Saturday 9 April 2022

Secrets to Getting Girls: Feminine Interest Spectrum

Over the years there has been much discussion of indirect vs. direct game, going for women who are very interested in you vs. women who are only moderately interested in you vs. women who aren't at all interested in you, debates over which women are distractions and time wasters and which aren't, and related other topics.

Underlying all these discussions are various men's assumptions about the workings of feminine interest, alongside each man's preference for the type of feminine interest he pursues and the way he likes to pursue it.

By 'feminine interest', we mean:

  1. What a girl wants
  2. How much she wants it
  3. How directly and aggressively (vs. not) you can pursue that with her

Today I want to give you an easy way to think about feminine interest, that will help to resolve the various disputes between methods, and also give you a new and helpful way to think about the women you set your sights on.


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