Wednesday 13 July 2022

28 Sensual, Romantic Secrets to Kiss Someone Passionately & Deeply

If you want to know how to kiss someone passionately, you can learn how to do it. Just follow these tips so you can have the perfect kiss to remember.  

how to kiss someone passionately and romantically

A kiss can tell a lot about a couple and their prospective romance. Or so we’ve been told since forever. Get the first kiss wrong and it probably means there’s no chemistry in the relationship. That’s why it’s important to learn to kiss someone passionately.

With so much pressure on kissing, it’s obvious that you need to be a good kisser.

Some guys and girls are perfectly romantic kissers. And some, well, just aren’t.

If you really want to leave someone wanting more of you, it’ll be in the way you kiss. Now, it might sound shallow that someone could judge you based on the way you kiss, but humans can be shallow creatures at times. This means knowing how to kiss someone the right way can really help get your foot in the door.

One thing to remember is that people like to feel like you have a connection. And yes, the connection SHOULD be emotional when determining whether or not you want someone to be your partner, but we’ve somehow learned that it’s physical. At least at first, it is. [Read: How to have a perfect new relationship]

How to establish a connection and feel the chemistry

Establishing a physical connection will allow for a chance to connect emotionally too. Yes, it sounds backward. That’s just how humans operate, unfortunately. Even our first judgment of someone is physical. 

It’s based on appearance. And because of all those romantic movies depicting a woman falling for a man only after that first, magical kiss, we think this is how it’s supposed to be.

While there are plenty of people who prefer to establish an emotional bond before even kissing, the large majority of people will get to know you minimally, and then decide how deep your connection is based on that kiss. So you want to make sure you get it right if you truly like them. [Read: 15 reasons why an emotional connection is so important]

To truly connect with someone through a kiss, you’ll want some tips to get it right. Leaning in for that one moment that could make or break your chances with someone is terrifying, but these tips on how to kiss someone the right way can make it less daunting and give you more success.

How to kiss someone passionately and romantically

So, what makes the difference between a perfect passionate kiss and a dead fish?

A kiss is all in the experience. And if you knew a few things about passionate kisses, you could be a great kisser in no time.

In reality, there is no good kisser and no bad kisser.

There are just kissers who kiss well and kissers who don’t kiss well.

Think of it this way, you may be a good driver. But when you drive a new car for the first time, will you really be as comfortable with the new car as much as you were in your old car?

In life, everything takes some time to fit in.

And just like that, a passionate kiss needs time too.

Most people rush into a kiss because that’s the way they show it in the movies.

In a romantic movie, the first kisses are always so perfect, romantic, and passionate. But in life, it’s better to be safe than sorry. After all, there is no rewind button in real life. [Read: 6 ways to accidentally kiss a friend and get away with it]

The most important tips and steps for a passionate and romantic kiss

If it’s a first passionate kiss or one of the first few you’re exchanging with your new lover, it’s always better to take your time.

Get comfortable, learn from each other and take things slow. Use these tips on how to kiss passionately and you’ll definitely be a really great passionate kisser before you’re through with this feature.

1. Make sure it’s the right time and place

This might sound obvious, but if you have a full make-out session on a public bus, that might not be the best way to approach a passionate kiss. So, make sure your situation is appropriate for kissing. 

Stay away from family situations or being around other people in general. The more private, the better. Also, make sure you both are in the right mental and emotional place for a passionate kiss. [Read: 25 relationship rules for passionate and successful romance]

2. Start with lots of eye contact

Looking someone in the eye is a very initiative move, especially when you hold that eye contact. This is a way to get their attention and make sure they see your intentions.

So if you want to know how to kiss someone and get the right message across, be sure to make a lot of eye contact frequently. Let them know you’re engaged. This will also increase the intimacy and let them know a kiss could be coming their way.

3. Set the mood

You want to make sure the mood is right for a kiss first. That can mean actually moving to a more secluded, intimate room when you’re with other people, or just stepping closer to close the gap.

Not only does setting the mood make the kiss a lot better, but it also allows them the chance to figure out what’s happening. Having a warning of your kiss arriving is crucial for making sure they want it in the first place. So set that mood right! [Read: 33 subtle signs to know when to kiss a girl and time the moment well]

4. Make them laugh

The more they laugh, the more they like you. And the more they like you, the better the kiss will feel on their end. Even if it’s not that good, having that emotional connection and having their attraction will make it seem even better.

So, tell some jokes. So long as you’re avoiding any sexual innuendos, you’ll be safe. Focus on being yourself and letting your humor out in order to show them what a great kiss can be like.

5. Get consent

You always want to respect the person you’re kissing, so you might want to get their consent for the kiss first. So basically, you need to make sure they want it

You can’t just go around kissing someone without making sure they actually want to. Assuming they do just because they’ve been nice and even flirting doesn’t mean they really want your lips on theirs.

You should wait for verbal or very, very clear body language that suggests they actually want to do it first. This means you have to watch out for eye contact, their eyes on your lips, and even them leaning in really close. If you kiss and they don’t want it, you’re in trouble. [Read: 23 signs he wants to kiss you and how to tell when he’s going to try making a move]

With that said, you can also ask them more directly if you can’t read their body language. You don’t want to just come out and say, “May I kiss you?” Some people may like that, but others want it to be more romantic. 

So, you can say something like “I’d really like to kiss you right now,” or “I’ve been thinking about kissing you all night.” Or, you could be fun and lighthearted and say, “Do you want to make out?”

6. Take it slowly

Don’t jump into the kiss. Take it slow and even if you start off with a kiss on the lips, don’t focus just on the lips. Move your lips away slowly after a first few kisses on the lips and graze your lips against your partner’s neck or chin. [Read: 22 tips to master the art of the perfect kiss]

Breathe into your partner’s skin and you’ll feel a lot more romantic and sensual. Spend a while warming each other up to a good kiss and take it slowly.

7. Initiate physical contact beforehand

Don’t let the first time you even touch them be a kiss. That’s not the way it should work. You have to be sure they’re comfortable with your touches first. If they’re not, then kissing is the wrong thing to do.

First, just lean in and bump shoulders or just touch their shoulder if they made you laugh. Gauge their reaction and if it’s a good one, you can try again. Don’t move in for the kiss until they’re comfortable with closer physical contact from you. [Read: 15 subtle signs to predict the magic moment of the first kiss]

8. Move slowly as you lean in 

If you’re going in for the kiss, don’t make the mistake of trying to be hard and passionate. Those kisses should be reserved for romantic comedies – not for your very first kiss with someone new.

Instead, move slowly and lean in while moving your eyes from their own eyes to their lips. This signals your intentions and also helps heat up the moment. The anticipation is what you really want at that moment.

9. Gradually move closer

Now’s the time to gear up for that kiss by moving in closer. Do this slowly. The goal is to not even let them realize you’re doing it. They shouldn’t be alarmed that you’ve suddenly stepped up right next to them.

As you talk, simply scoot or take a tiny step closer. The gap should close seamlessly and they might even be the one closing it. Allow them to move in and then just wait. [Read: How to arouse a guy and leave him rock hard just by casually sitting next to him]

10. Make it soft and sweet

Again, don’t try to force your face against theirs. Instead, just keep it soft and sweet. It’s not about seeing how much you can kiss them, it’s about making that single kiss say more than you can with words.

Which means you want it to be very soft and gentle. Don’t push harder when you finally kiss. Instead, let it be soft, sweet, and over before they want it to be.

11. Linger between kisses

When both of you start kissing, kiss each other for several seconds at once without forcing your way in. Don’t worry about how long the kiss lasts as long as you feel comfortable.

Don’t stick your tongue into your partner’s lips immediately. Take your time and test the water by playing it slow. Always wait for your partner’s reciprocation before going too far. 

Take time between each kiss by parting your lips from your lover but keep them really close, almost at the point of kissing again. [Read: 20 secrets to kiss with tongue and make them crave for a lot more of you]

12. Touch each other’s face

A passionate kiss involves more than just the kiss. As you kiss each other, touch your partner’s face and shoulders with your hands. You could also clasp your partner’s hands with yours, just as long as everything you do is subtle and delicate. [Read: How to make out – 22 secrets to leave anyone moaning in your arms]

13. Don’t be distracted

When you’re kissing someone passionately, you need to stop getting distracted by anything else. Just close your eyes and enjoy the sensation. If you’re distracted, your partner won’t feel the intimate connection and would end up experiencing a less-than-pleasurable kiss.

14. Passion isn’t just experienced on the lips

If you want to know how to kiss passionately, you need to remember this fact. A kiss is just a kiss. It’s what you do while kissing that makes a kiss passionate.

While kissing your partner on the lips, part the kiss to move your face lower and kiss your partner’s ears, chin, and areas around their lips and even the neck. [Read: How to kiss someone for the first time and 17 secrets to make sparks fly]

15. Get aggressive now and then

Passion is nothing but sensuous aggression. Now that you’ve been kissing your partner for a few minutes or even seconds, push your partner’s face back with your lips or by holding the hair at the back of their head. By doing this, you’re taking a perfectly romantic kiss and turning it into something passionate and sexy.

But no matter how aggressive you get when you’re experiencing a sexual high while kissing, always go back to soft relaxed kissing. A burst of passion feels great and makes a good change of pace when you’re kissing for longer than a few seconds.

16. Use your hands

Move your hands over each other’s backs and in front too, if both of you are comfortable with it. Soft sensual touches always have a way of bringing more passion and romance into the air. [Read: How to touch a woman’s breasts while kissing her]

17. Keep it wet without getting drooly

Wet kisses are extremely passionate, but there’s a thin line between passion and drool. While good kisses are a turn-on, drooling kisses are a big turn-off. When you kiss your partner, they need to feel your moistness on their lips. But yet, it should never be overdone.

To test your kiss, kiss the back of your palm for a second right now. Do you see any moisture on your palm? If you see a round circle of wetness, you’ve overdone it. If you see nothing on your palm, that’s not good enough. 

The perfect initial wet kiss is one in which you see just a thin surface of moisture on the back of your hand which evaporates within a few seconds after you’ve kissed the back of your hand.

By getting familiar with this kind of kiss, you’d know exactly how much you need to part your lips while kissing someone and just how wet your kiss has to feel to leave them craving for more. 

And even when you kiss your partner on the neck or anywhere else, use this very kiss. A cool sensation that dries up almost immediately can feel sexy and full of passion while making out. [Read: How to get a guy to kiss you when you want him to]

18. Don’t hurt each other

Don’t bite hard or give hickeys unless your partner wants it. Yes, it’s easy to get carried away when you’re on a passionate high, but you’ll end up hurting your partner or giving them a less than enjoyable experience when you tug at something or knead something really hard.

19. Don’t contradict each other

You can use your tongue and you can use your hands. But always be soft in your approach unless your partner reciprocates your aggression. When you’re in a new relationship, both of you have to learn from each other. 

Let your partner take the lead in kissing for a minute or two before you switch and take the lead. By doing this, both of you can understand each other’s kissing styles and learn about what either of you likes instead of turning a good passionate kiss into a confusing disaster. [Read: Perfect things to talk about in a perfect relationship]

If your partner gets aggressive or tries to dominate the kiss, let them take control for a while. And once you learn about their style of passionate kissing, you can improvise on your own kissing style to create something new and something a lot more sexy and passionate.

20. Have good breath

No one wants to kiss someone who has bad breath. You wouldn’t want to, right? So make sure you pay attention not only to your oral hygiene but to your overall hygiene as well. Make sure you brush your teeth and use mouthwash. Shower every day and even put some cologne or perfume on so you smell good too. 

21. Flirt a little

You don’t have to kiss for a long period of time without saying something to your kissing partner. So, you can take some breaks in between and flirt a little bit with them. You can say things like “Your eyes are so beautiful,” or “I have been waiting for a long time for this,” or “You’re so hot!”

22. Look them in the eyes sometimes

Make eye contact with your kissing partner between – or even during – the kisses. Most people kiss with their eyes closed, but you don’t have to keep them closed the entire time. 

So, try to sneak a peek at your partner between the kisses. Keep eye contact short during a kiss unless you know that your partner likes a lot of eye contact. [Read: Eye screwing – How to master the secrets of intense sexual eye contact]

23. Keep your mouth relaxed

Don’t force your lips to pucker or kiss too hard. You may think it’s passionate, but it can come across as awkward. If you’re not sure what to do, then just mirror what your partner is doing. A good kiss is an exchange, and a two-way street – not just one person taking control.

24. Find a rhythm

Don’t forget to breathe and find what feels good to both of you. If you’re not sure if they want to take a break for a second or a minute, you can ask them.

Some people don’t like constant kissing for 20 or 30 minutes without a breather. So, make sure you’re not smothering them too much.

25. Pay attention to your partner’s body language

You should also read their body language. Are they leaning away from you and not even facing your direction? If so, they don’t want a kiss and you may have moved too fast.

If they’re into you and actually want you to kiss them, they’ll be facing you, your proximity should make them seem happier, and they could even be upping that eye contact themselves. [Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction to keep an eye on before your first kiss]

After you know that they want to kiss you, then you need to continually pay attention to their body language as well. As we just said, some people have different kissing rhythms than others. 

So, you need to be tuned into what they are saying with their body. Pay attention to things like whether they are moving closer to you or pulling away. 

You can tell what they like or don’t like by being aware of these nonverbal cues. In other words, don’t be selfish and only kiss the way you want to. Incorporate their body language signals and desires too. [Read: Mutual sexual tension – 44 signs, causes and ways to get more aroused together]

26. Gradually increase the intensity

Just because you want to have a passionate kiss doesn’t mean that you have to go full steam ahead into a heavy make-out session. But you also don’t want to drag a small kiss out too long either. 

So, you should gradually build up to the passionate kiss. You should also use your body language to tell your partner what you like and don’t like. [Read: 20 Secrets to kiss with tongue and make them crave for a lot more of you]

27. Explore other erogenous zones

Erogenous zones are “feel-good” paces on the body. But they are different for everyone. So, try kissing their ears or neck. Pay attention to their reactions to see what’s sensitive and where they are most responsive. 

Their moans or words will tell you what they like. And when you learn that, then keep doing it to please your partner even more.

28. Let them make the next move

When you kiss them softly and pull away after a really gentle kiss, they’ll want more. But you should let them go in for the next move.

Don’t be the first to kiss again because you want to make sure they want it just as much. If you’ve played your cards right, they do.

[Read: Stop ignoring erogenous zones – the perfect neck kisses]

Learning how to kiss someone passionately can be easy if you use these tips. After all, a passionate kiss is about understanding each other and the kissing styles. Don’t worry, you’ll figure out how to kiss someone and leave them with a lasting, amazing impression of you.

The post 28 Sensual, Romantic Secrets to Kiss Someone Passionately & Deeply is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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