Tuesday 31 May 2022

20 Sweet Ways to Make a Girl Feel Special, Loved & Lucky to Be With You

Being loving and thoughtful can bring a huge smile to a girl’s face! Learn here how to make a girl feel special and watch that smile grow.

how to make a girl feel special

If you’re lucky enough to have a wonderful lady in your life and want to keep her happy or want to know how to make a girl feel special, then keep reading!

It’s quite easy; you don’t need to lavish her with expensive presents or be a slave to anything she requests; you simply need to know how to make a girl feel genuinely special and appreciated!

How to make a girl feel special

Learning how to make a girl feel special isn’t that difficult when you break it down to its most crucial parts. You should tailor your efforts towards your girl’s interests.

For example, showing her she’s special might be as easy as listening to what she has to say or buying her some chocolates or flowers since she’s stressed out. It’s all in the details. They truly make all the difference.

[Read: Start with the small gestures if you want to make your girl feel special]

In this feature, we’ll show you all the sure-fire ways to make a girl feel special and bring a smile to the face of the important lady in your life!

1. Be present in the moment

Have you ever tried to talk to someone but they’re too preoccupied with their phone, or television to hear what you’re saying? It’s pretty frustrating, isn’t it?!

If your lady is trying to talk to you but you’re far too fixated on social media or sports scores, you’re essentially telling her that whatever she’s saying is boring and not worth your attention, which is one of the most common arguments couples have, not getting enough attention from the other partner!

So, when you are present in the moment: talking, listening, sharing, and showing her that she’s worth your attention, she will undoubtedly feel very special indeed.

[Read: How to love someone – your easy guide for better and deeper love]

2. Listen to her, and really listen

Anyone can pretend they’re listening. They can hear words and assume they know what the overall meaning is, but listening is so much more than that.

Watch her body language, listen to her words, tone of voice, speed of speech, facial expression, and hand gestures. These nonverbal cues really add up to the real picture.

She might be telling you everything is fine, but if she seems upset, read between the lines and tell her that it’s okay, and that she can talk to you. That will definitely make a girl feel more than a little special.

3. Give her heartfelt compliments

We’re not talking about telling her how hot she looks *though feel free to do that*, but rather sincere compliments. Think of anything she is passionate about and works hard for.

It may be that you appreciate how much she cares about something, that she is a terrific mother *if she has children or pets*, that you admire how motivated she is, or that you see how hard she works at her career or passions. These are the things that genuinely touch the heart.

However, be sure that you mean it. A girl can easily detect a phony compliment from a mile away! This is without a doubt one of the best ways to make a woman feel special. [Read: The best compliments for girls and the genuine lines she’s dying to hear from you]

4. Be tactile just because you want to be

Hugs and kisses, brushing her hair out of her eyes, and holding her hand are all ways to show her how important she is to you.

For example, If you hug your girl from behind and whisper something romantic like “I love you” or “you look beautiful,” she will tingle with delight because it will make her feel warm and protected.

But always show affection because you want to, not because you expect something intimate in return!

5. Send her surprise texts for the sake of it

Sending her a surprise text during the day is a great way to cheer her up, and it’s one of the best ways in terms of how to make a girl feel special.

It shows that she was on your mind and that will definitely make her smile. Let her know you’re thinking about her, and that you miss her.

This could be a good morning text, showing she’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up, or a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, telling her you miss her and you’re excited to see her later. [Read: The 25 sweetest romantic gestures for everyday life]

6. Focus on fulfilling her needs *but don’t forget your own*

Make sure that you fulfill her needs, e.g. the things she needs from you. That means time, attention, listening to her, showing her affection, etc.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to focus all your attention on her; you have to fulfill your own needs in the process, and let her know if yours aren’t being met. Otherwise, the relationship becomes very one-sided. [Read: Am I being taken for granted? 25 signs, how it starts, and how to fix it]

7. Suggest fun experiences to share together

Create some fun memories with her, and show you care. Come up with exciting things you can do together, but make sure you weave in her interests too.

For instance, if she loves horses, suggest you go on a horse riding trip together. If she loves the beach, surprise her with a day trip to the local resort. If she adores wildlife, book a weekend away somewhere in a beautiful cottage in the country.

Alternatively, come up with a date night. This could be one day every week or month, where you take it in turns to choose somewhere to go. It could be a restaurant, a cinema, an activity, or even a home-cooked meal. That’s a sure way to make a girl feel special! [Read: Couples bucket list – 32 ways to create exciting memories that last a lifetime]

8. Be honest with her

Girls always appreciate honesty. Sometimes it’s possible you don’t show her the full side of things. In that case, she’s going to become withdrawn, confused, and even anxious, because women tend to overthink situations.

Maybe you’re tired from work and maybe a little blunt with her. What you see as no problem could make her think you’re directing your frustration at her.

Women are natural caregivers and want to help you, whereas men tend to keep their emotional feelings to themselves, don’t be afraid to ask for advice or help from your girl, you don’t always have to battle things by yourself. Remember, you’re a team! [Read: How to open up to someone you’re dating when you feel scared]

9. Show her off to your nearest and dearest

If you really want to know how to make a girl feel special, make sure that you are proud to show her off. Don’t hide her away from those closest to you.

We’re not suggesting you take her to meet your parents after a few dates, but if you see a friend while you’re out and about together, introduce her and put your arm around her to show that you’re not worried about others seeing you as a romantic duo.

Perhaps you’re hanging out with your friends and girlfriend, don’t forget she’s there, and make sure to include her in conversations, and show how proud you are to be with her. Her feelings at that moment should be your priority.

10. Always be consistent

One of the advantages of being in a long-term relationship with someone is that you truly get to know each other. The disadvantage is that, after a while, the novelty fades off.

Imagine this, you like a girl, so you do everything you can to woo her with flattery, attention, and gifts. Finally, she’s yours. Wonderful, mission accomplished. Sound familiar?

The problem is, after a while, you don’t put in as much effort to maintain the connection, you stop the chase, and things fizzle out. Eventually, she has enough and leaves you to find someone else who truly appreciates her. You know the saying, “Treat her right or someone else will.”

You certainly don’t want that to happen to you. Therefore, just because the ‘honeymoon’ period is over doesn’t imply your relationship should be finished as well.

11. Accept her for the person she is and let her know

Never attempt to change your girl. She might be weird at times, but embrace it. She might be overly quirky, but that’s what makes her the person she is.

Accept her fully. Let her know why you love her for her weird eccentricities and the cute features she has in her personality. That will make her feel special, accepted, and safe in your relationship. [Read: How to make your girl feel incredibly happy and feel like the luckiest girl ever]

12. Show an interest in her day

Making a girl feel special can be as simple as paying attention to her and wanting to know how her day went. We ladies love to gossip, so let her rant about Karen at work being a cow or her friend who can’t resist falling back in love with her sleazy boyfriend.

Even if you don’t necessarily care, listen to her and engage with her about it. Chances are she’s doing the same thing when you talk about football scores.

13. Be vulnerable and honest about how you feel

Okay, so this one isn’t easy for everyone, but if you want to know how to make a girl feel special, it all boils down to being vulnerable around her and talking about what bothers you and how you feel.

If she tells you she doesn’t feel appreciated enough, instead of disregarding her feelings and telling her she’s overreacting, ask her what you can do to help the issue, as well as what she can do for you. Being able to express your emotions actually shows emotional maturity, which is seen as quite a sexy trait for men.

Many disagreements in relationships are the result of miscommunication, which may be prevented by having an open conversation in which both of your points of view are addressed and understood. [Read: What does it mean to be vulnerable – 13 ways you can open up]

14. Small gifts, just because

If you see a cute keyring you know she’ll like or her favorite chocolate, buy it for her and surprise her.

Gifts don’t have to be huge and expensive to be special; just anything that shows you thought about her while linking in with what she likes and what reminds you of her. That will put a smile on her face, for sure. This will make any girl feel special! [Read: 19 gift ideas for your girlfriend that are creative and thoughtful]

15. Never go to sleep angry

Don’t let the day go by without resolving your issue. Instead, continue, until both parties have had enough and agree that the fight is over, then drop the subject.

If you want to keep your connection with her, you must learn to forgive each other, and avoid the blame game.

16. Giving each other space

When two porcupines are attempting to stay warm, they will move closer together. However, if they approach too near, their spines will poke each other.

In human relationships, the same thing happens: we seek intimacy but also separation, this is a little harder if you live with each other. The trick is to find that sweet spot where we feel the love that comes with being in a relationship but also leave each partner enough space so that neither feels pricked by the other’s emotions.

A girl sometimes needs a night out with her pals. Allowing her time to spend with others shows her that you don’t feel the need to hog her time.

However, if you want to make your girl feel special, it is a good idea to send her a brief text message urging her to have fun, but leave it at that, don’t bombard her with texts and calls!

If she is going to a bar with friends and will be drinking, you can offer her and her pals a sober ride home. Making certain she arrives home safely will demonstrate to her how valuable she is to you, plus her friends will appreciate it, and it’s very important to be in her friends’ good books! Seeing your girl’s beautiful smile after being apart for a little bit will be all worth it. [Read: 15 ways to give space in a relationship and feel closer than ever before]

17. Recognise that all relationships have their ups and downs

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. You can’t expect to be happy all of the time, and you shouldn’t expect your relationship to be at an all-time high either.

When you make a long-term commitment to someone, you must be prepared to experience the highs and lows with them. The important thing is what you do in those situations and how you get through them.

18. Be chivalrous

Acts of chivalry are actions you do to indicate that you put someone else’s needs ahead of your own. For instance, pulling out a chair for a lady to sit in or opening the door for her. First date etiquette at its most basic.

But, if you want to make your girl feel special, and keep her happy, remember to be a gentleman, and not forget your manners. 

Simple things like offering your jacket when she’s cold. Walking on the outside of the sidewalk when it’s raining so she doesn’t get splashed by cars. Remembering special days and anniversaries. Or bringing her coffee or tea in the morning. [Read: What is chivalry? The real meaning, the Knights code, and modern men]

19. Keep her updated

If you’re out with your friends, it’s greatly appreciated if you keep your lady updated on where you’re going and what time you reckon you’ll be home. But let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to be home at that time, and if so, let her know if you’re going to be late.

You don’t need to let her know your every move, but a little heads up on things never goes amiss. You can always update her on how your day is going too, after you’ve asked her how hers is going! [Read: Do you have an insecure girlfriend? 30 signs and ways to help her trust you]

20. Non-sexual favors

You can always offer to help her with any tasks she needs help with. Better yet, surprise her!

Things like cleaning the house for her, cooking a delicious meal, doing her errands, or going shopping. Take the load off her busy schedule to help out with something she’d really appreciate!

[Read: How to show your appreciation to someone you love]

As you can see, learning how to make a girl feel special isn’t actually that difficult. It simply means being there, making her a priority, listening, and showing her that you’re proud to be with her. We wish you the best of luck!

The post 20 Sweet Ways to Make a Girl Feel Special, Loved & Lucky to Be With You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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