Wednesday 14 September 2022

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease Her About Wanting to Get Rid of Her

woman making shocked expressionIf you like to tease girls, you’ll like this one: teasing her by implying you want to get rid of her or get her away. Not only can this be a fun, playful tease – it is also a chase frame.

I was reminded to write a post on a favored form of teasing by a recent report on our forum.

In it, the thread starter (Fluxcapacitor) relentlessly teases the girl he ultimately beds by implying that either:

  1. He wants to get rid of her, or

  2. He thinks she is a pariah in general

For example:

Girl: (eagerly) I'm going to Pub X!

Flux: Oh cool, I know to avoid there then.


Girl: Oh well it sucks to be you! (playfully with a giggle)

Flux: It actually does! Then I come out here and bump into you! It just gets worse!

And another:

Girl: I know, I know. But this is where the cool people come.

Flux: I'm surprised they let you in (playful look)

Here's one more:

Girl: It sucks to be you.

Flux: It actually does, and now I've just spent all night with you, how bad is that?!

As a guy who enjoys giving girls a good ribbing, this kind of teasing is one I quite like too.

Today, we're going to take a quick look at how this "get rid of her" / "she's a pariah" teasing works.


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