Saturday 30 July 2022

17 Charming Ways to Get a Girl to Text You Back without Annoying Her

You want to know how to get a girl to text you back, but you don’t want to come off as annoying or desperate. Here’s how to strike up a text conversation.

how to get a girl to text you back

There are a lot of possible reasons a girl isn’t texting you back, maybe she is busy, or her phone is off. Maybe she’s just not that into you. 

But you can’t know for sure. Whatever the reason, if you don’t make your conversation seem urgent or interesting, she’ll probably pass on texting you back. You may even annoy her to the point where she doesn’t want to talk to you at all.

The reality is that people who want to talk to you will. So learning how to get a girl to text back is more about making her interested in you than anything else. If she likes you, she’ll be bound to text back. But it’s not exactly that easy.

Most women won’t struggle through a terrible text conversation, even if they do like the guy. This can be bad for you if you think a simple, “hey,” will be enough to get her to swoon.

[Read: 38 happy ways to start a conversation over text and make each text fun to reply]

Women want effort from men

In order to figure out how to get a girl to text you back, you have to be willing to put forth the effort. She won’t want to start anything with you if you won’t even try to get her attention over a text.

The way a guy treats a woman when she’s not around says a lot more about how he’d treat her in a relationship than anything else. 

Are you interested in her as a person? Do you make her feel cared for? It’s all about putting in an effort and showing her that you are genuinely interested and, therefore, interesting.[Read: 20 ways to make your girlfriend incredibly happy]

How to get a girl to text you back without hounding her about it

In order to figure out how to get a girl to text you back, you’ll need some help navigating the waters. These tips can help you come off as interested without being creepy or annoying. 

1. Don’t send too many

Don’t be a multi-texter. Sending text after text after text will do nothing good for you. In fact, it’ll make things a lot worse. 

If she is genuinely busy, you are going to come across as a nuisance, even if she wants to hear from you. If she’s lukewarm on your relationship to begin with, a frantic rush of texts is almost guaranteed to send her running. A string of unanswered texts looks clingy at best, deranged and crazy at worst. 

In short, don’t be a double texter, or worse, a multi-texter. Don’t send more than two unanswered texts and just to play it safe, avoid sending more than one if you can. And if you don’t get a text back, take the hint. [Read: Double texting and second texts – What it is, how to avoid it and 15 rules to play it cool]

2. Wait for her to text you

If you really want to know how to get a girl to text you back, just wait for her to text you. That’s assuming she has your number, of course. When she texts you first, it just shows how much she wants to talk to you.

You can even push her to text you a little by tagging her in something funny on social media. This way, she’ll text you about it and you won’t even have to do a thing to get her to text back. She’ll want to.

This, in many ways, is the ideal scenario. It shows that she likes you enough to text you first. Great! Now you just need to maintain an interesting conversation. [Read: 27 cool ways to ask someone to hang out over text & not sound needy]

3 Avoid boring, bland texts that are hard to respond to

What are boring, bland texts that are hard to respond to? Anything that doesn’t incentivize a real answer. 

Avoid texting things like: “hey, what’s up?” or the even less useful “hey.” It doesn’t give her incentive to text you back because it’s not a conversation starter. What’s up? A lot of stuff. Be specific. 

Give her something more to work with. Avoid corny pickup lines and poetry. Instead, consider asking her about something you know she likes, like a movie or hobby she’s into. [Read: How to start a text conversation with a girl and leave her impressed]

4. Ask her something about herself

If you want a girl to text you back, give her a reason to. Asking a question about something you know she likes shows her you care, and you’ll increase your odds of her texting back by a lot.

Don’t make it a dumb question though. The best thing you could do is to ask about something you talked about previously. For example, if you were talking about a band, pretend you don’t remember what it was and text her to clarify. She’s bound to answer. [Read: The subtle flirty questions you can ask your crush]

5. Crack a joke

Girls respond to people who make them laugh. She’ll associate you with happiness if you make her smile and laugh a lot. And when a girl credits you with her happiness, she’ll want to talk to you.

So tell her a joke. Bonus points if you tell her a joke that begins with a question. Even if she knows it’s a setup for a joke, she’ll be curious enough to text you back to hear what it is. [Read: How to be funny – 28 must-know tips to make everyone love your humor]

That being said, everyone’s sense of humor is different. Make sure that the joke you said reads well over text, because many don’t. 

If you tend to have a rude, insulting style of humor or an absurdist sense of humor, do not attempt to use that over text. You don’t want to come across as a jerk, or worse, an incomprehensible weirdo.

6. Mention something of interest to her

In order to get her attention, you have to make her care. If you really want to get a girl to text back, you can easily do that by talking about something she’s interested in.

This can be anything from a hobby of hers to a band you know she likes. Talking about something she cares about will engage her and get her to respond, and it doesn’t make you seem annoying at all. [Read: How to keep a girl interested in 30 warm and exciting ways]

7. Talk about something fun you’re doing

To help get a text back, you want to advertise that you have a fun, interesting life. If you’re having fun, she’ll want to be a part of that fun.

So tell her about the fun thing you’re currently doing. You’ll earn even more points if you mention how you wish she were there to enjoy what you currently are. It’ll make her curious, and it’ll flatter her at the same time. Bonus!

8. Avoid taking forever to text her back

If you’re trying to play hard to get, doing it via texting isn’t going to bode well for you. The days of “waiting x amount of hours” to text back are long over. Everyone wants and expects an instant answer these days. 

Girls really don’t like it when guys take forever to text back. In most cases, they’ll want to make you wait just as long, and sometimes, they’ll even refuse to text you back altogether. [Read: Ignoring a girl – The psychology behind it and why it just won’t work]

9. Don’t text her when you’re already busy

If you’re in the middle of a really busy day and you know you won’t be able to respond, don’t text her. It’s not worth it to only give her a fraction of your attention. She’ll figure it out, and she’ll be really irritated by it. Which means she won’t text you back.

Instead, if you are having a good text conversation, just mention that you are busy today and not avoiding her on purpose. It shows that you care about her feelings, and that talking to her is important to you so she knows you are just busy at the moment. Attentive and communicative? Total boyfriend material

10. Show her your personality

If you want a text back, just be yourself. Show her your true colors. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not just to get her to text back. Just hold back if being your true self means sending multiple texts or being gross. Be yourself and make a connection with her, and she’ll text you back. [Read: 14 steps to love being you and unleash your true self]

11. Talk about how good it was to see her last time

If the last time you saw her went well for you, tell her. It’s okay to express your feelings in this way.

A simple text like, “Hey! Seeing you last night was great. Hope to do it again sometime,” will help you get that text back easily, and make your feelings known. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]

12. Stop while you’re ahead

This might sound contradictory, but we promise it works great. If she does text you back and you have a great conversation going, stop while you’re ahead. Tell her that you’re busy, but had fun talking to her.

This makes her crave conversation with you. If it went really well, she’ll want to talk to you again, which makes it a hell of a lot easier for you to get her to text you back the next time. [Read: How not to be dry when texting a girl – 20 ways to keep her hooked]

13. Don’t be gross

For whatever reason, text can embolden people to do strange things they would never do in person. If you find yourself tempted to send a lewd comment or unsolicited dick pic to this woman in an attempt to get a text back, don’t. Just don’t. 

If you aren’t already sexting, this kind of behavior is only going to anger and terrify her. Not only will you not get a text back, she’ll tell everyone what a creep you are, and your name will be mud.

14. Make yourself more interesting

If you want to know how to get a girl to text you back, you need to make yourself a more interesting person.

Take up a hobby such as photography or hiking. Read more books, go to concerts and movies. All of these things will give you something to talk about and make you a more interested person. 

Then you won’t have to worry about how to get a text back, because she will want to talk to you! 

Common reasons why a girl may not text you back

So you did your best, and you still didn’t get a text back. Don’t despair– rejection is a perfectly normal part of dating. Take this as a learning experience, and read on for common reasons why a girl may not text you back. 

1. She’s genuinely busy

This is possible, but unlikely. How busy do you have to be to be unable to send a 30-second text message? Generally, if someone wants to talk to you, they will go through anything to do so. But if she has a busy job, it is a possibility. 

2. She’s just not that into you

This is the most likely truth. Sometimes you can do everything right, and it won’t matter. If she’s not into you, she’s not into you. Don’t be disheartened, instead, be proud of yourself for trying. It takes a lot of bravery.

Take the lack of a text back as a hint, dust yourself off, and try again with someone else. It’ll sting a bit, but we promise you will feel much worse if you react to this rejection badly, which brings us to the third point.

3. You freaked her out

So, you texted her, and she didn’t text you back. Did you send her a bunch of unanswered texts in a row? Did you craft an angry rant about how rude it was of her to not text you back? Did you bemoan how hard it was to get women to talk to you?

If the answer to any of the above is yes, you really cannot be surprised that she didn’t text you back. Next time, consider putting your phone away if you think you are going to fly off the handle.

 [Read: How to text a girl you like and make her want you]

Knowing how to get a girl to text back is all about knowing what she likes. In order to avoid being annoying and risk scaring her off, follow the above tips.

The post 17 Charming Ways to Get a Girl to Text You Back without Annoying Her is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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