Wednesday 7 September 2022

Fractionation Seduction: What It Is & How Guys Use Emotions to Seduce

The art of seducing women isn’t always easy. But if you haven’t heard of fractionation seduction, you should read about it. Here’s how it works.

fractionation seduction

Some guys seem to have all the luck when it comes to women. And you might wonder, “what do they have that I don’t?” Well, it might not be something they have but rather something they do. And that action is called fractionation seduction.

What is fractionation seduction?

It is said that fractionation is the process of seducing a woman using psychological techniques. Fractionation is a technique invented by Neuro-Linguistic Programming expert, John Grinder, and renowned psychologist, Carl Jung.

The seduction part was developed by different “experts” on women, like Neil Strauss and Derek Rake.

The concept of fractionation seduction takes advantage of information gained from advanced human psychology and hypnosis. Using fractionation techniques, it is believed that a man can seduce a woman within minutes of meeting her. 

Not many people know the secrets to fractionation seduction, but it is gaining ground within the spheres that are actively searching for the effective formula that will help men attract women.

Now that we’ve given you an idea of what it is, it begs the question, “Is it effective? Is it useful? Is it worth a try? Or is it something that should best be left as a study instrument, as opposed to a tool that can lure women into men’s arms?” [Read: How to seduce a girl and 22 subtle moves to make her sexually desire you]

How is it done?

To put it simply, fractionation uses neuro-linguistic programming routines and emotional triggers in order to develop a strong emotional rapport with women. That doesn’t sound simple at all, but read on, and we’ll elaborate.

The purpose of this process is to trigger a mini emotional roller coaster that will confuse her emotions toward you. This seems as if it’s in line with the process of seduction, considering that the mess of emotions will prevent a woman from making an unbiased decision about how she truly feels about you.

The technique itself is so subtle that a woman won’t realize it’s being used on her unless she is looking out for it.

[Try: How to get a girl to like you and desire you even without asking her out]

How to use fractionation seduction

Just follow these steps!

1. Grab her attention

The experts who developed fractionation seduction start out their lessons with a few tips on how to get women interested. One method is peacocking, which is done by wearing extremely eye-catching outfits or pieces of clothing, like a red shirt, a cowboy hat, or even an overly elaborate suit.

Another method is called negging. This is when a guy points out something negative about a girl and irks her into starting a discussion about it. It is highly recommended that the statement you use is not extremely offensive.

Lastly, you can grab her attention by starting a conversation, then bowing out before it gets too deep. After a while, you can resume the conversation and let it last a bit longer.

This push and pull method will keep her on her toes and increase her curiosity about you.

2. Develop trust

You need to create a minor level of trust between you and the woman you want to seduce by letting her get to know you better.

Once a woman shows interest and engages you in conversation, tell her something personal about yourself.

Better yet, tell her a secret. Studies suggest that people who share personal information are more attractive to their counterparts. [Check out: 40 first date questions to have a great conversation]

3. Incite positive feelings 

Then, you want to create positive feelings inside her by asking her to recall an experience that made her feel ecstatic or happy.

As the conversation deepens, you can look for an opportunity to ask the girl about a moment that will elicit feelings of joy, ecstasy, or any other positive feeling. Let her talk about it in detail before moving on to the next phase.

4. Incite negative feelings 

On the other side of the coin, you also can incite negative feelings by asking her to recall an experience that made her feel depressed or scared.

After she discusses her happy moment, you can introduce a sadder topic into the mix. Open up about something random that most people get sad about, like a traumatic breakup. 

If you’re willing to push boundaries, you can open up about a relative or pet that recently died. If that doesn’t work, you can discuss something that makes you angry–say a political stance you both agree on–or some disturbing news.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 twice

Transition between these topics at least twice by telling your partner that the sad topic is too serious for the moment. After a happier topic, you can transition to another sad topic again. [Want to bring up a lost love as part of step 4? Try: How to talk about a past relationship with your partner]

What is the purpose of the steps outlined above?

Fractionation seduction is a type of hypnosis technique that pushes a person to feel a whirlwind of emotions in a short amount of time. The emotional rollercoaster a woman experiences in the scenario above is the significant catalyst of the whole method.

Women feel more attracted to a person they feel they can connect with. Because the woman shared her happiest moments and her most vulnerable ones with you, she will start to consider you a confidant. The strong emotions that you elicited from the exercise serve as a connection she can draw from.

The conversation also leaves a permanent impression on the woman you like, because it wasn’t shallow. Even though many people have conversations just like that, it’s always different, because no two stories are alike.

You become someone special to this woman, and this paves the way for you to move forward with your budding relationship. [Looking to take it a step further? Read: How to create sexual chemistry and make it stay]

Fractionation seduction examples

Now that you know some of the strategies of fractionation seduction and the purpose, you probably want to know some examples that you can try on the ladies. We have some great ones right here.

I have experienced that myself. I met someone once whom I got very close to very quickly. But a few months later, she was killed in a car accident.

You seem like such a happy, sweet girl. But do you have a dark side that you’re hiding?

Have you ever met someone that you immediately felt was your soul mate? Someone that you knew deep down was a part of you? 

This morning I woke up to someone trying to attack me. But then I realized it was my little brother practicing his Tae Kwon Do. It was pretty annoying, but I tried to go back to sleep. And as I was falling back asleep, he whacked a piece of wood and split it in two.

One-sentence fractional seduction examples for text

For these techniques, you want to express your approval for one of her negative qualities. It doesn’t matter whether that quality is real or made up. It’s the contradiction that is important *approval of something negative.* [Read: How to seduce women with words – a guide directly from a woman]

I am fascinated by your lack of table manners.

Your lack of common sense is so charming.

You have no tact, and I’m mesmerized by that.

Your mind-numbing stories are enthralling.

I like you despite your lack of empathy for other people.

You can also change the structure around to be the opposite – expressing your disapproval over her positive qualities. Here are some examples.

I’m insulted by your good table manners.

I am intimidated by your brilliant mind.

I am impressed by your ability to hold your liquor.

Your sense of imagination and creativity are disgusting.

I’m repulsed by how good of a chef you are.

[Read: How to seduce women – 20 moves to make any girl melt and want more]

Keep in mind that these statements don’t have to make sense or even be true. As long as you deliver the message in a lighthearted way, that’s the important thing. The best thing about these one-sentence examples is that they can be used when you are texting a woman because they are short and sweet.

How effective is it?

Those who promote fractionation say that the method will work as quickly as 15 minutes, but that isn’t exactly true. Sometimes, it won’t work as quickly as that, because each person approaches the method differently.

Following the steps is not worth much, unless you are experienced in flirting, talking, and exuding confidence. [Read: How to flirt with a girl – 25 tips and 41 examples to leave her blushing]

If you don’t succeed in any of the steps, the whole concept of fractionation won’t work. The margin of error is so wide that most people who try it without practicing will fail. You could turn off a woman because the methods you chose for step 1 didn’t work. 

You could make her uncomfortable by asking too many personal questions. Worst of all, you could offend her if you don’t approach the conversation with tact and sensitivity. [Try: 20 questions to ask her to show your sensitive side]

In order for fractionation seduction to work, a person must be confident and eloquent enough to pull it off. Appearances may matter up to a point, but the whole concept of fractionation relies on how well a man can steer a conversation to the topics he wants.

For those who want to try fractionation, it would be a good idea to practice talking to your friends and let them judge how well you’re doing. Practice in front of a mirror, with your grocery cashier, and even with your boss—that’s just as difficult as talking to a woman, anyway, right?

If you succeed, you are well on your way to getting the girl of your dreams. If not, you can always learn from your mistakes and try again. Just make sure that you use fractionation seduction responsibly. Never use it to take advantage of someone, and always make sure that you express your intentions clearly. [Read: 20 sex god moves to attract and seduce women in style]

Is fractionation seduction immoral or illegal?

This is a great question because as you can tell by the examples, a lot of people would see them as immoral. Think about it – they are used purposefully to damage a woman’s psyche and scar her emotionally. That doesn’t seem like a very nice thing to do.

But some people would argue that these techniques are not inherently good or bad. Just like a weapon like a knife or a gun aren’t inherently bad by themselves, it depends on how you use them. A knife can be used to cook a delicious meal. Or, it can be used to kill someone. See the difference? 

However, before you use fractionation seduction on a woman, you have to understand that it’s not possible to undo the effect that it has on her. It’s similar to hypnosis, but unlike traditional hypnosis, you can’t snap your finger and have her come immediately out of her trance. [Read: What turns women on? 52 traits to turn girls on sexually and emotionally]

So, what this means is that once you have a woman under your “control” using fractionation seduction, you can’t just make the effects go away if she starts annoying you.

Even worse, she could become obsessed with you and perhaps even turn into a stalker. That’s because using these techniques can somewhat damage her emotional well-being. 

Therefore, if you have bad intentions or if you want to hurt women using these fractional seduction techniques, then you shouldn’t. You could cause a woman irreparable damage. So if you want to cause harm, then don’t use it. 

[Next, read: How to woo a girl and make her fall for you]

Are you ready to use fractionation seduction on your next night out? If you are, don’t forget to be ethical when seducing the women you meet. Try out these steps and see how well you connect with the woman of your dreams.

The post Fractionation Seduction: What It Is & How Guys Use Emotions to Seduce is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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