Wednesday 8 June 2022

How to Look Hot: 24 Sexy Tips to Go from Boring to Irresistibly Desirable!

If you want to know how to look hot, you can do it. You might have to put in some effort to transform yourself, but here are all the tips you need.

how to look hot

Understanding how to look hot has more to do with how you feel within, and how you present yourself than throwing on a crop top and booty shorts. It’s not about wearing the sexiest clothes, and twirling your hair, unlike what they try to convince you about in the movies!

But before we talk about how to look hot, let’s talk about why it’s important.

Why it’s important to look good and feel hot

Sadly, looks do matter in a lot of different situations in life. Someone’s appearance shouldn’t matter as much as it does, but nonetheless, it’s just a fact of life. But on the positive side, if you look good, you feel good too! 

Almost everyone wants to look their best. And physical appearance does affect your overall personality and outlook on life. Some people were just born lucky and are naturally beautiful or handsome. And these people tend to have an edge over other people when it comes to life.

In order to know how important looks are, you need to look no further than the plastic surgery industry. People spend millions of dollars every year to look better.

Whether it’s healthy or not, they do undergo surgery, go to the salon, or do other treatments to improve their physical appearance. But why? What are the reasons someone should look good? [Read: How to dress sexy – 29 subtle and classy ways to make them lust for you]

1. To impress people 

Well, this is not the best reason to want to look hot. That’s because you should want to impress yourself first, and others second.

But let’s face it – it doesn’t hurt when people are impressed by you. They admire you and give you more attention that way. But make sure you are getting the right kind of attention – not the wrong kind.

2. To have an edge in the workplace

Sadly, looks do matter even in the workplace. Studies have shown that more attractive people get hired more often than less attractive people.

It’s not fair – of course not. But it will give you an advantage when it comes to getting hired and climbing the corporate ladder.

3. To feel good

This is the best reason of all, don’t you think? Who doesn’t want to feel good? Everyone does! And when you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you have better self-esteem and love yourself more.

That’s the whole point of looking hot and being attractive – self-love. [Read: How to be yourself – 26 steps to unfake your life and love being you]

4. To attract people

If you’re looking for a romantic partner, it definitely helps to look your best. If you’re competing with other people on dating apps, the ones who are most attractive will get the most attention from potential suitors.

So, if you’re in the dating market and want to attract as many options as possible, then it makes sense to look the best you possibly can. [Read: How to write a dating profile – 18 tips to stand apart from the rest]

5. To help with relationships

Looks don’t just matter when you’re trying to attract a potential romantic partner. They also matter when you are in a relationship, regardless of how long you’ve been together.

Let’s face it – no one wants their partner to let themselves go and become unattractive, do they? Of course not! So learning how to look hot and keeping yourself in the best shape possible is crucial to happiness in a relationship.

6. To boost your self-esteem

At the end of the day, looking good and feeling hot is just part of feeling good about yourself in general. It’s hard to look in the mirror when you don’t like the reflection staring back at you.

When that happens, you get into a negative mindset which makes you unhappy. So, when you look your best, you will feel a lot better about yourself.

[Read: How to look sexy, feel sexy, and be sexy without ever trying too hard!]

How to look hot: 18 easy ways that’ll take you from boring to stare-worthy

A lot of people completely missed the memo about looking hot when they were in school, and most are still learning to this day.

Many thought it would just involve taking a shower, but apparently, there’s more to it than that. So, here are all the helpful tips for getting you looking your hottest.

1. You gotta feel it within

This is something you can never ignore. Before you can show people that you’re hot, you need to show them that you love yourself.

It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing or what you do, people can read through that easily. You need to first and foremost work on self-respect and self-confidence.

Then, everything else will fall into place. If you don’t think you’re worthy, then nobody else will. That’s the best advice for how to look hot. [Read: Tips to fall in love with yourself to be a better YOU]

2. Don’t be stingy on compliments

People who are self-confident usually don’t have a problem complimenting others. Why? They’re not jealous – they’re happy that you’re looking great and feeling good because they’re feeling and looking good.

Okay, think of it like this – when you’re feeling down and someone shows up in front of you saying how great they feel, you’re probably jealous, which is a normal reaction. You want to feel how that person feels. So instead of mumbling in anger to yourself in jealously, if someone is looking good, tell them. [Read: 250+ warm and nice things to say to people and make them really happy]

3. Learn how to flirt

If you want to figure out how to look hot, you’ll need to know this. Flirting is a conversation with a sexual connotation to it. But to do it well is a whole other story.

If you think you’re one of those people who just don’t know how to flirt, don’t worry about it! We have a full guide on how to make guys flirt with you, even if you don’t flirt with them at all! Just check it out, and you’ll be a flirting superstar in no time! Lock this art down, you can do anything – How to flirt with a guy subtly without really flirting at all!

4. Do you

People who are confident are oozing hotness because they usually don’t care what you think of them. Okay, they do to an extent. But overall, they’re focusing mainly on themselves.

Nothing is hotter than seeing someone do exactly what they want to do regardless of what other people think. Unless it’s drugs… then that’s a whole other story.

But seriously, watching someone fight for their dreams is damn sexy. So, keep climbing to the mountain top. [Read: How to be a strong independent woman that men love]

5. Take time for yourself

If you want to know how to look hot, you’ll need to take some time out of your day to dedicate just to yourself. Wash your hair, shave your legs, tweeze your eyebrows, read a book – whatever it is that you need to do, do it.

Take that time to focus on yourself. This isn’t for the other people, this is for you.

You’re taking care of yourself because you have self-worth, and you take pride in your appearance. [Read: 14 secrets that can boost your self-worth instantly]

6. Pop those supplements

Have you had an omega-3 supplement? Your skin will glow. Vitamins and minerals are essential for our bodies, so if you feel that you’re lacking in vitamin D, go get a supplement. Your skin, hair, and nails will thank you.

7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

If you want to look hot and have a clear and radiant glow, aside from your supplement intake, you’ll need to drink water. Plenty of water. Okay, you may say that drinking water is lame and unsatisfying. You want that sugary coke, but don’t do it.

Just squeeze some lemon into your water bottle and you’ll add some sweet tanginess to your water. The point is, just drink it. [Read: 22 honest secrets to look good naked and feel great without any clothes]

8. Get that bed rockin’

Have sex. Have a lot of sex whenever you can. Sex is, first of all, a lot of fun. But secondly, it releases hormones in your body that make you feel good. Plus, you’re in a bed with another naked person, need we say more?

9. Test out different looks

If you’re used to wearing a paper bag dress, well, congratulations. But we should inform you that we now have this material called cotton – it’s amazing stuff. Don’t be scared to test out different styles of clothes.

Of course, you like your comfort zone and that’s all fine and dandy. But maybe you could try on that leather jacket you’ve been eyeing or that dress with the plunging neckline. Who knows, maybe it’ll really suit you. But you won’t know until you try it on. [Read: 18 ways to look pretty and sweet and catch his eye]

10. Meditate

Looking hot doesn’t just mean layering on some makeup, it comes from within.

So, take some time out of the day to just breathe in and out, removing any stress or distractions from your mind. It’s definitely a challenge, but it’ll help you to refocus your energy and attention on more important things. [Read: How to find happiness without yourself and manifest a better tomorrow]

11. Moisturize

Yeah, you probably don’t moisturize every day. If you’re not doing it already, wouldn’t you want soft skin that feels like a baby’s bum? Of course, you do!

It takes literally two minutes to do and when you get older, you won’t have that turkey neck going on. See? Win-win for everyone!

12. Take care of your body

If your eyes are throbbing because you haven’t slept in two days, well, first, that’s not a hot look. And second, your body is telling you it’s dying. You need to listen to your body.

You won’t be looking hot if you’re fighting your body and refusing to sleep 8 hours a day or eat a proper meal. Your body knows you better than you know it. So, listen to it. And get those 8 hours of sleep. Have you ever wondered about where those dark eye bags come from? Yup, yup, yup. [Read: Physical attraction tips to look way hotter]

13. Keep a positive attitude

Hot people are not only confident people, but they’re positive people. If you’re in a good mood, you’ll attract people who are positive. People like happy people.

It’s not rocket science, it’s just common sense. Everyone typically runs from Debbie Downers, so why would you want to be one? [Read: The uncomplicated secrets and full guide to a really happy life]

14. Eat clean

Hot people take care of themselves. Sure, they may have a Big Mac every now and then, but they’re not chugging down a liter of Pepsi every day.

They’re eating their fruits and vegetables and making sure they get their protein. Hot people glow, and that comes from three things: healthy eating, water, and taking care of their mind and body.

15. Don’t cake it up

Do not make the mistake of letting your face look like a clown or a decorative birthday cake. Of course, both are fine, but there’s Halloween for that. If you’re confident in yourself and feel that you look hot, you will wear makeup. But won’t have the desire to layer it on.

If you’re unsure of how to look hot by wearing makeup, watch some Youtube tutorials, or go to Sephora and have them help you out. If you don’t, you’ll feel the wrath of looking at your photos on Facebook five years from now, cringing. [Read: 25 things guys find really sexy and attractive about a girl]

16. Accept your body

Your body is your body. Sure, you can go to the gym to tone and shape it, but for the most part, what you have is what you have. So, if you want to change your look, the first thing you need to do is accept your body and understand what works for you and what doesn’t. [Read: 27 subtle ways to be more graceful and elegant with your body and behavior]

17. Clean out your closet

If you want to change your style while figuring out how to look hot, clean out your closet. Just get rid of everything that made you feel frumpy and unsexy.

You don’t need those clothes. If you want to look hot, then wear clothes that make you feel worthy and sexy.

Don’t try to go for a look that doesn’t suit you. Looking hot and eye-catchy isn’t about dressing for trends, it’s about wearing what makes you feel great about yourself! [Read: How to look rich – 40 ways to dress like you’re rolling in cash]

18. Know what confidence isn’t

People think that being confident means being the loudest one in the room or the bitchiest. It’s really not about any of those things.

It’s about accepting and loving yourself. Then you’ll look hot no matter what. Ultimately, that is the most important thing you need to know – ever.

[Read: How to look beautiful and oh-so-hot in 15 easy steps!]

Learning how to be hot is more about within, than what it is on the outside. It’s about yourself, more than fitting in for someone else. If you want to be the hottest person in the room, learn who you are, fall in love with you, and ooze sex appeal from within. That’s how to look hot in a way no one else can be!

The post How to Look Hot: 24 Sexy Tips to Go from Boring to Irresistibly Desirable! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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