Friday 23 September 2022

71 Subtle Signs to Tell If a Guy Is Into You Even If He’s Hiding His Feelings

Are you crushing hard and wondering how to tell if a guy is into you? It’s easier than you think; you just need to know what signs to look for. 

how to tell if a guy is into you

Maybe you have had your eye on someone for a while now, and perhaps even had a few conversations. But now you’ve reached a point where you have serious feelings for him. Have you ever found yourself wondering how to tell if a guy is into you?

Guys operate differently to girls and tend to be less expressive when dealing with their emotions. They’re often a little more afraid of rejection, so they hesitate to be vulnerable. While girls prefer to make it pretty obvious if they like someone, guys can often put on a more macho appearance to avoid losing face.

If he isn’t willing to spill the beans, these signs can help you figure out how to tell if a guy is into you. [Read: 75 HUGE signs to tell if a guy likes you and secrets to make him like you more]

How to tell if a guy is into you

If you are trying to find out whether your crush *or the guy you have been seeing for a while* is really into you, look out for these signs. They’re very good indicators that he is!

1. He uses his words

Okay, let’s get this one out in the open right away. There are some instances when a guy will do the ‘normal’ thing and tell you.

If he does, for goodness sake, believe him! If he is putting his feelings on the line like that, he must be pretty into you. [Read: 45 signs he loves you even if he can’t say it out loud]

2. He asks you questions

If he is asking you many questions, it’s because he wants to find out everything about you. He wouldn’t bother wasting his time and energy doing this on a girl he doesn’t like.

So if you feel a little like you are being grilled, it’s only because he really wants to get to know you better!

3. He likes what you like

Now it may just be a coincidence that your favorite band/book/restaurant is also his, but it’s more likely that he’s trying to find common ground with you.

If you have a particular hobby and suddenly find him knowing all about it or tagging along because ‘he’s always wanted to try it,’ he’s probably just finding ways to spend more time with you.

4. He leans into you when you speak

Look at his body language when you are talking to him. Does he keep leaning in when you speak? Does he occasionally touch your arm mid-conversation?

If he is trying to get close to you and his body language is concentrated on you, that’s because he is literally hanging on your every word.

5. He makes a beeline for you

When you are in the same room together, does he approach you right away? This is because he can’t wait to talk to you and wants to spend as much time in your company as he possibly can. [Read: 27 signs he likes you as more than a friend and wants to date you]

6. He seems kind of strange whenever you are with him

Believe it or not, guys can get themselves all worked up about a girl they like too! If he starts acting differently whenever you hang out, it’s probably because he is trying to make himself seem more attractive.

Does he get louder and start showing off and making jokes, or does he go all nervous, quiet and shy? Keep a lookout, and if you find your crush’s behavior changing, it probably means you’re having a serious effect on him! [Read: How do I know if he likes me if he won’t talk to me?]

7. He totally ignores you

Often what can seem like hate is actually love. If a guy basically ignores you completely, it might not be what you think! Guys can be pretty bad at showing their feelings, especially when they like someone.

Give him a chance, go easy on him, and see if you can’t make him feel more relaxed.

8. His body is turned toward you

Next time you are with him, check whether he turns his body in toward you. If he does, it probably means he is into you.

He is showing himself off to you, and his attention is fixated on you – he is not about to get distracted by anything or anyone else. 

9. He buys you a drink

Simple but effective. If a guy asks you if you’d like a drink, it’s because he wants to show you that he’s chivalrous.

If you like him, make sure you say yes! This might seem like an obvious one for telling if a guy is into you, but it’s usually true.

10. He asks you for your number… and then calls you

If a guy asks for your number, it’s a surefire way to know that he is interested in you. He obviously wants to keep that connection going and hopefully meet up with you again.

Of course, there are some guys out there who take those digits and then disappear into the night. So if he calls or texts you, then you’re on to a good thing for sure! [Read: 20 signs of attraction in the first conversation]

11. He wants to be social media buddies

If he’s adding you on Facebook and following you on Instagram, that is a really great sign. He is clearly interested enough in you to want to get to know you better, to find out more about you, and daydream about you while checking out your profile pictures!

It also shows that he has nothing to hide.

12. He makes a move

If a guy goes in for a kiss, it’s because he thinks you are seriously hot stuff! It may seem obvious, but then again, him making a move may get lost in translation if he is feeling a little nervous. [Read: How to kiss a guy for the first time and turn him on instantly]

13. He makes lots of eye contact

If he keeps looking at you, it means he simply can’t help himself. This boy is seriously attracted to you, so make your move now!

14. He looks away

Okay, so sometimes guys are a little shy. So if he can’t maintain eye contact with you, keeps staring at the floor and mumbling into his t-shirt, it’s probably because he likes you so much that you’re making him a little nervous!

15. He asks if you have a boyfriend

No, he isn’t just nosy! He wants to find out if you are free and single! Duh! [Read: 33 sweet signs a guy really likes you but is scared and afraid of rejection]

16. He gets all fidgety

Another telltale sign of nerves here – if the guy is getting all twitchy around you, it’s probably because he thinks you are pretty dreamy, and you’re making his stomach go all fluttery!

17. He acts all macho

If the guy you have a crush on suddenly goes all alpha male all the time when you are around, it is probably his way of showing off. He wants you to see him as manly and protective. This is his way of doing that, even if it might actually make him look like a bit of a doofus.

18. He gets all protective

Be it a comforting arm around your shoulder, leading you through a crowd, or sticking up for you when things get a bit rough, this guy is all about making sure you are safe and sound – how nice is that? [Read: The unfortunate signs he likes you but isn’t really into you]

19. He gets jealous

There is nothing worse than seeing the person you like with someone else. If he gets jealous when you talk to other guys, he wants you all for himself. And that’s how to tell if a guy is into you for sure!

20. He remembers the little things

That movie you said you wanted to see – he gets tickets for it. Your favorite restaurant – he’s taking you to it. That random necklace you mentioned you liked weeks ago – he bought it for you.

This guy is paying attention to everything you say and going all out to impress! [Read: Does he like you as more than a friend?]

21. He teases you

A guy making fun of you is usually just his silly way of flirting. Now, if he is rude, this is not a good sign. But, some lighthearted teasing means he is trying to flirt.

22. He arrives early and stays late

Whatever you have asked him to do, whether it’s a dinner date or helping you out with a project, he always gets there before you and stays after everyone else has gone home.

He clearly wants to spend as much time getting to know you as he possibly can. Awwww. [Read: 40 things guys say when they like you and actions that mean a lot more]

23. He goes quiet

When a guy is into you, he may shut down. We know this doesn’t help his case, but he may just be quiet because he doesn’t know what to say. If you like him back, give him some time and help him feel comfortable around you.

24. He touches you

Now, touching without consent is not cool, but minor touches like brushing your hair out of your face or cleaning a smudge of food from your mouth are great signs he is into you. [Read: 16 non-sexual touches to show you care]

25. He actively listens

Suppose you don’t like someone. You may tend to zone out when they talk. But, he actively listens. He lets you talk, doesn’t interrupt, and asks follow-up questions. He really cares about what you have to say.

26. He ignores his phone

Most people are on their phones all day. If he is into you, he will turn it upside down or keep it in his pocket. When it goes off, he will ignore it because you have his full attention. [Read: How to live in the moment]

27. He compromises

Even if he doesn’t like the movies you like or the food you like, instead of arguing to get his way, he will meet you halfway or give in, so you’re happy.

Maybe he isn’t into sushi but is more than happy to go to your favorite sushi spot just to see you smile. When a guy does this, it’s a great sign he is into you.

28. He’s all over your social media

Not only does he follow you on social media, but he likes all your posts, watches all your stories, and maybe even comments. If he is sending you memes and tagging you in funny videos, he is totally into you.

He wouldn’t be thinking of you when mindlessly scrolling through his feed if he didn’t like you.

29. He stumbles over his words and gets sweaty palms

Just like you, when a guy is into you, he gets nervous. He may get flustered or stumble over his words. Or he may talk too fast.

There are so many signs of nervousness, from sweating to clammy hands and even gas. If he shows these signs, he is probably into you. [Read: Signs of anxiety – How to read the signs ASAP and handle them better]

30. You feel it

Sometimes you just know. A woman’s intuition is nothing to ignore.

31. He comes right out and says so

Obvious enough, right? If he flat-out says that he’s into you, that’s really all you need to know.

32. His friend says so

Has a guy ever come up to you in a bar and told you his friend over yonder thinks you’re attractive? If so, that is a definite sign he’s into you.

Guys sometimes send their friends to do their dirty work.

33. He can’t stop smiling at you

A smile can tell you so much about how someone is feeling. If he’s smiling at you from across the room, and even while the two of you are talking, he likes you.

34. He regularly compliments your appearance

A lot of guys will tell you that you’re “hot” or “sexy,” just because they want to get in your pants. But if a guy is complimenting your haircut, eyes, or even your clothing choice, they want more than just a night with you.

35. He compliments your interests

It’s one thing for a man to compliment your appearance, but if he says you have great taste in music, movies, or hobbies, he’s really into you.

If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t bother wasting time trying to find out what you like, let alone compliment you on it.

36. He often initiates the conversation

Guys who initiate the conversation are THE best! They’re also the ones who actually want to talk to you—which means they’re interested in you. [Read: How guys text when they like you – 28 things they do differently]

37. He ignores other people when you’re around

It’s really easy to tell who’s into you when you’re in a group setting. If he sees you walk into the room and leaves anyone he’s talking to, just to come find you, he really wants you.

Trust us, no guy will leave his buddies to talk to a girl if they’re not interested in them.

38. He always looks sharp

Meaning, he always is dressed amazing, is well-groomed, and smells delicious. A guy who has his eye on someone is going to try his best to look great for them. [Read: How to be more attractive]

39. He’s on his best behavior

When you’re hanging out with him in a group with his friends and they’re all making crude jokes, and you notice he’s being quiet and just laughing along, he’s into you. He doesn’t want to do or say anything that might offend you—in any way.

40. He laughs at all your jokes

Your jokes aren’t all funny—especially if you’re just not a funny person in general. But if he laughs at most of the things you say that aren’t even all that funny, he is thinking about asking you out.

41. He divulges intimate details about his life

No guy is going to tell his deepest darkest secrets to just anybody. When guys tell you personal information about themselves, it’s because they like and trust you. [Try: How to get your man to open up]

42. You catch him looking from a distance

If you turn your head and see him eyeing you from across the room, he’s interested in you. Guys don’t gawk for no reason.

43. He raises his eyebrows when talking to you

It’s a proven scientific fact that a person raises their eyebrows when they’re interested in what you have to say. So watch his facial expressions the next time you’re talking to him. [Read: The very obvious flirting signs between a guy and girl]

44. He sits with his legs wide open

This symptom of interest is far more scientific than the others. When a male likes you, his primal instincts tell him to show off his best “assets.” And human nature tells us that his crotch is apparently what us women want to see.

We’ll leave you to decide whether you agree with that one or not!

45. He does the plan making

If he’s initiating when you’ll see each other next, where you’re going, and what you’re doing, he likes you. No guy goes to all that trouble for no reason.

46. He always seems cheery around you

He’s going to be in a good mood around you if he has feelings for you. So if you find yourself telling him that he’s “always happy,” it’s because he’s into you. [Check out: The big secrets to a perfectly happy relationship]

47. He tickles you

Tickling indicates that he wants to touch you, hear your laugh, and see that adorable smile you’ve got. All of which are huge signs he’s into you.

Of course, this one is likely to only be the case if he knows you well enough to actually touch you in that way. Otherwise, it’s just creepy and a little inappropriate.

48. He asks about your day

Guys aren’t really ones for small talk. But if he’s asking you about how your day has been, he wants excuses to hear from you—and maybe he really does care!

49. He asks personal questions

When a guy is just being polite, he’ll ask surface questions, like “what’s your job,” “where are you from,” etc. But if he’s into you, he’ll delve deeper into your personal information. [Next, read: How to tell if a guy likes you and 75 HUGE signs you just can’t miss]

50. You feel you can be yourself around him

The thing about having a crush is that you never feel comfortable around him; you’re always nervous. But with this guy, you feel yourself.

You can laugh, be goofy, and just have a good time. This is a huge sign that he’s into you because he’s going out of his way to make you comfortable. [Read: The signs he’s ready for a relationship with you and signs he’s not]

51. You’ve met his friends

Meeting his friends is a big deal. No guy will purposely introduce you to their friends if you’re just a fling. This guy wants his friends to meet you, and it’s no small gesture.

This is the final move before things get a little more serious.

52. He’s asked you about your feelings toward relationships

He’s had “the talk” with you and wanted to know how you feel about being in an exclusive relationship and if you’re ready for it. Well, if you’re still wondering if he likes you, you need to get your ears checked. [Read: The clear signs he’s ready for a relationship with you] 

53. He doesn’t send you booty call texts

If a guy only texts you at night to see if “you up?” then he’s looking for a booty call. But is this guy texting you during the day and staying in touch all the time? If so, there’s more to this interaction than just sex.

54. He’s keen to help when you ask

A guy who is into you will jump at the chance to help you with something. But, he won’t assume you need help.

If you say you need help moving or that the copy machine is busted, he will help without complaint, but he won’t just take control if you don’t need it. [Read: How to get a shy guy to feel courageous and ask you out]

55. He encourages you

A guy who is into you wants you to be happy. If you mention you’ve always wanted to go skydiving and you get the opportunity, he will encourage you to do it.

A guy who isn’t into you will apply his own agenda.

56. He lets you know his future plans

It’s not that he’s about to drop down onto one knee and propose, but he’s gently letting you know what he wants in his future. That’s simply because he’d quite like you to be a part of it. [Read: The most important life questions to help you visualize your future]

57. He offers to buy you things

If you’re out and you see a cupcake you think is cute, he offers to get it for you. He’s not being presumptuous or flash here, he simply wants to treat you because it makes you smile. That’s one of the best ways to answer the question of ‘is he into you?’

58. He treats your belongings with respect

Put simply, he treats you, your belongings, and anything connected to you, with the utmost respect. He’s on his best behavior and he wants you to know it.

59. His friends try to leave the two of you alone

He’s no doubt told his buddies that he likes you, and they’re doing their best to give him the space he needs to woo you! If you’re all out together and suddenly you find that you’re alone, it’s probably because they’ve strategically moved away! [Read: 40 secret signs a friend likes you romantically even if they’re hiding it]

60. His actions match his words

He wants you to know that you can depend on him. When he tells you he’s going to do something, he does it. He doesn’t let you down or leave you wondering.

That’s how to tell if a guy is into you – he’s keen for you to know he’ll always be there for you.

61. He makes time for you, even if he’s tired

He could be dog tired, but he’ll still sit and talk to you on the phone for a while or help you when you ask. He doesn’t want to refuse because he’s worried you’ll take it the wrong way.

Plus, he just wants to be around you, tired or not. [Read: Does he or doesn’t he see a future with you?]

62. He drunk dials you

This is not a booty call, it’s completely different. If he’s drunk, he calls you. Why? Because when we’re drunk, our walls are down, and we act on our emotions.

You’re on his mind whether he’s drunk or sober, but when he’s had a few drinks, he can’t stop himself from reaching out.

63. He defends you when someone insults you

He’s not going to sit around and let someone talk trash about you. He’ll stand up for you and let them know that they’re out of order.

Of course, you don’t want him fighting for you, but it’s probably not out of the question, depending on what the person has said. [Read: Key differences – Protective boyfriend or controlling boyfriend?]

64. He takes care of you when you’re not feeling well

He might bring you some chicken soup or your favorite cookie. Either way, he’ll do what he can to make you feel better and comfort you when you’re sick.

65. Hugs last just a fraction longer than they should

A regular, platonic hug lasts just a couple of seconds and that it’s. However, one of the signs he’s into you is that hugs last just a little longer. You can feel it; it’s like he doesn’t want to let go.

66. He takes a deep breath when he sees you

You might notice him taking a quick, deep breath. This is a subconscious thing because it makes his shoulders look broader and his waist smaller. Evolution tells us this is apparently an attractive thing to women. [Read: Science of attraction – 17 things that are far more sexy than looks]

67. His voice changes into a slower, sweeter tone

He’s relaxed around you and he feels able to let his guard down. This is likely to happen after a few flirting sessions and once he’s got to know you better.

He’s over the deep voice, peacocking behavior and now he’s chilling. He feels comfortable around you. [Read: Attraction theory – what makes you desirable in someone’s eyes?]

What to do when he’s into you

Okay, now you know how to tell if a guy is into you, what are you going to do about it?

Well, it really depends on two scenarios:

a. You like him

b. You’re not interested in him romantically

Your first decision is to work out which of these scenarios is yours. [Read: Do I like him? The easy questions to reveal the answer in a minute]

1. Don’t overthink it

Maybe you’re not too sure right now, but you’re on the fence. That’s okay. Why not spend a little time around him and see how you feel then?

You don’t have to rush or overthink this.

2. Pay attention to how you feel and work out if you like him

When you’re in his company, how do you feel? If he’s not around, do you think of him? Zone in on how he makes you feel and use that information to work out whether you like him or not. [Read: How to show a guy you like him and charm him while being a real tease]

3. If he’s too cryptic, don’t bother

If he’s sending you mixed signals, don’t waste your time on him. He’s either not sure how he feels himself or he’s playing games. Neither is a situation you have time for.

4. Talk to him about it

If you’re pretty sure you’re seeing major signs he’s into you and you think you might be into him too, talk about it. Suggest a date maybe.

If you’re sure you’re not into him, approach this conversation carefully but let him know that you see him as a friend only.

Knowing that a guy likes you can feel like a very powerful position. But, that doesn’t mean you can lead him on or make him feel bad about it. Approach this with empathy and care and assess how you feel before you say or do anything.

[Read: How to get your crush to like you – 22 ways to make them fall hard]

How to know if a guy is into you doesn’t have to be tricky. Keep yourself focused on spotting these signs to give you all the information you need.

The post 71 Subtle Signs to Tell If a Guy Is Into You Even If He’s Hiding His Feelings is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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