Tuesday 3 May 2022

Seductive Women: 20 Ways They Draw You In with Charm & Sensuality

Seductive women are powerful, alluring, and confident. What makes them so special, and why do they always get what they want?

seductive women

Do you know the type of woman who always seems to get what she wants? She’s more than likely the seductive type who just has a way of making everyone follow in her footsteps and do just what she wants. This is done with seemingly no effort at all. Seductive women know just what they want, how to get it, and they don’t let anyone get in their way.

It’s no wonder many people strive to be like them and learn the secrets of their craft. [Read: How to be seductive – 15 secrets to turn anyone on]

What it takes to be seductive

Being seductive isn’t something you can do one way and it’ll please everyone. The secret to being seductive is being able to change your behavior in order to be what someone else desires. You have to be a chameleon and do it without looking like you’re even trying.

That being said, it’s not as easy as it sounds. There are certain women who are just born knowing how to do this and get what they want, and then there are other women who have to work at it for a long time before they’re able to master the art of seduction.  [Read: How to be a seductress without being obvious]

Can you learn how to be a seductive temptress yourself? Yes, of course, but don’t expect it to happen overnight.

This is a trial and error kind of deal that takes practice and the ability to read another person well. Seductive women can read body language and take on hunches that come their way. This enables them to know what the other person wants, helping them to change their approach accordingly.

It sounds a little deceptive in theory, doesn’t it? However, in practice, it’s extremely subtle, yet very alluring.

Reasons why seductive women always get their way

Many of us sit and ogle at the women who are always getting whatever they want whenever they want it. Most of the time, these seductive women don’t even look like they’re trying. [Read: The art of seduction: 25 seductive ways to smolder and ooze sex appeal]

The truth is, they’re actually doing many things that help them on their way to achieving whatever it is they set their minds to. Seduction is just one among many techniques they use in order to make sure they get their way. Here are the main reasons seductive women always get what they want.

1. They’re well informed

Just because a woman is seductive doesn’t mean she’s not intelligent. All those types of women are very well-informed when it comes to their “target,” AKA the person they want to schmooze.

Knowing as much information as possible helps them manipulate their behavior in a seductive way in order to get what they want. Don’t make the mistake of thinking these girls don’t know their stuff. [Read: The smart and sexy girl –  15 reasons why she’s the perfect catch]

2. They have unshakable confidence

You’d be surprised just how much confidence can help you get whatever the hell you want. If you walk into the room knowing exactly what you want, people are likely to give you just that. Any woman who’s seductive is always very confident.

3. They don’t give up

Seductive women aren’t quitters. They try and try and try until they finally get what they want – within reason, of course.

They don’t give up on something they really want and are truly passionate about getting, because people get tired of saying no and eventually will say yes. [Read: How to keep a guy interested in 30 super sexy ways]

4. They make it appear beneficial to all parties

That’s just the way seduction works. It’s basically making something sound beneficial and pleasing to all parties involved – no matter what it is.

Seductive women have a way of making something terrible sound great to someone. This type of manipulation is their strongest suit, and it will make anyone want to do anything for them. That’s why they always get their way.

5. They utilize their strengths

Everyone has a set of strengths and weaknesses. Seductive women just so happen to know how to use those strengths and hide those weaknesses better than many other people.

If she’s witty, she’ll make sure to engage in banter with someone. If she’s smart, she’ll start talking a person’s ear off about something impressive. [Read: 15 posh signs of a high maintenance women that just can’t be missed]

6. They spot and exploit weaknesses

Seductive women are also very good at pinpointing someone else’s weaknesses. It’s like a sense they have, and they can just tell what your insecurities are and they will go after them.

Not in an obvious way, but in a way that makes you feel self-conscious and willing to agree to something just to build that self-esteem back up.

7. They always sound sure of themselves

You’ll never bump into a seductive woman and think that she’s a little shy and unsure. These women always sound sure of themselves, even if they’re a little wary.

Why? Because sounding like you know what you want will usually get you exactly what you want. 

8. They push the envelope

Seductive women are a little bit of daredevils. They like to push the envelope and break the rules. This is very alluring to outside parties and makes them seem a little dangerous and mysterious.

People want to get in on the action and therefore, will do things for a seductive woman they normally might not do.

9. They don’t let rejection stop them

Rejection? Psshh. It’s all part of the game. Seductive women know that one rejection is just another step toward success.

They don’t get discouraged when someone tells them no, and they don’t let it hold them back from trying again. They’ll keep going until they get what they want, and that alone is enough to ensure they always get their way. [Read: 30 subtle, obvious, and really sexy flirty tips for girls]

10. They forget the past

No matter what the past of a seductive woman looks like, they don’t even think about it. They could’ve had a terrible upbringing, been through some of the worst stuff you could think of, but they’ll never even for a second let that get in their way. They forget about the past and push forward.

11. They know how to choose the best timing

Timing can be a big reason seductive women always get their way. If you ask for something at the wrong time, it can hinder your ability to ever get it.

These types of women know how to work timing in their favor and will make sure to never go for something during the wrong time. 

12. They’re very independent

Seductive women get shit done by themselves and they know they don’t need anyone to help them do things. That doesn’t mean they don’t want someone else’s help, though.

Being outwardly independent and then asking for someone’s help will make them feel special and like they’re unique to you.

13. They’re opinionated

They have opinions that they want to be heard, that’s for sure. An opinionated person may seem like a negative personality characteristic, but in the case of seductive women, they make sure to use it to their advantage and be opinionated on only the right topics. [Read: How to be classy – 20 traits that commas awe and respect]

14. They know how to make people laugh

Laughter is something that bonds people together. It makes people like you, and when people like you, they tend to want to do things to help you. AKA, they’ll do something you want. This is definitely a reason seductive women always get their way.

15. They know how to mix business with pleasure

This is obviously a fine line. However, seductive women know how to walk this line and even flirt with it a little bit. They’ll make business seem pleasurable to others, and that helps them get whatever they want.

16. They’re masters of communication

Seductive women know how to tailor their communication style according to the person they’re speaking to. They can appear extremely intelligent when they need to be *because they genuinely are* and they can seem ditzy and girlish if the situation calls for it.

Being able to switch up their communication style keeps others on their toes. [Read: Feminine wiles – All the ways to unleash your inner vixen and hook any man]

17. They can read you like a book

Being seductive is a little like manipulation in some ways. To do that, you need to be able to read other people using their body language, tone, non-verbal cues, and everything else they send your way without realizing it.

It’s a very difficult craft to master but seductive women have it down-pat.

18. They do their homework

If this type of woman wants something, they do their homework to find out how to get it. They read up, they learn, and they use that new-found knowledge to dazzle those around them. As a result, they get what they want every single time.

19. They understand that looking good gives you power

Don’t be fooled into thinking that beyond that polished appearance lies nothing of substance. This is a woman who is not to be messed with.

However, she also knows that looking good gives her extreme power. You’ll never catch a seductive woman ever looking less than her best. [Read: How to look fabulous and appealing when trying to get attention]

20. They don’t take crap from anyone

Manipulating or upsetting a seductive woman isn’t an easy task. This is a woman who isn’t going to take mistreatment from anyone.

Upset her and she’ll erase you from her life in an instant. She has the policy that if you’re not going to treat her right, there are many more who will.

[Read: How to keep any guy interested – 30 effortlessly easy and sexy ways]

It may seem like seductive women know all of these special tricks, but in reality, they’re not such big secrets. The reasons seductive women always get their way can be utilized by just about anyone, as long as they know how to use it right!

The post Seductive Women: 20 Ways They Draw You In with Charm & Sensuality is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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