Sunday 11 September 2022

Getting Into High-End Nightclubs

nightclub bouncer with hand up halting entryGetting into selective nightlife venues is no easy task. Yet if understand the social dynamics of door entry, and getting in becomes more assured.

Hey guys.

A few weeks ago, we discussed the differences between high-end venues and meat markets and followed up with a post on how to pick up women in meat markets.

I intend to write a post, or rather, a cheat sheet on how to pick up women in high-end venues; however, I realize that I should cover some topics first:

  • How to befriend the venue staff to gain benefits, access, and social value. This will be useful in meat markets but even more so in high-end venues where social status plays a prominent role.

  • How to get into high-end venues. What is the point of writing a post on how to run these venues if you cannot get in?

I’ll cover the latter topic below.

As you will see, last week’s post about how to befriend the staff to your advantage will come in handy here.

Today we will focus on interacting with the bouncers and pickers and how to behave in the venue line.

Note that in some venues, the bouncers also act as pickers.


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