Saturday 6 August 2022

What Do Girls Like to Be Called? 27 Terms of Endearment to Make Her Smile

What do girls like to be called? It’s a fair question, even though every girl is different. However, some terms of endearment are better than others!

What Do Girls Like to Be Called terms of endearment

Flirting is strange, isn’t it? You want to be all affectionate and tell them how you feel, but you’re not quite at that stage. You’re terrified of scaring them off. Then, when you get somewhere, you’re not quite sure how to address them. What do girls like to be called exactly?

It’s a good idea to figure this out ahead of time. Get it wrong, and well, you could have an angry girl on your hands and that’s never a good thing!

But then, what girls like to be called really comes down to preference. Some girls might love to be called ‘babe,’ but others might find it degrading.

What do you like to be called? It’s a good rule of thumb to follow. [Read: What does babe mean when it comes from someone you like?]

What do girls like to be called, really?

What girls like to be called in certain situations differs from girl to girl. Some girls find ‘hun’ a little condescending. Maybe it’s because we use it in so many different situations. Other terms of endearment might be off the list because they’re so overused.

This is such a personalized subject that it’s impossible to come up with a hard and fast answer to what do girls like to be called, while covering every female on the planet. Some love being called ‘baby,’ while others hate it. Some adore ‘snuggle-pups’ while others want to throw up at the mere thought of it.

‘Babe’ for a guy is a little less annoying than when it’s used for a girl, but then, we have friends who don’t agree. There seem to be far fewer terms of endearment used for guys than girls. Yet, most of the terms used for girls create such a huge divide of opinion that it’s impossible to come up with a blanket approach to what do girls like to be called! [Read: The most romantic gestures from the olden days all girls miss]

Why do we use terms of endearment?

It’s interesting to consider why we call our partners by terms of endearment in the first place, but it’s really about showing affection. It might seem like an odd way to show affection when you think about it, but it’s cute and shows that you care.

Of course, it also shows that the person you’re with is different from the rest of the people in your life.

You wouldn’t call your friend ‘baby.’ If you were a guy, you probably don’t go around calling your guy friends ‘hun’ either. By calling your partner these names, you show them that they’re different, special, important to you, and you care.

When you look at it that way, perhaps ‘snuggles’ isn’t so bad after all, right? *actually, it is, it always is* [Read: How to let a girl know you like her without really saying it]

What about pet names?

Many couples have their own pet names for each other. Completely unique terms of endearment that nobody else knows about! It’s a personal thing between you and only said in private. In many ways, these types of names are sexually linked. It helps to boost their intimacy because it all feels so private and special between them. [Read: 15 cute things to text your girlfriend when you miss her]

It might seem a little cringe-worthy to others, but that’s the point! Nobody else is supposed to know about them. This isn’t a name that should be shouted from the rooftops or a name that should be used in public to refer to your partner.

If you have names for each other, it could bring you closer together. Keep it between the two of you, and see if it helps to enhance your closeness and your intimacy, if the name is sexually tinged. [Read: 20 super memorable and cute things to do for your girlfriend]

What do girls like to be called? – A few suggestions

Now remember, this is by no means is a definite list of things you should call the girl in your life. You can try a few out of these terms of endearment and see what her reaction is. If you find a good one, stick with it, and it will become your go-to name for her.

Let’s check out a few suggestions for what do girls like to be called. [Read: Types of relationships – 26 ways to define your love life]

1. Babe

Sweet, simple, and to the point. It’s also not too cringe-worthy either, so ideal for public situations.

2. Baby

A great go-to option. ‘Baby’ is cute and again, it’s not particularly offensive. However, some women may not like it because they’re literally not a baby anymore.

3. Honey

We think this is a better option than ‘hun’ or ‘hon.’ We call our friends or random people we meet ‘hon,’ but honey is a little more personal. [Read: 50 cute things to say to your crush & make them feel special]

4. Gorgeous

Be careful with this one. If you go around calling girls you don’t know too well ‘gorgeous,’ sure, they might be flattered, but they might also think you’re only interested in looks.

5. Beautiful

When said the right way, ‘beautiful’ can be a great term of endearment but say it with the slightest bit of arrogance, and it sounds completely different. It might even appear condescending.

6. Cutie-pie

A little immature, maybe? Yet, some girls love it!

7. Sexy

This is one you need to use carefully again, but when done correctly, it will make her feel on top of the world. Say it with a cheeky grin and see how she reacts. [Read: 25 sexy text messages to initiate a dirty conversation with anyone]

8. Baby girl

Another variation of ‘baby,’ but this one is sometimes preferred. For us, it’s a little outdated, but we don’t speak for all girls!

9. My love

If she really is your love, then there’s no harm in telling her!

10. Darling

We’ve included it because many girls like it but make sure you don’t make her feel 85 years old! It’s one of those terms of endearment that will split opinions.

11. Sweetheart

This one is nice. We like this one. It’s cute, but it’s also caring. Give it a go! [Read: The 25 sweetest romantic gestures for everyday life]

12. Sweet cheeks

This one might even make her blush!

13. Sugar

Another alternative to ‘honey,’ sugar is cute but not overly so.

14. Precious

If she’s precious to you, then calling her this name will have her smiling endlessly.

15. Boo

No, you’re not attempting to frighten her, you’re calling her ‘your boo.’ [Read: 15 guaranteed ways to get your crush to like you]

16. Sweet girl

This is a good one for girls you know, but not to the point of intimacy. It’s casual, but cute.

17. Sunshine

Is there anything cuter than ‘morning, sunshine’?

18. Princess

In your eyes, she’s a queen but not everyone likes to be called that. Princess has Cinderella vibes!

19. Chick

This is another that is borderline, but chick is short for chicken and baby chicks are adorable, right? [Read: 42 cute things to call your girlfriend that will make her tingle]

20. Buttercup

Build me up, buttercup!

21. Sweetness

Sweetness suggests that, in your eyes, she has sweetened the world for the better. Another winner, for sure!

22. Angel

A celestial being, sitting on the right hand of a deity – the very image of purity and perfection. This name shows her how much you worship her, how high a pedestal you have put her upon – she’ll be super-impressed! [Read: 60 most romantic movies in the world that are a must-watch]

23. Beloved

There’s a classical touch to this one, as if you’re quoting Shakespeare or Milton. If she’s a book-lover, she’s going to adore this name.

24. Treasure

Have you found treasure at last? Call her this name and let her know!

25. My heart

Not only does she exist in your heart, but she has replaced it. Your love for her is so all-consuming that there is no room left within it for anything else.

26. Blossom

As anyone who’s witnessed the blossoming of cherry trees after a long harsh winter will tell you, there are few sights in the world so beautiful. And who could resist being compared to that? [Read: 9 ways to be a more romantic guy]

27. Dearest

Be careful how you say this one, otherwise it might make her feel old, but in truth, there’s no woman alive who wouldn’t appreciate knowing that she’s knocked the stuffing out of the competition. That’s what this name suggests. [Read: 50 really cute lines your girl would love to hear]

It’s time to choose a name!

Remember that the question of what do girls like to be called should be answered on a case-by-case basis. What your ex-girlfriend might have liked, your new girlfriend may hate. It’s never a good idea to recycle names in this way.

Come up with something that is linked to your current relationship, and it will seem more special for the both of you.

[Read: 21 things a man should never say to his woman]

When thinking about what do girls like to be called, remember pet names and terms of endearment can be used to boost your closeness. They also help to make the lady in your life feel truly special!

The post What Do Girls Like to Be Called? 27 Terms of Endearment to Make Her Smile is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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