Monday 3 October 2022

PDA Pre-Relationship vs. Post-Consummation

TEXTPDA can be lots of fun in relationships. When you use it with girls you haven’t bedded yet, though, it backfires. Why’s it so different pre- vs. post-sex?

Most folks have some kind of opinion on public displays of affection (PDA).

Some like indulging in them, some don’t. Although some can go either way.

If you’re inexperienced at picking up women, but you’ve had prior relationships with PDA, you may associate such displays with “doing really well with a girl.” You’ll be out somewhere with your girlfriend, start feeling each other all up, tonguing each other down heavily, and by the time you finally get each other alone somewhere the clothes just come flying off and the passion and intensity of the sex is phenomenal.

However, when you start cold approaching, or meeting women at parties, or anywhere else you encounter strange women, and you begin using PDA on them, you start running into a different phenomenon:

The passion explodes… a girl seems really, really into you… everything is unfolding exactly how it has with prior girlfriends of yours you’ve done PDA with… yet just as you’re assuming it’s a shoe-in, this girl’s about to be yours, she ups and leaves and you don’t get the girl.

What happened? How on Earth did you lose her?

She was so into it… why would she leave?

The answer is female state control – and it’s a phenomenon you won’t (usually) see in women you’ve already consummated a sexual relationship with… but absolutely will with girls prior to consummation.


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