Monday 16 May 2022

28 Signs He Wants to Make a Move & Is Getting Ready to Ask You Out

You think this guy likes you, but he hasn’t asked you out. So, you probably want to know the signs he wants to make a move on you. Here are the answers.

Signs He Wants to Make a Move on You and is getting ready to ask you out

When it comes to guys, they can be a wee bit confusing. But let’s be honest with ourselves—they’re not that complicated. Rather, we make the situation dramatic and complicated. In reality, we’re not paying attention to the real signs he wants to make a move and ask you out.

You know, the signs that will give you the answer. And that’s partly because most of the time, we don’t want to know the actual answer. Why? Because what if it’s not the answer we were looking for?

But isn’t it better to know where you stand with a guy, so you stop wasting your time? The answer is yes. Even though you’re probably cringing a bit; you deserve the truth. [Read: How to get your crush to like you back]

How to tell the signs he wants to make a move

If you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to figure out what’s going on with him, you can give your head a rest.

If a guy wants to make a move and is getting ready to ask you out, he’ll let you know! He may not tell it to your face, but you’ll be able to figure out by his actions whether he’s interested in you or not.

Once you figure out if he wants to make a move, you decide on the next step. Knowing the truth puts the power in your hands, and now you have the time to decide if this is something you want or not. So, let’s get started and show you the signs he wants to make a move.

Be two steps ahead.

1. You’re feeling the vibes

You have this thing called intuition, listen to it. If you feel there’s some sexual tension between you, there probably is.

Now, it doesn’t mean he’s going to make a move, but it does show that he wants you. And, as we all know, that’s a pretty good first step. If you’re feeling the vibes, listen to them. [Read: These signs of chemistry reveal an instant connection]

2. His body language

When it comes to signs, there’s nothing more obvious than body language. Our body language speaks the words we’re too scared to say out loud.

If he wants to make the first move, he’s going to let you know he wants you subconsciously. Whether it’s through hugging, touching, or even eye contact.

3. He can’t look you in the eyes

He wants to look you in the eyes, but when he does, he quickly looks away. Now, if you never speak and he’s doing this, then he’s not interested.

If you have a good relationship, but he’s nervous to look at you, then he’s trying to calm himself around you. [Read: How to read people and understand what they’re thinking instantly]

4. He’s nervous

What other reason is there to be nervous other than concealing his feelings for you. If he’s nervous around you, stuttering, sweating, those are signs he’s into you.

More so, those are signs he wants to make a move and ask you out but is terrified of doing it. If you want to take the relationship to the next level, then why don’t you make the first move? [Read: How to ask a guy on a date – The walkthrough all girls need to know]

5. He’s always there

When you need him, he’s there. There’s no question about it. A man who doesn’t care about you is unreliable; you’ll never be able to depend on him. But he’s someone you can depend on. He wants you to see that he’s a good partner for you.

6. His friends tease him

When you hang out together, his friends are all over it. They love taking the opportunity to tease him around you.

They know he likes you, but he’s scared to make a move. As friends, teasing him is their way of pushing him to make a move.

7. He’s hyper around you

When you hang out, it’s like he has a sudden burst of energy. And that’s because he’s into you. He can’t even control his excitement.

When you spend time together, he’s full of fun ideas and plans. Maybe one of those plans will end with a kiss… who knows. [Read: How to get a guy to kiss you when you want him to]

8. He’s chatty online

In-person, he’s a nervous wreck, but when you talk online, he’s very chatty. The true him comes out when he feels comfortable. He sends you hilarious memes, and songs, and can have deep conversations with you. He’s just a little nervous in-person to relax and be himself. 

9. His face shines bright when he sees you

This is a great sign that he wants to make a move. When he turns the corner and sees you, his face goes from flat to a full smile.

What can we say? The guy likes you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t even spend the time to look at you. You make him smile, and all he’s thinking is how he can take the relationship to the next step. [Read: How to tell if your crush likes you with these subtle cues]

10. He tries to please you

When you’re feeling down, he’ll go out of his way to buy you ice cream or tell you a funny joke to see you laugh.

He wants to make you happy, and he goes out of his way to do it. That’s the sign of a man who wants something more than just friendship.

11. He pays attention to you

When you’re talking to him, he listens. But really he listens. He’s not on his phone, saying “yeah, yeah,” whenever you ask him a question. Instead, he’s engaged and interested in what you have to say. That’s because he likes you.

12. He flirts with you

Now, this is a big one. Some guys are nervous to flirt with the girl they like, but eventually, it’ll happen.

Flirting is the next step, and he wants you to see that he’s into you. If you flirt with each other, he wants to make a move. [Read: How guys flirt – 15 subtle things guys do when they like a girl]

13. He talks about you with other people

Word around the street is that he talks about you with other people. Of course, he only talks about the good things, and that’s because he’s into you. He can’t even keep his feelings to himself; he needs to share them with anyone who will listen.

14. He makes jokes about the future

No one is going to talk about the future unless they want a future with that person. If he’s cracking jokes about being your boyfriend or doing things in the future, don’t take it lightly.

Those jokes mean something to him on some level. Now, it doesn’t mean he’s going to ask for your hand in marriage, but he is into you. [Read: 30 subtle, obvious, and really sexy flirting tips all women should know]

15. He tries to impress you

When you’re around, he talks himself up. He wants you to see that he’s a real man; a man you can depend on.

16. He makes excuses to see you but doesn’t ask you out

This one might sound counterintuitive, because if he wants to see you so badly, why wouldn’t he ask you out?

Well, he might be nervous or scared that you will turn him down. So, he thinks that if he invents reasons to hang out with you, he can still see you without risking rejection.

17. He dresses up around you

If you notice that he has changed his fashion quite a bit, then he is trying to get you to notice. He wants to look his best around you. Maybe he even wears some cologne hoping that you’ll find him irresistible.

If he’s looking extra good when he’s around you but doesn’t put in the same effort when he’s with other people, that’s a good sign he wants to make a move. [Read: Does he like me? 23 signs to see just how smitten he is right now]

18. He makes you a priority

Everyone has a busy life with a lot of things going on. But if you find that whenever you want to talk to him or see him, he’s always available for you. You feel like a top priority and that he will probably drop anything he has to in order to see you.

19. He knows your schedule

If you’ve been talking and hanging out for a while, he will have probably caught on to your schedule. He knows what hours you work or go to school and other important things in your life. It’s like he’s trying to figure out when he can fit himself into your busy life.

20. He asks what you like in a guy

This is a really great sign he wants to make a move. He will probably start conversations with you asking what you are looking for in a guy. The reason he does this is to feel you out and see if he measures up to what you desire in a man.

By doing this, it is a lot less risky for him. If you describe someone completely different from him, then he knows he might not stand a chance with you. [Read: Does my guy friend like me? 25 signs he’s crushing on you]

21. He is curious about your exes

Similar to asking what you like in a guy, he also might ask you about your ex-boyfriends.

He will ask what you liked and disliked about them. And also what went wrong or broke you up. Again, it’s his attempt to assess whether or not you think that he could be one of your future boyfriends.

22. He compliments you a lot

Obviously, if he likes you, he will compliment you on a regular basis. It could be generic like, “Oh, you’re just so cute and adorable!” or a little more specific like “You are the smartest person I know” and “You’re so hot!”

23. He listens to you carefully

A lot of people are bad listeners, but not him. When you speak, he is on pins and needles and hangs on your every word.

He gives you good eye contact, paraphrases everything you say, and lets you know that you have his full attention. [Read: What does babe mean when it comes from someone you like?]

24. He remembers everything you tell him

Because he’s listening to you so intently, he also remembers everything you say. Whether it’s the fact that your grandpa taught you how to play the piano or that your favorite food is pizza, he knows it all. That’s because it’s one of the important signs he wants to make a move.

25. He texts you a lot

It’s not surprising that someone who texts you a lot is thinking about you and wants to talk to you. So, if he wasn’t interested in you, he wouldn’t do that. He would find something else to do with his time. When he texts you, he is building up the courage to ask you out, but he wants you to know him better first.

26. He teases you

You know that old saying that when a boy likes you he’ll be mean to you or tease you? Well, it’s pretty much true. It’s his attempt at humor and flirting all wrapped up into one.

So if you find that he’s saying things like “You’re the clumsiest person I know!” he’s just doing it to show his affection for you. [Read: 15 Flirty ways to tease a guy and make him realize he really likes you]

27. He initiates things

If he is always taking the lead, then that means he wants to lead you somewhere – like on a date! Whether it’s that he usually texts you first or that he is the one who suggests hanging out and doing something together, he initiates because enjoys talking to you and wants to be with you.

28. He makes excuses to reach out to you

You might even have a suspicion that every time he reaches out or texts you that he might have made up a reason.

For example, if he asks you what the weather is going to be tomorrow because he wants to go hiking, he just wants to talk to you. Because he could just check the weather app, right?

[Read: The signs he likes you but is afraid of rejection]

If you want to know what’s going on in his head, read the signs he wants to make a move. Though you can’t read his mind, you’ll be able to figure out your next step and find out if he’s getting ready to make a move on you!

The post 28 Signs He Wants to Make a Move & Is Getting Ready to Ask You Out is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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