Wednesday 16 November 2022

How to Make a Girl Blush & Feel Warm and Fuzzy Around You

When a girl blushes because of you, you’ve got her attention in a good way. But of course, you need to learn how to make a girl blush in the first place! 

how to make a girl blush

When a girl blushes, it’s super cute. She becomes all coy and shy for a second, even if her personality is far from shy. A gentle shade of pink appears over her face. She might even giggle. Yes, a blushing girl is probably one of the most beautiful sights there is.

The good news is that learning how to make a girl blush isn’t actually hard. You simply need to know a few key moves and you’ll be in blushing land before you know it. You can also learn how to make a girl blush over text!

Of course, it also depends upon the girl as to what works versus what might not. Some girls blush a little easier than others.

For instance, just because a girl is strong and tough on the outside, doesn’t mean she hasn’t got a soft center. That means you need to focus on that and pull the blush out by giving her a heartfelt compliment that pierces that tough exterior!

On the other hand, a girl may be quite soft and sensitive, so simply telling her that she’s beautiful might be enough to make that pink creep across her face.

Whatever her personality type, learning how to make a girl blush is fun. You might have to try a few different things, but it’s fun to learn! [Read: Ways you can make your relationship more fun and playful]

Hang on, what is blushing?

We know that blushing causes a pink color to wash over the cheeks, perhaps the neck and chest too, but what is it exactly? You can learn how to make a girl blush over text or in person, but you need to know what it is first!

Blushing usually happens when someone feels shy, ashamed, or when they’re embarrassed. Of course, you don’t want to evoke the last two in this type of situation!

Instead, you need to focus on cute shyness. That means you’ve caught her attention and said something that has really affected her, catching her off guard. [Read: Girly things – 30 unintentional things you do that guys love]

Scientifically speaking, blushing happens due to an increased blood flow through the small capillaries below the skin. It shows itself on the face, neck, chest, and ears.

It’s very possible to make a girl blush by giving her a compliment and that doesn’t mean she’s embarrassed, it means she’s flattered.

It can also mean that she likes you back because some people tend to blush when they’re talking to someone they like. It’s actually a form of stress, but not all stress is bad!

When you learn how to make a girl blush over text, obviously you won’t get to see the result but it’s still there. When you make her blush in person, you can watch that satisfying pink spread over her face and know that you created it.

Some girls embrace their blushing, others don’t like it, but either way, it’s a sign that she’s affected by you and that can’t be bad! [Read: How to look cute – 25 ways to exude cuteness and melt any guy’s heart]

How to make a girl blush

So, let’s learn how to make a girl blush and put these strategies into practice! Remember, every girl is different.

What works for one girl might not work at all for another. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t try them out – trial and error will get you where you need to be!

1. Maintain eye contact for a little longer than normal

When you hold eye contact with someone, it’s pretty awkward at first, especially if you don’t know the person well. However, if you’re making eye contact with a girl you’re crushing on or someone you’ve just started dating, it’s not hard to make them blush this way!

Don’t stare, but hold their gaze just a few seconds longer than you normally would. [Read: How to read a girl and the subtle hints she drops your way]

2. Compliment her in a way that’s out of the ordinary

Anyone can say “you’re so pretty” or “I love your hair,” but these compliments lack originality. As a result, they don’t always have the desired effect.

If you want to learn how to make a girl blush, think outside of the box and come up with a compliment that is unique to her. However, unless you know the girl quite intimately, avoid anything that could offend her and not just cause her to blush! [Read: How to compliment a girl and make her blush]

3. Smile yourself and hold her eyes

Eye contact is a very common way to make a girl blush, but if you smile at the same time, it will definitely intensify the effect.

We tend to mirror the body language of someone we like, so if you smile at her, she’s likely to smile. When you keep smiling *in a cute way, not a creepy way*, it will definitely make her blush.

4. Tease her just a little

Gentle teasing is a great way to cause anyone to blush, so if you tease a girl you’ve been dating or simply crushing on, the likelihood is that she’ll either laugh along with you or become a little coy and slightly embarrassed and start to blush.

Remember, there is a difference between gentle teasing and offending her. Tread that line carefully. [Read: How to tease a girl sexually and leave her with your thoughts all day]

5. Use a joke that only the two of you know

Maybe you have an inside joke that’s personal to the two of you or a pet name that nobody else knows. If you bring it up in public, not loud enough for others to hear but loud enough for her to hear, it will trigger a memory and probably make her blush pretty quickly.

When learning how to make a girl blush, it’s about connecting your words and actions to things she can remember. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]

6. Flirt up a storm

Let’s be honest, flirting is pretty awkward most of the time. When you’re connecting with someone, it’s cute.

What better way to cause that blushing than by flirting with your girl and watching for her reaction? Be careful not to move into cheesy territory, but keep it light and fun. See what happens. [Read: How to have playful banter and keep the flirting alive forever]

7. Reminisce over a private memory

A little earlier we mentioned bringing up a private joke, but what about a special moment the two of you shared?

Tell a story you remember, perhaps when she accidentally tripped and you saved her from falling, how you remember her being embarrassed. Don’t laugh at her. Simply say it with affection, and she’ll probably end up blushing at the memory!

8. Call her out on something in a joking manner

If she says something funny or something you don’t agree with, call her out in a fun way and see if it makes her blush.

This one doesn’t work for every girl, because some girls might become defensive instead. You know your girl better than anyone, and if you don’t, well, it’s trial and error! [Read: Pussy tease – how to be the charming guy who seduces in slow motion]

9. Say something heartfelt

Speaking from the heart is one of the best ways to learn how to make a girl blush. Genuine compliments about her personality are likely to really hit the spot.

Come up with something that you really believe to be true. That’s the key. Make sure you actually believe it because she will see through fake words pretty easily.

10. Just tell her you like it when she blushes

Sometimes the best way is the direct way! If you want to know how to make a girl blush, just tell her you like it when she blushes! She’ll probably do it by default! [Read: 50 flirty text messages that are sure to make her smile]

How to make a girl blush over text isn’t much different

You might not be face-to-face with the girl you’re crushing on and you want to know how to make her blush over text. That’s fine, it’s easy to do!

Again, you won’t get to see the results of your actions but you’ll know it’s there and that could be enough. The desired outcome means that she’s more likely to want to spend more time with you.

The key to learning how to make a girl blush over text is to be direct but not crude. The compliment tip works really well, but make sure that you leave no room for confusion. Something like “I wish I was there with you, I really miss your smile” will probably do it!

Or, if you know her a little better or you’ve been intimate before, you could try to drag her mind back to a specific memory of when you were together. “I was just thinking about the other night” with a winking face! However, only do this if you know that it will have the desired effect and not the opposite one.

Learning how to make a girl blush over text is not much different from in person, you just need to connect with memories and compliments as you don’t have the benefit of eye contact and smiling when you’re apart. [Read: 300 most romantic text messages for her that’ll make her melt]

Now go on, make her blush!

As you can see, learning how to make a girl blush isn’t that difficult, you just need to be direct and watch for her reactions.

However, not every step will work with every girl and some girls might take offense if you’re not careful.

For that reason, test the waters before you try it. You don’t want to cause a problem or an argument when all you were trying to do is get her to do the cute blushing thing you love!

Blushing is a reaction that most people can’t help. It happens automatically. You can’t tell yourself not to blush and expect your face to heed your words. If you’re going to do it, you’re going to do it!

That’s what’s so cute about when girls blush. They have no control over it. It really gives you a glimpse into how she feels at that moment. It also shows a small amount of vulnerability, which in itself is very sweet. [Read: How to be vulnerable in a relationship and feel closer instantly]

The biggest rule here is to not say something crude. There’s a difference between crude and cheeky. There is also making a girl blush in a cute way and making a girl blush because you’re reminding her of something intimate that she wants to forget.

Some girls might like the memory of that moment, but others might become flustered and truly embarrassed. Keep it light. Again, play around with methods to find out which one suits your girl.

[Read: 100 sweet things to say to your girl and make her heart soar]

Learning how to make a girl blush is about connecting memories with words or actions, but it’s also about showing her that you actually care.

The post How to Make a Girl Blush & Feel Warm and Fuzzy Around You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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