Wednesday 19 October 2022

40 Best Places & Ways to Meet Women to Find a Perfect Girlfriend

You’re looking for the perfect girlfriend but don’t know the best places to meet women? Don’t worry because we’ll tell you the best places and ways to meet women!

where to meet women

Women who are girlfriend material are not as scarce as you might think. But sometimes it doesn’t feel that way because you don’t know where to meet women.

Believe it or not, they are found all over the city—walking in the park, reading a book in the library, staring at a painting in a gallery, or just sipping coffee at a local coffee shop. 

They can even be sitting right next to you in class or working on the same project a couple of cubicles away. You just have to know how to look for them.

You may be hanging out at a local bar every night of the week, desperate to find the perfect girlfriend. And yet… no luck! But there’s a reason you’re not finding her there. You might be looking for the right person, just at the wrong place.

Well, if you can’t find her in a bar, where else can you find her? There are a ton of places where you can meet women. The key is going into a place that is of interest to you as well. 

You may find the girl you’re looking for while reading in the public library, but if you’re not interested in reading, you will NOT sustain her interest. To find a woman who is girlfriend material, you must first be within her sights, and you MUST be boyfriend material to her in return. [Read: What do girls like in guys? 30 desirable traits and turn-offs women hate]

Are you boyfriend material?

Before you embark on the challenge of wanting to meet women who are girlfriend material, you must first make sure that you are boyfriend material. 

Are you emotionally ready to love someone and commit to them wholeheartedly? Do you think you are mature enough to handle the challenges that a relationship entails? Are you financially ready to sustain a relationship?

If you’re not, then please don’t bother. If you don’t immediately lose her interest, then down the road, you will hurt her. You might even change a woman who is girlfriend material into someone who is not.

Before finding a girlfriend

If you’re a single man wanting to meet the right woman, you need to prepare ahead of time before you venture out to find yourself a girlfriend. Here are some things to consider:

1. Know what kind of woman you are looking for

If you needed to travel across the country, would you do it without having a GPS or an old-fashioned map? Most people wouldn’t. That’s because you need to know where you want to go before you can actually get there.

Finding a girlfriend is no different. You can know where to meet a single woman, but if you don’t know what type of woman you’re looking for when you get there, it will do you no good. [Read: 15 worst types of bad girlfriends who will make your life a living hell]

2. Expand your social circles

Sure, a lot of guys are able to meet and find a girlfriend online from social media or dating apps, but sometimes that’s not the best way. Back in the day, people had to meet through friends, family, school, or work.

That works better because your family and friends know who you are. So, expand your social circle and improve your social life, and you might increase your opportunity to meet a girl with whom you share a lot in common.

3. Look for specific types of events that you enjoy

One of the best ways to meet people, specifically girls, is to find them at events.

Figure out what you like doing, and then go do them. If you are there because of your passion, then she will be too. And the chances of compatibility are a lot greater when you approach it this way.

Women who are girlfriend material

Not all women are girlfriend material. Some just want to enjoy the evening with you and forget you the next day. Some want to be somebody’s girlfriend, thinking they are ready and able to be one, even though they may lack some of the essential qualities. [Read: Signs that she’s a real keeper]

A woman who is girlfriend material is someone who is emotionally ready to handle a relationship. She is one who knows what she wants and knows when to compromise. 

Handling the commitment needed in a long-term relationship is easy for her. She is able and ready to be one half of a relationship.

Why you shouldn’t meet girls at bars and clubs

Bars are probably the first thing that comes to mind when you’re looking to meet women, but these are usually the worst places if you’re seeking something serious and long-term. [Read: How to pick up girls – 20 moves to get super lucky with women]

Sure, bars might even be the number one choice for all ventures into the dating arena because nightclubs and bars provide a regular flow of conquests for the experienced chick magnet. Also, bars are often thought of because there are always women in bars, and the alcohol makes for easy icebreakers.

The problem is women are usually put off by men at bars and clubs. Even if you’re the nicest guy on the block, she’s going to think you’re a d-bag. They assume that you’re just there to mindlessly flirt with any girl and eventually bring her home for the night.

But that’s not you. You’re not flirting with this girl so that you can buy her drinks all night and then have her laugh at you with her girlfriends. Yet, that’s what ends up happening to men at the clubs and bars. [Read: How to pick up girls at a bar even if you’re an introvert]

That’s not to say that successful relationships haven’t begun with guys and girls meeting at a bar. It just isn’t common. These are the reasons it’s not recommended. 

1. She’s looking to bone

She’s there for the same reason most men are—to hook up. When people are at a bar or club it’s not usually for a monogamous relationship but a casual encounter.

So, if you were looking to find the right girl, you probably want to look in a different type of place as the women you meet here are not looking for someone to have a serious relationship with. [Read: Worst people you can have a one-night stand with]

2. She’s not looking to bone at all

Opposite to the point above, but maybe she’s not at the bar to think about men at all. Sure, you’ll be able to meet many women, but they aren’t going to bars to meet men.

They’re going out because they want to dance, laugh with their friends, and show off their clothes, hair, and makeup to all the other girls.

3. Competition is fierce and unfriendly

This is one of the more annoying qualities of trying to meet a girl at a bar or club. There are about 10 other guys who also vie for her attention. You basically have to get in line behind a lot of men to buy her a drink or steal a dance, and that’s if she doesn’t automatically shoot you down.

4. She thinks you’re a creep

Your friends may know you’re Superman incarnate: badass, fun, charming, and always sensitive to the ladies—but she thinks you’re a total creep.

Guys who choose the cold approach and then hit on girls at bars are more often than not total douchebags, and she knows it. [Read: How to tell a girl you like her and not come across as creepy]

For this reason, she’s probably going to have her defenses up right away the moment you make eye contact, leaving you no time to charm her with your wit and social commentary.

5. You can’t really get to know a girl well

You are also unlikely to obtain any real idea of what the girl you are talking to is actually like, what with all that deafening music providing the ultimate barrier to communication. Plus, the conversation tends to be very surface-level, which doesn’t lead to a meaningful relationship.

6. Alcohol impairs judgment

Because alcohol often comes into play at these venues, and it impairs the judgment of both yourself and your potential conquest. As the term says, you can get “beer goggles.” [Read: True sex talk – alcohol’s effect on sex and your libido]

In other words, a girl who is a 3 out of 10 might look like a 10 out of 10 when you’re drunk. This is unlikely to lead you to find the perfect date.

7. You keep seeing the same people

Finally, you have a significant chance when trawling the same old places of bumping into ex-girlfriends, their friends, their family, and anyone else who now thinks that you exist somewhere on the evolutionary scale between sea slugs and vampire bats. And that’s not going to help your prospects now, is it? [Read: Reasons men get rejected by the women they want]

Why diversify?

There is probably nothing particularly wrong with the situational choices you have so far made in your quest to charm your way into a woman’s affections – or panties if that’s more what you have in mind – and some of the more established locations for pursuing this end have no doubt produced some of the best relationships. 

However, there are some significant reasons why you might want to shake up your usual approach.

So instead of trying the same thing that every other guy tries, why not think outside the box? [Read: How to talk to women and capture their attention immediately]

Before making any big moves, you’re going to want to figure out what kind of girl you want to date and go from there. For example, if you are a liberal atheist, you are not going to find the girl of your dreams at a conservative church mass, ya’ know? Visualize and then conquer.

Best places to meet single women

Now that you know bars don’t work for scoring with the ladies and that you should diversify, you might be wondering where the best places are to find nice single women.

There are a number of places in the city where you are likely to meet a woman who is girlfriend material. Sure, you can stick to the places you frequent, which can be listed below, or you might want to go out of your comfort zone and check other locations. [Read: How to talk smooth with women]

So, here’s a list of places to meet girls you can actually have a conversation *and more* with. Just make sure you don’t come off as a predator actively looking for his prey. Stay classy!

1. While jogging or on a running path

A woman who runs regularly is a woman who knows how to take care of her body. She is active and healthy and knows that her physical, mental, and emotional health is important. 

Nor does she mind being sweaty around other people, as she knows this is just normal. This setting is the polar opposite of meeting a woman in the bar, as she won’t be as pristine and done up during her run. If you appreciate a woman who embraces a more natural look, here is the perfect place. [Read: How to attract a girl – things all women look for at first sight]

2. Library or bookstore

The library is one of the places where women are less likely to get hit on, which means there is less competition.

Libraries and bookstores also provide ample ice-breakers. All you need to do is ask her about what she is reading, what book she’d recommend you pick up, or even what the worst book she ever read was, and you already have an interesting conversation going.

If you meet a woman in a bookish setting, it’s likely that you’re both caught up on current affairs or well-read. You can talk to her about anything and everything. It can be about local politics, a hunger strike in some far-off country, the recent advances in space travel, or even the funniest exploits of some of the royal mistresses throughout history.

You need not worry that she’ll be out partying on Friday nights, flirting with other guys when you’re out of town. She’ll most probably be curled up in bed reading a novel instead. [Read: How to date a bookworm like you’re in a romance novel]

3. Your favorite restaurant

If you have a strong passion for a specific type of cuisine or just have a deep appreciation for food in general, find a kindred soul in your favorite restaurant. If you notice the same women frequenting your favorite restaurant, approach them and say hi.

The women you’re likely to find are regular girls who love their food and aren’t afraid to savor them. She takes care of her health and respects her body enough to fuel it with delicious meals, not bland rabbit food.

You can start talking about your favorite items on the menu or your appreciation for the chefs, but as long as you both can talk about a shared interest passionately, you’re on a roll.

4. Gig bars

For those who hold music close to their heart, finding love in a gig bar is the ideal situation. You don’t want to waste your time with someone who doesn’t love great music.

You want to share your appreciation for your favorite artists and who will go to gig bars to listen to live music with you. [Read: What’s on her mind when you approach a girl in a club?]

5. Music concerts and festivals

Similarly to the point above, this is another great way to meet new women if you’re more of a relaxed music fan. Here you’re less likely to find die-hard music fans and more relaxed women who want to have fun and lose themselves in the beat.

The great thing about music concerts and festivals is that each festival will attract different crowds, so if there is a lineup of artists you personally like, chances are the crowd will be full of women who think as you do.

Regardless of which festival you attend, you’ll find women who are confident in their own skin. These types of women aren’t afraid to show their real selves and let go. With her, you are sure to have fun. [Read: Ways to have a great time while dating a music lover]

6. On vacation

If you can’t stop envisioning all the places in the world you want to see, you’ll want to meet a woman who also has a long travel list. The best way to do this is to meet women on a vacation.

Sitting by the pool, dining in the hotel restaurant, or embarking on the same touristy tour as you, you’ll find plenty of women from similar or different cultures to talk to.

The great thing about meeting a woman on vacation is that if you two start dating, she’ll infect you with the travel bug, and you’ll explore the world together.

She’ll introduce you to new cities, new experiences, and countless other adventures. She can even provide you with hundreds of lists of the best places you must see together. With her, you’ll never be bored. [Read: Holiday hookups – ways you can attract a travel fling]

7. By the beach

If you’re lucky enough to live near a beach, that can be a great place to meet fellow coast lovers! Whether your interests lie in surfing, underwater exploring, or just getting a tan while building a sandcastle, at the beach, you’re likely to find a woman who shares the same interests as you.

With her, you can take off your shoes and just run towards the surf. The beach has a funny way of attracting chill people who are happy to go with the flow of the waves, so if that’s you you’ll likely find your other half here. [Read: Sexy couples on the beach]

8. Local coffee shop

This is a simple and easy but nonetheless great place to meet women who share the same love for coffee as you. The coffee shop down the road draws in many different women with various different backgrounds, but there is one thing they will all share: a love for coffee.

A coffee shop is a great place to meet women if you are maybe unsure of the type of person you’re looking to settle down with or if you’re keeping an open mind about the women you want to date.

And if the differences between you and the woman in the line behind you are too great, at least you can fall back on talking about coffee.

9. In the park

The park is a great place to meet fellow nature lovers. Here, you can find women who are there to feed the pigeons, watch the squirrels, or just sit on a bench to feel the breeze during their lunch break. [Read: 20 subtle signs a woman wants your attention and wants you to notice her]

If you’re feeling brave, you can approach any of these women and talk about how cute the pigeons are as they peck at bread crumbs or how nice the weather is. Although small talk, these discussion openers can soon get you connecting on how much you both love nature.

10. In your church

Religious beliefs can play a huge role in relationships. If you are a devout follower of one religion, a partner who follows a different religion or no religion at all could be a deal breaker.

So, the woman sitting a few pews in front, reading the hymnal book, or the woman sitting beside you, listening intently to the preacher, could just be your lost other half. [Read: Psychology of attraction – 6 types and the ones that make you fall in love]

She has a close relationship with her God, and she cherishes that relationship. Or maybe she will share the same values and respect the same beliefs as you.

Either way, the women you can meet at your church are likely to be a great match for you and the type of woman your parents hope you bring home to meet them one day. The church is probably one of the right places if you want to find the right woman if you choose to meet someone of the same religion or beliefs.

11. While doing volunteer work

If you want to be around women with compassionate souls, this is the perfect place. You’ll find her on Thursday nights handing out food to the homeless in the local soup kitchen or in the animal shelter, petting the cats, or walking the dogs around the neighborhood. 

Or she’ll be the one volunteering in the homes for the aged, playing chess with the grandpas, or gossiping with the grandmas. With her, you’ll find someone who shares your value for compassion. [Read: How to meet “The One” without appearing desperate]

12. Through friends and family

Who says playing matchmaker is dead? Your friends know you better than anyone. They watch you succeed, know your likes and dislikes, and probably watched you yack into the sink after one too many. Now that’s a real friend.

And as your real friend, your buds know exactly what kind of girl you’re looking for. Male or female, ask if your friends *or their girlfriends or their friend’s friend* know of any girl looking to date a handsome stud such as yourself.

13. At school

If you’re in college, this is one of your last chances to meet women in a controlled environment. If you take the same classes, you already have an in for making conversation. [Read: How to get any girl to like you – 18 secrets to impress any girl]

Ask if she wants to be your study buddy, share notes, and start sitting with her during class. This will get the hint across that you’re interested.

14. Work events

Now that you’re out of school, work is the next level of meeting women. This can be a slippery slope since workplace regulations usually frown on co-workers dating. Potential breakups also make working together tricky afterward.

Combat this by going to someone else’s work event. Whether it be a different department in your building or just a friend’s office party. [Read: How to approach women – 15 tips you absolutely need to know]

This is great because you know she has income, and you won’t have to bring home the bacon. Plus, you get to be Mr. Personality since you don’t actually work in her field and won’t be talking boring work jargon all night.

15. Sporting events

If you love sports, why not meet women with similar interests? Start buying tickets to some local games and peruse your section for the sporty girl who isn’t sitting with another guy. 

Look for the girl with the painted face and the beer in her hand. We say that’s definitely girlfriend material and the type of woman every sports fan dreams of. [Read: 50 warm, feel-good questions to ask a girl to get to know her better]

16. On public transit

Women are everywhere in public transit, so that’s also a great way to meet them. What makes a two-hour commute to work easier than flirting with the cutie in the seat next to you?

17. Classes

If you can’t find any interesting women at your place of employment, you may consider taking up a class. Learning a language, taking classes on archery, or simply doing some drunk painting is a great way to find a sexy lady to call your own. 

Plus, women tend to take classes in packs of girls—not with boyfriends. [Read: What girls find attractive – 20 traits that make you irresistible]

18. Work

There are some occupations, such as teachers and medical staff, who work such long hours that the only chance they have of meeting someone else of the opposite sex is at work – and they very often fall uncomplainingly into that very same situation.

However, this is not the ideal place to find someone to set up a relationship, if only because of what may happen if you separate at some point. 

Arguments, obstructiveness, pettiness, and awkwardness are bound to spring up – which is exactly why so many employers have clauses in their contracts dissuading workers from doing that.

Even if separation is not forthcoming, your personal life might interfere with your professional life, as well. [Read: Tips for a hassle-free relationship with a coworker]

19. On the street

This is a difficult one to pull off, and you have to get your planning right. But if you do it with style, and leave the woman in question feeling like she’s just been swept off her feet, then you’re a winner.

The trick is to make it look spontaneous whilst being carefully planned for. As tricky as this is, if you get it right, you will instantly achieve white knight status. 

Chat her up by asking for the time or asking if she’s waiting for the same bus as you. Even a plain and simple “hello” combined with a smile would work to get the conversation started. [Read: How to approach a girl and instantly impress her]

20. The supermarket

This sounds like a really strange option, but it has become an increasingly popular one – so much so that in the UK, a few years ago, many of the leading supermarkets introduced a singles shopping night once a week in the later hours. 

It’s hard to tell what kind of woman you’d end up with if you give this a go, but one advantage of the glaring bright, white supermarket lights is that you’ll be able to see straight through any heavily administered attempts at make-up camouflage.

21. The internet

Another increasingly popular option, and once the subject of ridicule. However, there is no better way of getting to know someone without actually having to commit to meeting them until you are truly sure you want to progress the relationship.

And you get to know everything about them in advance so that you can prepare for that first meeting accordingly. [Read: How to choose the perfect wingman while meeting women]

22. The gym

Similar to entry number nine in classes, although you do have to take a little more care not to come across as some kind of pervert. However, you do get that common point of interest again, as well as a potential girlfriend with a body to die for – or at least one who’s on her way there.

23. Online dating apps

This is an obvious one because there’s where it’s super easy to meet women. But if you haven’t visited online dating sites yet, then now is the time to start! Get some great photos of yourself and write yourself a stand-out bio for your profile. If you’re not good at that, then ask a friend to help you out.

24. Arcade

If you’re a gamer and like to have fun, then try going to an arcade. The good thing about this is that you will find women who also like gaming. It’s important to find someone with similar interests, so this is a great option if it’s something that you enjoy doing. [Read: 25 surprisingly good reasons to date a gamer]

25. Yoga classes

You may or may not be into yoga, but why not give it a try? There are a lot of attractive women to go to yoga classes at gyms or other public venues.

Check out the room before the class starts and put your mat next to a girl that you find attractive. Then, strike up a conversation after it’s over.

26. Animal shelters

If you’re a big animal lover, then animal shelters are a great place to meet women. As we just said earlier, it’s important to find a woman with similar interests and values. If you are both there, then that means you both have a passion for helping animals. 

27. Artistic events

There are a lot of different types of artistic events you can try, and they could be packed with women. For example, one thing that is popular these days is a wine-drinking and painting evening.

The instructor helps the class paint a picture while everyone is drinking wine, socializing, and painting their masterpieces. What better way is there to meet women who are as adventurous and creative as you! [Read: What to talk about with a girl you like – 48 ways to build a connection]

28. Speed dating events

If you’re not familiar with speed dating, it’s an event where you get to meet and find single women who want to expand their dating pool all in one night.

The meetings are timed, and you go from one table to the next and have short conversations with as many women as you can. In the end, you both choose who you want to keep talking to and maybe go out on a date so you can get to know one another better.

How to approach women *do’s and don’ts*

You may not be the best at picking up women, so you need to know the do’s and don’ts so you can do it right. Let’s start with the do’s:


1. Be friendly and introduce yourself

Women are naturally attracted to nice and friendly guys. So, just be yourself. Walk over to her, smile, and introduce yourself. It’s not too complicated, really.

Hopefully, she’ll be friendly back, and then you can strike up a conversation that you both will like. [Read: 71 friendly, funny questions to get to know someone in a happy way]

2. Ask her about herself

Most people like talking about themselves. So, ask her questions like where she is from, what she does for a living, and other questions like that so you can get to know her better.

Also, share some of your own personal information with her, and don’t be too closed off. If you play your cards right, then you might score a first date with her.

3. Compliment her

Who doesn’t like to get compliments? Most people do. However, some do find it a little uncomfortable, so you don’t want to overdo it.

You might want to tell her that she has a great smile or how beautiful her eyes are. Just stay away from complimenting her body in a sexual way.

4. Act confident

Men who are confident naturally attract women even when they don’t try hard to. Women like confidence because it makes them feel like the man will be protective in the future.

So, even if you’re not a confident guy, pretend like you are, and that will help you meet women. If she senses any insecurity in you, it will probably turn her off. [Read: How to build confidence – powerful changes to alter your life]

5. Talk to her for a while

You don’t want to monopolize her time, but don’t just walk over and say hi and then walk away. Try to chit-chat and get to know her a little.

But depending on the situation, you don’t want to talk too long and distract her from what she was doing when you introduced yourself. Having a brief conversation with a woman gives you a chance to leave a good first impression.

6. Ask for her social media or number

If the conversation went well and you think she might like you, then don’t walk away from her without asking where you can find her. It might be safer to connect on social media first.

But if you feel like going for it, then you can ask her directly for her number. The point is you want a way to keep in touch and get to know her better.


7. Use a cheesy pickup line

Sure, we see this in the movies all the time. A guy goes up to a girl and uses some pickup line, and miraculously it works.

But most women don’t like that. They think it’s ingenuine and that you are probably a player. Just be yourself – no need to approach a woman with those lines. [Read: 20 really bad pickup lines you’d be crazy to use in real life]

8. Act shy

As we said earlier, most women like guys with confidence. Not that you can’t have confidence if you’re a shy guy, but a lot of women don’t perceive it that way. So, try to be talkative, engaging, and charming as much as you possibly can.

9. Touch her 

Body language accounts for most of the meaning of a message. And while touch can be good in a relationship, it can also be creepy to a girl if you’re a stranger who just approached her. So, don’t put your arm around her, try to hold her hand, or touch her in any kind of sexual way.

10. Be too aggressive

If you can tell that maybe she’s not sure of you, then don’t push it. Don’t try to convince her to like you or go out with you.

Let the conversation flow naturally, and try to read her body language. If you are too aggressive, it will probably backfire on you. [Read: Things to do to become manlier, but not aggressive]

11. Look or act like a player

The last thing that a girl wants is a player. Sure, you might think that most of them like bad boys, but not all of them do.

They don’t like being jerked around by mind games or feeling like they have to compete with other women for your attention.

12. Forget to follow up with her

If the conversation goes well and she is eager to connect with you on social media, or she gave you her phone number, don’t wait too long to contact her.

Forget the “cool” 3-day rule. Women want to know that you are interested, and they don’t want to play games. So, just be honest and keep up the connection you started.

[Read: Tips for dating a girl who’s out of your league]

Now that you’ve learned where to meet women, you will have better chances of meeting the right women. Just live your life and be the best you. Keep an eye out for people who share the same interests as you. One of them might just be the woman you are looking for. 

The post 40 Best Places & Ways to Meet Women to Find a Perfect Girlfriend is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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