Friday 27 May 2022

20 Sly Signs a Married Man Is In Love with You & Wants to Seduce You

For some guys, a wedding ring doesn’t mean much. Learn to spot the signs a married man is in love with you and move away from awkward situations. 

Signs a Married Man Is In Love with You

The fact that you’re reading this tells us that you’re flirting up a storm *either on purpose or without realizing it* with someone who is married. So, before you even go looking for the signs a married man is in love with you, here’s some advice you need to know. When it comes to married dudes, there’s really only one thing to say: stay away from them!

Yes, you like him, and he likes you, but he’s married. He has a wife, possibly even children; this just screams “mess.”

Of course, it’s a tough situation to be in, especially if you think he’s in love with you. Women are told time and time again by married men that he’s going to divorce his wife and leave his family for them.

But you know that hardly ever happens. And it’s not because they don’t want to be with you, they do, but they also don’t want to destroy their family.

See the dilemma they’re caught up in? But let’s not jump too far ahead. Right now, you need to figure out where his feelings are?

Is this just innocent flirting? Or is this something much more serious? Does he just want to sleep with you? Is he attracted to you? In other words, is a married man in love with you? [Read: Having an affair with a married man – My true experience]

Either way, the ball is in your court with how you choose to handle this situation. Yes, you can have an affair with him, but you need to remember that it won’t necessarily work out in your favor, and you will get hurt.

You also need to think about his wife and perhaps any children he may have. Sure, he’s the married one, but do you really want all of this on your mind?

The other option is to end the flirtatious behavior and communication, allowing yourself to find someone who’s actually available and open to fully love you. But first, let’s see what’s really going on. [Read: Affairs in a marriage and the big role of egos in it]

The most obvious signs a married man is in love with you

His eyes aren’t on his wife; they’re on you. Here are the most obvious signs a married man is in love with you, and wants you to fall in love with him.

1. You can feel it

When it comes to feelings, we’re humans created with instinct; you know when someone has feelings for you.

It’s in their eyes; it’s in the energy, it’s in the way they laugh or smile at you.

You just know there’s something more going on inside of them. Don’t doubt yourself or what your instinct is telling you. [Read: 18 emotional affair signs you probably haven’t noticed yet]

2. He spends his free time with you

He should be spending his free time with his wife and kids, but instead, he’s spending his free time with you. Now, this is a huge sign he has deeper feelings for you.

You’re single; you can spend your free time however you please. But for him, he has a family he should be spending time with, but he’s not.

3. He tries to be close to you

Some married men are more aggressive, while other married men are scared to make a move *as they should be*. So, they won’t necessarily make any physical contact, but they’ll try to get closer to you.

Whether it’s sitting close to you, standing next to you, or leaning over you, they will do whatever they can do close the gap. [Read: 12 clear signs he wants you to cheat with him – What you need to do]

4. He touches you

We’re not talking about highly sexually touching; for example, he grabs your ass. You would know right away what his intentions are.

What we’re talking about is subtle touching, for example, when he opens the door for you and places his hand on your lower back. He brushes the hair out of your face, rubs your shoulders.

This doesn’t necessarily mean love, but it means he’s sexually attracted to you. Now, if this touching isn’t with your consent, then that’s a problem. [Read: 15 super-obvious signs a man is sexually attracted to you]

5. He talks about his marriage with you

Not every married man will do this. Some prefer to pretend they’re not married at all. But others will use their marriage as a way to get closer to you.

Maybe he’s having problems in his marriage, and he chooses to discuss them with you. He’s not talking to you about his problems because he wants advice, he wants to show you that his marriage is on the rocks and he’s on his way out.

6. Where is his ring?

You know he’s a married man, but whenever you’re around him, there’s no evidence of his marriage. When you look at his hands, they’re bare, not a ring in sight. You know the old saying, “out of sight, out of mind.”

Not seeing his ring reduces his guilt, and he gives himself the impression that he’s single and available for you, even though he’s not. However, do remember that not all married men wear rings, so this is just one to keep in mind.

7. He makes excuses to talk to you

He will say whatever he has to say to get another five minutes alone with you. And it makes sense. If someone really likes you, they’ll try to spend as much time with you as possible.

Since he’s married, he can’t blatantly ask you out; he needs to create situations to spend time with you. [Read: Does he want a secret relationship with you?]

8. He’s a little too friendly with you

Maybe you work with him, and of course, it’s normal for people to have friendly working relationships with one another. But there’s a clear line between being friendly with your colleagues and being a little too friendly. Though he’s not taking a big step over the line, he’s crossing it very subtly.

9. He shows signs of jealousy

There’s no reason for him to be jealous if he’s just a co-worker or friend. Why would he be jealous? He has his own wife and family. But for him, he feels threatened by other guys who are near you, and sometimes behaves in a boyfriend manner.

One of the weirdest signs a married man is in love with you is when he tries to mark his territory. What he seems to forget is he has a partner already! [Read: 14 side chick rules to be a happy mistress minus the drama]

10. He goes out of his way for you

We don’t mean he holds the door open for you; he will take leaps and jumps to make you happy. He’ll go out at lunch and grab you lunch, even get you a coffee every morning.

Okay, yes, it’s nice to get a free coffee in the morning, but you know there’s something more behind it.

11. One of the signs a married man is in love with you is when he’s interested in your love life

Why would he care about your love life? What good is it for him if he knows who you’re dating? Who cares? The only reason why he would have any interest in your love life is if he sees himself as part of it.

One of the sneaky signs a married man is in love with you is when he wants to know if you’re single or dating someone, and the type of guys you’re into. [Read: The biggest signs you’re the side chick when you believe you’re his main girl]

12. He talks to you outside of “normal” hours

Maybe you know him because he’s a colleague or fellow student. And it’s normal for people to socialize during work hours, for example, but if he’s texting you late at night or during the weekends, he’s trying to create a closer relationship.

13. He buys you gifts

This one is pretty obvious. If a married man is buying you gifts, it’s clear he’s into you. Now, you can accept the gifts if you want, but you need to know by accepting those gifts, you’re playing into his game.

If you want to stay out of what will soon be a complete mess, don’t accept gifts from him. [Read: How to know if you’re being seduced – The subtle tricks of a seducer]

14. He tells you that his wife doesn’t understand him

This is a common line and it’s one you need to be aware of. If he’s telling you something like this, he’s basically opening up the way forward for you to be the one to understand him better.

Whether you like him back or not, when you hear something like this, you really need to give yourself a real reality check.

Do you want to be with someone who is talking about their wife this way? It’s very possible that his wife totally understands him, it’s just that his eyes are wandering towards you. [Read: What is cheating in a relationship? The truth most people ignore]

15. He makes comments like “If i were single”

He’s not telling you that he’s not going to make a move because he’s not single, he’s basically thinking about what it would be like to make that move.

He’s flirting with you, he’s making it clear he likes you and wants you *and the only thing stopping him is his wife* and he’s taking things a step too far.

The very fact that he’s starting to think about what it would be like not to be married means that he’s already emotionally cheating on his wife. [Read: 30 lusty signs he wants you back and is irresistibly attracted to you]

16. He’s always looking at you

When you look away, do you get the sense that his eyes are still on you? Do you regularly catch his eye? We automatically look at a person we have feelings for, whether it’s a subconscious thing or not.

If he’s always got his eyes on you and you often feel it, then that’s one of the main signs a married man is in love with you.

17. He tries to be a hero in your life

A married man shouldn’t be trying to act the hero in anyone’s life but his wife’s. However, if he’s going out of his way to be a hero in your life, that should raise big questions about his intentions.

He wants to help you, he wants to save you from bad situations and he basically wants you to see him as a knight in shining armor. This is a problem. [Read: What is peacocking? Why men instinctively indulge in peacocking]

18. He looks awkward when you mention his marriage

Some married men will be very open about their marriage, however if he looks awkward or even guilty when you mention it, it’s probably because he’s feeling that guilt somewhere in the back of his mind.

He wouldn’t be feeling guilty if he didn’t have anything to hide, right?

19. He has a certain expression on his face when he looks at you

You know the one – the doe-eyed, puppy dog look that all guys get when they’re falling for someone. On top of him making eye contact or looking at you an awful lot, this is one of the main signs a married man is in love with you because he can’t help the look he has on his face when he sees you.

20. He mirrors your body language a lot

We subconsciously mirror the body language of a person we like when we’re around them. If you find that he’s doing this, it’s a point in the ‘he likes you’ column.

If he leans in when he’s talking to you, if he leans against the wall when you lean against the wall, if his body points towards you when you’re talking, these are all things to look out for. [Read: Male body language – 48 subtle cues to instantly read his thoughts]

You’re noticing signs a married man is in love with you, so, what now?

Proceed with caution, that’s what!

The fact that this guy is married and flirting with you is a red flag in the first place. Do you really want to be with someone who is cheating on their wife? What makes you think he wouldn’t do the same to you at some point in the future? Do you really want your relationship to start in such a way?

He might tell you that he’s going to leave his wife, and he might mean it, but will he go through with it? And, how do you feel about it all?

If you have even the slightest doubt about any of what is happening, you need to chalk this one up to experience and walk away.

You deserve someone who is free to give you all of their love and attention, not someone who isn’t sure what they want.

[Read: The honest reality checks when you have an affair with a married man]

After reading these signs a married man is in love with you, remember that he is still a MARRIED man. Before making any moves, always keep that in mind, because the last thing you want is to be used, discarded and left with a broken heart.

The post 20 Sly Signs a Married Man Is In Love with You & Wants to Seduce You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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