Friday 4 November 2022

40 Secrets & Easy Hacks to Look Rich & Dress Like You’re Rolling in Cash

If you’re wondering how to look rich, the good news is that you don’t need to splash the cash to do it. Simply follow these useful tips instead. 

how to look rich

It doesn’t matter how much money you earn. Looking rich can instantly make you feel classier and more confident. Taking time with your appearance and smartening up your look doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy new clothes, get an expensive haircut, or invest in the best products.

Knowing how to look rich is all about making a few simple changes and thinking carefully about how you come across to other people. [Read: Money can’t buy love – are you an idiot?]

Why do people want to look rich?

First things first, assess your motivation. Why do you want to learn how to look rich in the first place? What are you going to get out of it?

As we’ve already mentioned, looking rich can give you a confidence boost. It can also help you appear self-assured and super-sophisticated to others. However, are you doing all of this for yourself or others?

Some people want to look rich so they can show off. But you’re putting out a false narrative. Definitely follow these tips on how to look rich, but remember that it’s always better to just be yourself!

With that being said, if you’re keen on learning how to look rich and boost your confidence in the process, let’s check out some tips. [Read: Money can buy happiness in love]

How to look rich without appearing to try hard

Understanding how to look rich isn’t necessarily about being as flashy as possible, and there are different rich ‘looks’ to go for. You might try to look classy and sophisticated, or you might be going for more of a ‘bling’ look. Either way, it’s a combination of picking the right clothes, adjusting your grooming routine, and learning how to look rich in your demeanor.

So, what are the things you can do to look rich? Here are some top tips:

1. Buy well-fitting clothes

Clothes that fit you well naturally look more expensive. Take your time when shopping for clothes to find pieces that fit your body and suit your shape perfectly. [Read: The clothes make the girl – tips to look your best]

2. Invest in a few high-quality pieces

Spending money on high-end clothes can be difficult. The next time that you have money for shopping, instead of buying ten cheaper items, buy two more expensive ones. These change your whole look and will likely last longer too.

3. Don’t go for branded items

Items with designer logos splashed across the chest look a little obvious. Instead, get rid of labels altogether. No one will know where you got your clothes. [Read: Small details that define class and poise]

4. Always dress smartly

If you look like a total scruff bag it’s going to be hard to pull off the ‘rich’ look. Instead, opt for smarter, understated pieces. Tuck in your shirt, wear smarter shoes, and keep your look well-groomed and classy.

5. Rock the oversized sunglasses look

Big sunglasses always give off an air of celebrity. Invest in a pair of big sunnies to wear with an understated outfit. [Read: The clothes make the girl – 15 tips to get you looking your best]

6. Go for natural fabrics

Natural fabrics, such as wool and cashmere, look better than blended fabrics, so stick to them if you can.

7. Keep your clothes clean and free of wrinkles

Again, looking rich is all about keeping a clean and sophisticated look. Make sure your clothes always look laundered and take your time to iron out any crumples to keep looking smart. [Read: 25 ways to make people like you and draw anyone to you]

8. Dress appropriately for every occasion

Always think about the kind of occasion you’re attending and dress appropriately for that. Looking rich isn’t about sticking out.

9. Consider the weather

Always be prepared for whatever the weather is. A drowned rat look doesn’t look great and neither does shivering away in a skimpy dress when temperatures drop.

10. Shoes are where it’s at

If you plan to spend money on one thing, it should be shoes. Expensive shoes last longer and are considered a telltale sign of whether someone is rich or not! [Read What to wear on a first date]

11. Think about your accessories – they can make a real difference

Accessories make all the difference when it comes to knowing how to look rich. If you overload yourself, you can go from classy to tacky in an instant. Keep your accessories simple. Go for one or two statement pieces rather than too many.

12. Don’t show off – Less is more

Don’t show off unless you can pull it off! Bright, clashing colors and outrageous outfits may get attention, but not necessarily for the right reasons!

13. Always make hygiene a priority

Rich people spend hours grooming themselves. Make sure you don’t let your look down and always keep clean and hygienic. [Read: 22 ways to stand apart and shine from within]

14. Make sure you smell great

Choose your scent wisely. Again, understated is best. Just a few dabs of perfume or cologne will do the trick.

15. Moisturize

Keep skin looking young and fresh by making sure you moisturize regularly.

16. Exfoliate away those dead skin cells

Exfoliate regularly, too! Simple grooming tips such as these help you stay looking younger and well cared for. [Read: How to take care of yourself as a woman]

17. Take care of your nails and keep them painted

Scraggy nails and chipped nail polish never look good. For men, keeping nails short and clean is enough. Women should paint their nails and never let a chip occur!

18. Always have neat and shiny hair

When it comes to hair, healthy and glossy are best. You could follow hair trends, but it might be hard to keep up with them. Instead, going for a natural and healthy look might be your best bet.

19. Have regular haircuts to keep split ends at bay

Getting regular haircuts ensures that you keep your hair in the best condition.

20. Guys, pay attention to your facial hair

For men, making sure that your facial hair doesn’t get too unruly is important! [Read: How to smile more often and live a better life]

21. For hair, the natural look is always better

When it comes to dying your hair, going for wild colors or bleaching it way beyond your natural color runs the risk of looking super cheap. Instead, keep it natural or go for tones and highlights closer to your own hair color so that you can enhance it without it looking too ‘dyed.’

22. Natural makeup is a must, too

For women, overloading makeup is never a good look. Try to use makeup subtly. Go for natural tones that enhance your natural beauty!

23. Rock a Hollywood smile

If you can’t afford to get a real Hollywood smile, use whitening toothpaste and practice good oral hygiene. [Read: How to smile more often – baby steps to change your life forever]

24. Get out there

To give the impression that you are rich, you need to be seen in the right places. Make sure you get out there and get noticed on the scene!

25. Always behave with class and elegance

Don’t get really drunk or be too loud. Behave with elegance and class at all times. [Read: How to be graceful and elegant]

26. Be mindful of how you eat

If you dine out, take the time to chew your food. Don’t act like it’s the last meal you are ever going to have!

27. Show off your fantastic table manners

Learning good table manners demonstrates that you have been brought up with class!

28. Educate yourself on “rich people” topics

If you want to come across as rich, get educated on the kinds of things they might talk about and be interested in. Make sure you get in the know. It’s helpful to understand expensive brands and the kinds of events or trends that are taking place in rich people’s circles. [Read: Things to talk about with a girl]

29. Speak slowly and with purpose

Don’t come across as too gushy or excitable. Speak like you really know what you are saying at all times.

30. Keep a check on your emotions

Getting flustered, angry, or emotional is not good etiquette. Stay calm and graceful no matter the circumstances. [Read: The guide to finding your zone of calm perfection]

31. Act like you don’t need anything

Rich people don’t act like they need stuff, so make sure you don’t!

32. Try some rich people’s hobbies

Taking up the kinds of activities, sports, and hobbies that rich people do makes you seem like one of them. Try:

– Sailing

– Golf

– Tennis

– Polo

– Skiing

– Fine dining

– Traveling

– Riding horses

33. Become an avid reader

Make sure you read a lot of books on all sorts of topics and bring them up in conversation. [Read: Drawing a blank? Try these 25 good conversation starters]

34. Stay up to date with current affairs

Make sure you know what is going on in the world to appear educated and informed. That means that you should be learning less about celebrity gossip and more about the things that actually matter!

35. Become an avid art fan

Visit art galleries and learn about art to appear more sophisticated.

36. Do your best to travel as much as you can

We know that traveling the world is easier said than done when you’re strapped for cash, but try to travel and learn about new places and cultures as much as possible.

37. Be mindful of what you post on social media

Looking rich involves managing all aspects of your life. Pay attention to your social media accounts and how you present yourself there, too! [Read: Ways to detox off of social media]

38. Hold back on any urge to brag

The truly rich don’t flaunt it in people’s faces. Act humble and demure at all times.

39. Correct your posture

Do you slouch? Perhaps you walk with your shoulders hunched over a little? Do you often trip over your own feet? Correcting your posture is key if you want to look rich. Stand tall and lift your shoulders up and back. Resist the urge to slouch when you sit and keep your back straight instead.

40. Always avoid petty drama and gossip

Okay, not all rich people do this. But if you want to be the right type of rich person, you need to act with sophistication at all times. That means avoiding any petty drama and gossi, and keeping your mind on the things that actually matter. [Read: Drama queen alert! The steps to calmly deal with a diva]

By following the above tips, you can give the impression of being richer, classier, and more sophisticated. Coming across this way allows you entry into different social circles, makes you feel more confident and interesting as a person, and could even land you a job or change your circle of friends!

Never change yourself for the sake of looking rich

The tips you’ve just read are all pretty easy to follow. None of them involve changing who you are at your very core or making any major modifications to your body or looks. You might think that learning how to look rich means buying clothes and accessories that you can’t afford and heading to the surgeon’s office. None of that is true.

It’s about a few small tweaks to your style and learning how to carry yourself in a specific kind of way. It doesn’t mean scalpels and Gucci labels. It means that knowing how to look rich is more about sophistication than anything else.

[Read: How to feel good and kick ass in life]

If you want to know how to look rich, follow these tips and see what a difference it makes! 

The post 40 Secrets & Easy Hacks to Look Rich & Dress Like You’re Rolling in Cash is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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