some women may not even care about what society thinks *just as no one should*. For them, it’s more about their own privacy.

What women do behind closed doors can stay behind closed doors if they so choose. They may just keep it to themselves because it’s like their own little guilty pleasure *literally*.

You don’t see every exhausted mother who purges on snickers bars she has hidden in her underwear drawer telling the world about it afterward, do you?

6. People may get the wrong impression

Most of the time, porn is associated with being perverted or sexually preoccupied. Once people know you watch porn, they think you do it every chance you get.

For men, this isn’t too much of a problem. After all, the porn industry revolves mostly around men, and them watching it is considered normal.

For women watching porn, however, it can make people think that she’s so in touch with her sexuality that she may border on sexual deviance. [Read: Female fantasies – The top 17 fantasies that arouse almost all women]

7. To keep sexual secrets a mystery

If a woman responds honestly to men’s questions about her porn habits, this gives the men an inside look into a world that we just think should be kept to ourselves or to our significant others.

Women like to keep their privates and what they do with their privates a secret from men. Men will then be more intrigued with a woman if they have to use their imagination.

8. Other women don’t admit to it either

Didn’t your Mamma ever ask you, “Well, if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you, too?” This is basically the same thing. Peer pressure, that is.

Nobody likes to feel like they’re really different. So if one woman says she doesn’t watch porn because “that’s gross,” or “it’s a guy thing,” then chances are, neither will the other.

This leads to a never-ending chain reaction of girls just hiding the truth about them viewing porn and watching other people having sex on screen.

9. It’s a personal thing you don’t tell everyone about

If you don’t know someone that well, there’s no way you’re going to admit to something that risqué. We don’t see men walking up to strangers and telling them who their favorite porn star is. Okay, maybe some.

Admitting it to some friends is one thing, but openly telling people about it in a casual conversation may seem like a poor attempt at seduction.

10. They can keep their nose out of your business!

Sometimes, there’s really no reason in particular. Watching strangers getting down and dirty for someone else’s viewing pleasure just isn’t something that other people need to know you do.

And that’s perfectly fine! Everyone has secrets, and some girls prefer to keep watching porn as one of theirs. [Read: Porn on Netflix – The naughtiest borderline adult movies worth a watch]

Embrace your naughty side!

Now you know that girls watch porn, girls just like you, it’s time to embrace your sexual side. Don’t be ashamed of enjoying watching pornstars getting down and dirty! Find a niche you enjoy and use it to explore your sexual side. 

Porn and masturbation go hand in hand, but maybe you’d like to try watching with a partner too?

[Read: Porn for couples – Why it might just save your relationship]

Yes, girls watch porn! The internet is filled with tons of porn that cater to every preference. There’s sure to be a pornographic video out there that will fulfill your needs!

The post Do Girls Watch Porn? 20 Reasons to Start & Why They Lie About Watching is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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