Friday 28 October 2022

The Magnetic Man, Pt. 4: Social Response Ability

magnetism social response abilityYour response to social situations decides how well you do in them. How do you train up this ‘response ability’ though – and become more magnetic in the process?

A popular quote goes,

With great power comes great responsibility.

It’s pertinent to today’s article because we are continuing our discussion on response ability, extending beyond conceptual skill into the broader and tantalizing topic of socializing.

As you may have noticed, your response ability extends to every realm of personal magnetism.

We will break down and cross-examine social response ability to better understand how to harmonize magnetism with the different cold approach battlefields so you come out on top in your social circle pickups and make your extended seductions run smoothly.

The “great power” you will gain from reading Girls Chase today is social response ability, and this power is best used responsibly. I hope that pun is a reminder of the quote above.


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