Sunday 27 November 2022

How to Make Your Vagina Smell Good & Taste Even Better *and Why It Smells*

Believe it or not, your vagina cleans itself. However, you can still learn how to make your vagina smell good. Here is what you need to know. 

How to Make Your Vagina Smell Good and taste great

Vaginas, we’ve got a smelly beef to pick with you. *Mental note: smell, beef, and vagina should never be in the same sentence together. Ever.* 

That’s right, today we’re talking about how to make your vagina smell good—and whether you should even be concerned about how things are smelling in your nether regions.

Women go bonkers fretting over the general state of their vaginas. They can fixate on… well, anything! 

Clit size, droopy or uneven lips, the color of their labia, tightness, pubic hair, and of course, smell. Anything is fair game when it comes to worrying about what we’ve got going on down there. 

Especially for those practicing oral sex with a partner, the smell and taste of a vagina can be of huge concern. [Read: Perfect pretty pussy – 22 ways to make your vagina more beautiful]

Is vaginal odor natural?

Contrary to what many people might think or want, having some type of vaginal odor is perfectly normal and natural. Regardless of the actual scent, vaginas are anything but scent-free.

So, there’s no need to panic if your vagina doesn’t smell like flowers. Because now, that would not be normal – they are not meant to smell that way.

With that said, if you have noticed a change in the way your vagina smells and it goes on for long enough, you might want to talk to your doctor about it. [Read: Pussy selfie – 16 tips to take a good vagina selfie on the first try]

What does a vagina smell like? 

It’s not easy to describe exactly what a healthy vagina smells like because every woman is different. However, some words that have been used to describe it are earthy, slightly sour, ripe, or even pungent.

The only way to know what is good or bad is for each individual woman to know her own “normal” scent.

That way, if there is a strange or new smell that suddenly appears, then she will know something has changed – and probably not for the better. [Read: Types of vaginas that make up all the vaginas in the world]

The vagina is particularly sensitive to different changes in the daily environment, so anything that affects the delicate balance will also affect the smell in addition to the type of discharge and its consistency.

What is considered a “bad” vaginal smell?

This question might be a little easier to answer than the previous one. That’s because everyone knows when they smell something bad, right? 

Here are some scents that might indicate a problem. [Read: How to get rid of vaginal odor – 16 ways to beat the sniff test]

1. Skunky or “body odor” smell

There are actually sweat glands in the vagina, so that’s why it might start smelling like body odor, and/or skunky. This can happen if a woman is stressed or anxious because the apocrine glands produce a milky fluid. 

Although this fluid is odorless, when it comes into contact with the vaginal bacteria, on the vulva, it can produce this pungent aroma.

2. Fishy smell *dead fish*

This is a pretty common smell that most people are familiar with. But we’re not talking about the freshly baked fish. Instead, we’re talking about more of a decomposing fish smell. [Read: Peeing after sex and other confusing myths about the vagina]

That’s because trimethylamine is a chemical compound that is responsible for both rotting fish and abnormal vaginal odors.

3. Rotting or decaying smell

A rotten smell makes you want to plug your nose and run away. So, that’s definitely not normal if you smell this. 

If the smell is putrid, like a dead organism, it might not be your vagina itself but something that is stuck in it such as an old tampon. [Read: A girl’s ultimate survival guide to period woes]

Believe it or not, a lot of women forget about them and accidentally leave them in so they start rotting.

Causes of vaginal odor

Now that you know that some vaginal odors are normal while others are not, what are some of the causes? Here are some of the major ones.

1. Sweating

Women have a high concentration of apocrine sweat glands around the outside of the vagina on the labia majora. [Read: How to pleasure yourself and guide your fingers to a powerful orgasm]

The sweat from the apocrine glands contains protein. Bacteria break down this protein which can produce a distinct odor.

Excess sweat in the genital area may also cause itching and can sometimes lead to infections such as bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections.

2. Poor hygiene 

The vagina is designed to take care of itself with a healthy balance of bacteria. This helps prevent infections and keeps away irritation. [Read: How to increase sex appeal and 31 secrets of subtle sexual provocation]

However, if you don’t wash your private parts and change your underwear daily, you might end up having a funky smell down there.

Poor hygiene may cause bacteria to grow in an unbalanced way which will increase the chances of infections and bad smells.

3. Bacterial vaginosis 

Bacterial vaginosis is a common cause of bad vaginal smells too. This infection is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina or an imbalance in the vaginal flora. [Read: Real pussy power – how to strengthen your vaginal muscles]

The first sign of bacterial vaginosis is usually a fishy odor which might progress to a grey, frothy, or greenish vaginal fluid.

The vagina might also feel swollen or scratchy. Antibiotics are needed to help maintain the pH balance and healthy levels of vaginal yeast and bacteria.

Why are we all so worried about our genitals?

Now, don’t go thinking this is just women being paranoid. Men spend just as much time fixating on their bits. [Read: What does a vagina taste like? People tell it like it is]

They worry about size, width, smell, and just about everything you can imagine. We’re all so focused on our downstairs parts that we forget the bigger picture!

Here’s a handy piece of advice: if you don’t want to taste or smell vagina, stop putting your face down there! Because the fact is, whether you like it or not, vaginas were designed to smell and taste like vaginas! [Read: How to make a man go down on you without a push]

While there are certainly cases to be made for the occasional “fishy” vajayjay, this is hardly the standard of female genitalia. 

The truth of the matter is, many men love the natural smell and taste of a vagina. To them, it merely smells like sex and dirty fun—so stop worrying so much!

Your vagina cleans itself. Yes, it’s that clever. [Read: Oil as lube – 22 best oils for sex, must-knows, and lube alternatives to avoid]

You don’t need to go using perfumed soaps *please don’t do that* to make things smell fresh and clean. All you need is fresh water and a regular cleaning schedule. It’s really that simple. 

How to make your vagina smell good

For those who can’t shake the feeling that their vagina is standing out from the crowd, we’re looking at how to make your vagina smell good, and taste like apple pie *figuratively, of course*. 

You might also want to know why your vagina may be packing extra odor in the first place! [Read: Dry down there all of a sudden? Ways to go from parched to peachy]

However, do not expect your vajayjay to ever smell like roses. If it does, there’s something not quite right!

1. Keep it clean with the right products

We know you’re already a super clean lady who would never go days without showering, right? So why are we still telling you to wash? 

If your vagina is eliciting some unpleasant odors that can’t be done away with by a simple shower, you may need to switch up your products. [Read: Ben wa balls – how to use Geisha balls for more pleasure and a stronger pussy]

The vagina is a sensitive creature, and she doesn’t always respond well to regular soaps, especially not scented ones. 

These can be harmful to your vajayjay and may result in infections. 

Instead of going for the same body wash you’d use on your legs or face, go for all-natural, unscented soaps, or soaps that contain a neutral pH value. [Read: Problems down there that you shouldn’t ignore]

2. Change your undies

If your vagina is prone to smells, it might be time to start changing up your underwear. Women with sensitive vaginas should stick to 100% cotton undies. 

Not only does cotton allow the vagina to “breathe,” as it were, but it also allows moisture to travel and helps prevent potential yeast infections

This will also keep your vajayjay from smelling due to sweat after a workout, or a long, hot day in the sun.

3. Shave, trim, or take it all off

One way you can avoid an unwelcome smell is by taking it off! And by that, we mean your pubic hairs. 

Sweat and odors can attach themselves to your pubic hair and make the scent and taste of things much worse. If you’ve tried new soap and underwear are no help, then consider shaving, or trimming your hair down there! [Read: At-home bikini waxing tips and tricks for beginners]

4. Consider your diet and any bad habits

This is the portion that tells you not only how to make your vagina smell good, but how to make it taste good, too! Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are what you eat?” 

This applies to both men and women when it comes to their genitals! Many say that a man can change the taste and texture of his semen by changing up his diet, and the same is true for women and their vajayjays.

If you’re looking for a sweeter tasting—and smelling—vagina, don’t jump on the sugar bandwagon! Eating a large sugary intake can actually work against you. [Read: Nom-nom no-no’s – 17 foods to avoid before having sex]

This can spike your blood sugar and cause a buildup of yeast *which can result in an infection*. Instead, eat lots of acidic fruits and drink plenty of pineapple juice. 

Asparagus, red meats, crab, Mexican food, or basically anything that makes your pee smell funny afterward are foods best left avoided. It’s also suggested that smoking should be avoided for a healthier vaginal state!

Side note: 100% cranberry juice is also a great liquid to add to your diet. It can keep harmful bacteria away from the vagina and help prevent yeast infections! [Read: Trim, shave, or natural? – what works best for you]

5. Add probiotics to your diet

There is some suggestion that adding some probiotics to your diet may help to keep the pH balance down there in check. What are probiotics? Basically, live bacteria. 

Yes, we know, it sounds bad, but this is the good type of bacteria that fights the bad. So, you need to start chowing down on natural yogurt, sauerkraut, natural buttermilk, kombucha, kimchi, and anything fermented, such as pickles. 

6. Drink plenty of water

It’s true that drinking plenty of water every day is basically the magic elixir of life. Your lady parts love a bit of water too! [Read: Body trends – plastic surgery for your genitals?]

Make sure that you stay hydrated and it will help to keep nasty sniffs away from your downstairs bits.

7. Tight clothes might look sexy, but your vagina doesn’t like them

Tight clothes aren’t going to help you out here. All they do is trap sweat in places you really don’t want to trap sweat and that just makes everything smellier than it needs to be.

Your vajayjay needs to breathe! We’re not suggesting you rock long, flowing clothing all the time, but make sure you mix it up and as before, stick to cotton underwear if at all possible. 

8. Wash before and after sex

Sorry to break up the flow of your passionate embrace but if you want to keep your vagina happy, it’s a good idea to wash it with water before sex and after. [Read: Post-sex rules and rituals everyone has to follow]

This helps to keep the bacterial levels as they should be. It’s even more important to do this if you’re using lubes, condoms, or toys.

9. Stop washing inside your vagina

Despite the fact that it seems like douching or using scrubs would be effective for a better-smelling vagina, they are not. In fact, they can lead to certain health problems. 

Regular vaginal douching can cause changes to the delicate chemical balance of the vagina. And this can make a woman more susceptible to infection. [Read: How to make yourself squirt and experience your first squirting orgasm]

10. Do not use fragrant feminine products

Not only can douching reduce the beneficial bacteria in the vagina and lead to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, but other fragrances in feminine products can too. 

These can introduce new bacteria into the vagina which can spread up through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. This can make a woman have a higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, a chronic condition that can lead to infertility.

11. Wear cotton underwear

It’s important to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing, including underwear. [Read: Why are girls going commando? 15 reasons to ditch your panties]

Underwear can trap fluids and substances around the vagina, such as sweat, dead skin, discharge, and semen from intercourse.

Even fecal matter could reach the vagina and can cause infections and odors, and tight-fitting thong underwear can contribute to this. 

Breathable cotton underwear is the best choice for vaginal odor because it is less likely to hold moisture close to the vagina.

It makes it more difficult for bacteria and other sources of odor to build up and produce a strong smell. [Read: 40 best homemade dildos and sexy household things to masturbate with]

12. If in doubt, book an appointment with your gyno 

Alright, alright… if you are totally legit about your odorous vagina concerns and you firmly believe that your fretting isn’t all in your head, then you need to book an appointment with your gyno, ASAP! 

Why? If you notice a smell coming from down there that is unusual, persistent, or stronger than normal, you may have a vaginal infection.

This may be due to a yeast or bladder infection, caused by additional bacteria build up—and resulting in an unpleasant odor from your girl. 

These issues can easily be solved with antibiotics. [Read: What to expect at your first gynecologist appointment]

Your gyno may also find that you may have something lodged, or stuck in your vajayjay, such as broken condom bits that may contribute to an unwelcome smell. 

Whatever the mystery is, your gynecologist will help you quit the guessing game and solve your issues!

[Read: Smelly body parts that ruin great sex]

In the end, it’s important to remember that your vagina isn’t supposed to smell like cherry pie and ice cream… it’s supposed to taste and smell like a vagina! For those who still aren’t fond of the natural vaginal odor, follow our tips on how to make your vagina smell good, and taste even better!

The post How to Make Your Vagina Smell Good & Taste Even Better *and Why It Smells* is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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