Thursday 15 September 2022

22 Secret Rules to Impress a Girl Over Text & Make Her Want More of You

You really like her, but you want to know more about how to impress a girl over text. If you follow these tips, you will keep her interested for a long time.

how to impress a girl over text

There was once a time when we didn’t have any kind of texting. Crazy, right? Many people love texting, but it is either the best form of communication or the worst, depending on how you do it. If you want to know how to impress a girl over text, it is all about being communicative and putting yourself out there. Two things guys aren’t always great at.

If you like a girl and want to impress her over text, there are things you should do that might not feel natural or leave you fearful of rejection. But, a girl wants someone real and in touch with their feelings, not an evasive guy who plays games.

How to impress a girl over text

Nothing is more frustrating to a girl than texting a guy they like who only replies with one-word answers or who waits days to get back to them. Let us clue you in on a little secret; playing hard to get is getting you nowhere, especially when it comes to texting.

On the other end of your texting screen is a girl who is waiting and wondering where she stands with you. If you blow her off, wait too long to show her you are interested in her, or give her nothing but straight answers, she’ll think that you don’t like her.

Follow these simple rules to impress a girl over text and win her over. [Read: How to impress a girl – The atypical secrets you HAVE to know]

1. Never wait too long to answer

Sure, there will be times when you can’t reply right away. But, if you purposely wait to show her that you aren’t more into her than she is into you, she will know. Playing games by playing hard to get isn’t going to impress her. More likely, you turn her off.

If she texts you and you are available to text back, do so. She is trying to establish a rapport with you. If she puts herself out there, then you owe her the same.

No one wants to be rejected, and girls certainly don’t want to be played with. So, don’t avoid replying on purpose. [Read: How often should you text a girl? 17 must-know rules of texting]

2. Be funny

If you want to know how to impress a girl over text, find things to make her laugh. Send her funny GIFs and images, or just be light-hearted. Girls are impressed by guys who enjoy life and see the fun all around.

They also want to feel included in those things that you find amusing to make their day brighter.

3. Don’t use it as your resume

If you want to impress her through text messages, don’t be a braggart. She doesn’t care that you drive a high-end car or that you own something expensive. Don’t use texting to give her a resume of how awesome you are.

Texting is supposed to be a way to get to know the lighter side of someone and their personality, not to toot your own horn. If you want to impress her—stop trying to impress her. Just be you without all the nonsense. [Read: A complete guide to texting before the first date]

4. Text often

Okay, we say this lightly. There is a fine line between texting often to get her attention and bombarding her with text messages. You want to text her when you think about her and have something relevant to say, not just to badger her all day.

If you see something you want to share or think of something cute to say, it is totally okay to pick up the phone often. If you aren’t getting any answers, back off. You might be coming on too strong or scaring her off. [Read: Should I text her? What to know before you text her]

5. Say sweet things

If you want to impress her through text messages, say sweet things. There is a difference between saying sweet things and creepy things. Speak from the heart and tell her how you feel about her. But don’t come on super strong, jealous, or obsessive if you want to impress her.

Text her things in the morning to brighten her day or in the evening just before bed to let her know you are thinking about her. Being sweet is super easy if you just say those things that you feel in your heart.

Try to stay away from sexual things until you both agree that is where you want to take your texting conversation. If you send her messages of the sexual kind, you run the risk of making her uncomfortable. So, in the beginning, at least, stick to sweet. [Read: 50 flirty texts that are sure to make her smile]

6. Understand the double texting rule

There is an unspoken double-text rule that says that you shouldn’t ever text someone you like until you get an answer. Sometimes that rule applies, and sometimes it doesn’t. If you want to impress her, figure out right from the start what type of girl she is.

If she is someone who likes a challenge, then the double-text rule applies, which means you don’t text her more than once before she texts back, or that could turn her off. If she is a romantic at heart, send her more than one without waiting. Sometimes she’ll test you by playing hard to get, and she’ll wait before replying.

If you feel like she is playing games, you have two options. Either stop the games and be honest or play along. Girls are just as complicated as anyone else, so sometimes you have to take a chance. After all, if she is a game player and you aren’t, you might not want to get too invested. Typically, games don’t just end with text messages. [Read: Double texting and second texts – Simple rules to play it cool]

7. Start interesting conversations

Girls like texting and utilizing it to have interesting conversations. Now, you might not like having entire conversations over text messages because many guys don’t. But it will impress her if you use texting to have interesting conversations with her instead of just saying something like, “what’s up?”

8. Ask her questions

Asking questions is a great way to impress a girl over text. A lot of guys don’t put enough effort into getting to know a girl really well. So, ask her questions about herself.

Don’t get too personal at first. Start by asking her things like what her favorite food is or her dream vacation. Girls always like it when guys want to get to know them and ask questions.

9. Don’t dry text

Dry texting is when someone only responds with short texts and doesn’t text anything that is engaging or keeps the conversation going. Replies might be one or two words, and the whole conversation seems boring.

If you do this, she will think that you aren’t putting any effort into talking to her, and she won’t like it. [Read: How not to be dry when texting a girl – 20 ways to keep her hooked]

10. Connect with her emotionally

As you probably already know, girls like to talk about their emotions. You don’t need to ask her what her deepest darkest thoughts are, but you should inquire about how she feels if she had a bad day. You can also offer help if she needs it.

11. Make her curious about you

While you want to ask her about herself, you also want to make her curious about you too. When you connect with her, she will naturally ask you questions as well. But you should take the lead so she will be curious and want to know more about you.

12. Use emojis

Guys don’t usually like emojis. But they are a really great way to convey emotion when you are texting someone. And plus, most girls like using them.

Since most guys don’t, you will stand out from the crowd when you use emojis. She will think it is cute and be impressed when you are texting with her. [Read: 20 flirty emojis to tease in your texts and leave them thinking of you]

13. Ask open-ended questions

To keep the conversation going, you can’t ask a closed-ended question, or else it will come to a screeching halt. Instead, ask open-ended questions that require her to tell you quite a bit of information. 

So, instead of asking her, “did you have a good day?” you can ask, “what was the best thing that happened to you today?” To the former question, she might respond, “it was good.” But to the latter, it encourages her to open up to telling you a lot more.

14. Share memes to stay in touch

Everyone likes memes, right? They are either funny or deep and meaningful. Either way, she will like them. It’s also a great way to start a conversation when you’re not exactly sure what to say when you text her.

With a meme, you both can laugh or talk about something deep if it’s a thoughtful quote. [Read: 33 secret steps to text a girl you like and make her miss and desire you]

15. Don’t brag

Girls don’t like guys who brag. Sure, you might think they do because bragging might be considered a “bad boy” trait. But you don’t want to go on and on about how great you are. You want her to discover that for herself. If you brag, then you run the risk of having her think that you have a big ego.

16. Be supportive

Another great way to impress a girl over text is to be supportive. When something happens to her that is difficult, you want to show that you are there for her.

Encourage her to share her feelings and let her know that everything will be okay. Try to stay away from giving advice, even if it’s tempting. Girls usually just like it when they can vent to a guy and he makes her feel better.

17. Create inside jokes

When people have inside jokes, it bonds them to each other. It feels really good when only you and one other person understand what you’re talking about.

So, if you can find any way to create your own inside jokes, that will make her more emotionally connected to you. [Read: How to text your crush and 44 things to say to get them really interested]

18. Don’t be needy

As much as you like her, you don’t want to come across as needy. So, stop saying things like, “do you want to go out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this weekend?” She might think that you have no life. Needy guys are desperate, and girls don’t like that.

19. Don’t get too personal unless she does

When you are asking her questions and trying to get to know her better, don’t get too personal. Don’t ask her things like her favorite sex position or if she’s ever been cheated on. If she offers that information, then fine. But you don’t want to be intrusive or pry too much.

20. Don’t type long paragraphs

Even though girls like to text, many people don’t like reading long paragraphs. The reason for this is mostly just because it’s annoying. So, don’t dry text with one or two words, but don’t get long-winded either. [Read: 22 ways to make a girl think about you with texts and how you behave]

21. Don’t text too often

If you text her 24/7, she will think you are needy. You need to let her think that you have a life outside of her *which you do*. So, it’s fine to text her every day if it feels natural. But don’t text her morning until night. Let her breathe a little so she can miss you.

22. Just be yourself

What most girls want is a guy who can be himself. So, maybe instead of researching how to impress her over a text, just try to be who you are and say what you want. The key? Text her as you would anyone else and not play into all the rules and games out there.

If you like her – really like her – put yourself out there and show the inner you. Because after you impress her, you have to be you anyway. [Read: How to impress any girl – 18 secrets that’ll work every single time]

Text messaging when you first start a relationship is a tricky thing. It isn’t “real”, and what we mean by that is whatever you write in a text message is read by the recipient in whatever frame of mind they are in. So, in reality, sometimes it really doesn’t matter what you write. People read what they want to.

[Read: How to tease a girl over text and get her to flirt back with you]

If you want to win her heart, learning how to impress a girl over text might get you in the door, but once there, she will either fall in love with you or not. So, being yourself up front is the best way to move along with a real and lasting relationship. 

The post 22 Secret Rules to Impress a Girl Over Text & Make Her Want More of You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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