Wednesday 15 June 2022

When a Guy Stops Texting You Every Day: Why & What You NEED to Do

It sucks to talk to a guy every day, only for him to suddenly stop texting you. When it happens, here are all the things you should do.

when a guy stops texting you every day

He was all in from the start, then the guy suddenly stops texting you? Well, when a guy is just getting to know you, he’s on his best behavior.

He’ll put on his best outfit on the first date, probably wear perfume for the first time in weeks, and comb his hair for the first time in months! Maybe he’ll do anything to be the guy he thinks you want.

He’ll be really consistent with texting. You’d get good morning texts, goodnight texts, or ‘how was your day’ texts. He might even tell you he misses you or he texts you randomly throughout the day to ask how you are. You might even expect the texts to come at a certain time every day.

[Read: The pissed off girl’s guide to deal with a guy who isn’t texting you back]

The talking stage is full of giddy smiles, laughing, and butterflies in the stomach. He’s lavishing attention on you, and you can’t help but feel like the chosen one. But then it stops!

What should you do?

What to do when a guy stops texting you every day and why he does this

Now you’re waiting by the phone and flinching at every notification only to get disheartened when it’s not from him. Questions start pounding your head. Is it you? Is it him? Has he found someone else?

Calm down! It’s probably not as bad as you think. In fact, he could just be feeling a little like he’s doing all the hard work or he’s going through something that he cannot share. [Read: 31 sad signs he’s starting to get bored and slowly losing interest in you]

Here are almost all the reasons why a guy would suddenly stop texting you every day and what you should do about it.

1. He feels like he’s doing all the work

Go back and check all of your past conversations. Was it always him who started the conversation? Was it always him asking you questions and you barely asking anything about him?

It’s great to receive attention from the one you like. But you have to give it back. Nobody wants to feel like they’re the only one who cares in a relationship, so this could be the reason he decided to stop making an effort.

Perhaps you got so used to his texts that you don’t feel like you need to do any of the work. [Read: Are you taking him for granted? The checklist to know for sure]

Sure, most guys like to do the chasing, but it’s nice to be chased occasionally too! So, if you’re pretty sure this is why this guy disappeared suddenly and stopped texting, send him a quick text, but make it fun and flirty. How about a funny meme you’ve seen or a cheeky ‘miss you’?

[Read: 30 flirty text messages to leave a guy craving more]

2. He’s testing you

He’s checking to see whether you like him as much as he likes you, or he’s checking to see whether his flirty routine has been working or not. He could leave it quiet for a few days, then start with the constant texting again. If you don’t reply, he’ll assume you’re not interested.

Most guys don’t like it when someone they’ve been texting suddenly stops texting back, just as much as you don’t. But, in some ways, it’s a game for him. [Read: Does he want YOU to chase him now? How to know for sure]

This guy will stop texting first for a while. Now, you’ll have to do it. He’ll probably be quite normal *or even warm and affectionate* when he replies. But he’s not lavishing you with the attention you got used to before. You’ll be confused, that’s for sure.

Be careful here. One wrong move, and you may be trapped in a pretty uneven relationship. [Read: 22 early warning signs of a potential bad boyfriend]

3. He’s love-bombing you

While this is very common, it’s not always harmless. He’s trying to power play by love-bombing you. He wants you to be the one waiting for him to text, to be hanging off his every word. That’s not where you should be, and certainly not what a relationship is about.

When a guy starts off strong and consistent and then stops texting you every day, you’ll fall right into his trap and start sending texts first and more often.

What you should do instead is play it cool and match his energy. This will confuse him and make him the victim of his own game. Narcissists go crazy when they’re not getting what they want.

Remember that relationships are two-way things. And it shouldn’t be that one person has more control than the other. Sure, it happens, but it’s not something you should invite into a relationship, especially when you’re at this fun and flirty stage. The relationship hasn’t even been established yet!

[Read: 21 ways to stop being manipulated and used by someone you love and trust]

4. He’s not interested anymore

“But he was obsessed with me before?”

Well, this is because for some people, the more they get to know someone, the less they’re interested and invested!

Why? Because when you first meet someone, it’s their looks that draw you in. Then how your relationship develops depends on whether you two are compatible with one another.

Don’t take this to heart. One guy not being interested in you doesn’t change the fact that you’re still an amazing person. There is plenty of fish in the sea, so you’ll find the perfect one eventually.

Instead of communicating with you about why you two aren’t a match anymore, this guy chooses to stop texting you to avoid confrontation and guilt. Think about it. Do you really want to date someone like that? [Read: Why do guys ghost? 23 reasons guys turn into cowardly A-holes]

However, do not just jump to conclusions and assume this is the case. Send him a text to start the conversation and see how he responds or if he responds at all.

Or if you’re feeling brave, straight up ask him if he’s still interested. Don’t worry about sounding clingy and annoying. You absolutely don’t. You’re both adults, and you just don’t want to waste your own time.

But if he doesn’t want to be honest with you, then maybe he’s doing you a favor by not texting you.

[Read: 25 clear signs you’re on the verge of being ghosted!]

5. He’s busy

So you start the conversation, and he seems as chatty as usual, perhaps he’s really been busy. But if he replies in a way that makes you feel like you’re bothering him, just leave him alone.

It seems like everyone is busy nowadays, and each person has their own priorities. You may not be his number one, but you shouldn’t be the last one on the list, either! If you want to be in a relationship, you must be able to spend at least some time in the day talking to the person and not just ghosting them for days.

Also, it’s not that hard to send a text and let the person know you’re just busy. Some guys are just very ignorant when it comes to these things. So if a guy suddenly stops texting you out of the blue, and tells you later that he was really busy, tell him to let you know the next time so you won’t have to overthink.

If he can’t even do that for you, you should start looking for someone who can communicate like a mature adult instead! [Read: 41 casual conversation starters to use with a guy to get him talking]

6. He’s found someone else

You might think you know everything about the guy from texting him every day, but this isn’t true. You’re not in a relationship yet, and there are almost always things that he hasn’t told you.

In this modern world, dating apps exist. So he may be talking to ten people at the same time while he’s your only one. The conversations you have with him might be special to you, but maybe it’s ordinary to him. He might even be saying the same things to other women!

So when he’s found another girl he likes better than the rest, there’s a very good chance the guy will suddenly stop texting you or worse, even ghost you.

Yes, you deserve an explanation and have every right to be angry. But from his perspective, he doesn’t owe you anything because there was nothing special about your connection.

You can find out by asking if he’s seeing someone else or sending him a text asking where he thinks this “friendship” or relationship might go. Remember that there’s no commitment yet in this stage, so don’t make yourself mentally exclusive to someone without knowing for sure who else they might be talking to. [Read: How to get a guy to stop playing with your feelings]

7. Something happened to him

You need to remember that he doesn’t live in your phone. He also has his own life outside of you, and things happen in life. He might have lost his phone, or he might be in the hospital with a broken leg, or someone he cares about just passed away, and he needs to be alone to grieve.

These are pretty rare occurrences. If one of these was to have happened *hopefully not the broken leg one or the grieving one!*, you’ll find out about it pretty soon anyway.

If he’s that interested and was texting you every day and something like this did happen, he would find a way to get back in touch and grovel for his radio silence. [Read: Blowing hot and cold – The 3 stages to explain why someone does this]

8. He finds you clingy

Don’t be offended. We’re all clingy to at least one person. It doesn’t always mean that you’re the problem. It’s just because you may be high maintenance, and they’re not.

People have different love languages, and yours just happen to be reassurance and words of affection. He might try to live up to your expectations from him initially, but then he may find it exhausting and eventually stop.

You can learn how to stop being clingy, or not. It’s up to you. But if you want to do something to keep this relationship, then try texting him less. If he still doesn’t change his attitude, it’s time to find someone more compatible with you.

[Read: Texting anxiety – How to send and receive texts without freaking out]

9. He’s afraid of commitment

Okay, so maybe he really does like you, but he decides to stop texting you anyway because he’s scared. Guys can have feelings for a girl and not want to commit. It’s just how they are.

So you should start collecting red flags at the beginning or ask him in the very first conversation if he’s looking for something serious. If he says he’s only looking for something casual, then you should say goodbye to him *unless casual is what you’re looking for as well*.

If you believe this is the reason the guy suddenly stopped texting you, consider it a narrow escape. Guys with commitment issues at this early stage aren’t exactly long-term future material. [Read: Is he a commitment phobe? How to tell for sure]

10. It doesn’t matter if he stopped texting you

The problem with this early stage is that everything is so confusing and up in the air. You don’t really know each other that well, and nothing is official. Sure, there is basic human decency to take into account. But, what exactly are the rules? Nobody knows!

You may want an answer so you can stop overthinking, but when you receive an answer that you don’t want to hear or face, will it make you happier?

Don’t forget that you were fine before him, so you’ll be fine after him. You shouldn’t be seeking attention or even begging for it from anyone.

You don’t need him to find your own happiness.

Fill your days with fun. Spend time with your family and friends. Go out and forget about the guy who stopped texting you suddenly and out of the blue. He’s not worth it now, and pursuing him and begging for more won’t help you in the future as well.

Start getting to know new people, better people! He will likely either come to his senses and realize that his games aren’t a good idea, or you’ll find someone else and forget about him anyway.

[Read: 13 rules you need to follow when a guy stops texting you]

It’s normally one of these reasons when a guy stops texting you every day. If you want to know exactly what it is, just ask him. But remember that when someone wants you, they’ll find a way. When they don’t, they’ll find an excuse. Now that you know, you’ll know your next step, too.

The post When a Guy Stops Texting You Every Day: Why & What You NEED to Do is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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