Monday 21 November 2022

Monogamous Relationship: What It Is, 51 Signs & Ways to Be Happy in Monogamy

Monogamous relationships are beautiful for some, and some prefer polyamory. Is monogamy right for you? Read these rules and signs, and find out.

monogamous relationship

There’s the age-old argument that claims we as humans, being animals, aren’t built to stay in a monogamous relationship. Many people will disagree, but we’re going to call bullshit on this statement.

Yes, we may have overlapping traits, but the similarities stop there. Animals aren’t able to tell right from wrong. They can’t express emotions the way humans do, and they certainly don’t agree with monogamy the way many humans have.

There’s no reason to cheat, and anyone who uses the excuse that humans are animals is just making excuses for their bad behavior.

People slip up and make mistakes every day. Infidelity is a major problem faced by today’s society, and it can be blamed for many of the divorces out there. However, let’s not just focus on the negative, shall we?

Why don’t we take a moment to focus on the positives for a change? Despite the fact that many people cheat, most people don’t! There are those out there who realize that it is possible to be happy in a monogamous relationship. [Read: Affairs in a marriage and games egos play]

What is a monogamous relationship?

A monogamous relationship is one in which two partners are completely dedicated to each other and only have one another as their romantic or sexual partner.

Being a monogamous couple, generally, is a sustained loyalty and commitment to one person. It is what you think of when you watch a romantic comedy, an elderly couple sitting in rocking chairs, or newlyweds on their honeymoon. [Read: Seriously, can someone please define monogamy?]

Other names for monogamy

If the word “monogamy” sounds like a big, fancy word to you, don’t worry. There are plenty of other words and terms that can be used to describe it. Here are some of them.

– Committed relationship

– Marriage

– Betrothal

– Engagement

– Promise

– Matrimony

– Wedlock

– Match

– Attachment

– Remarriage

– Cohabitation

– Domestic partnership

– Civil union

– Common-law marriage

– The old ball and chain

Okay, that last one was for the purposes of humor, but it certainly is used by many people. Obviously, it’s not a particularly positive one, but funny, nonetheless. [Read: 22 marriage myths people blindly believe that ruin love forever]

Difference between monogamy and polyamory

Polyamory is the opposite of monogamy. This means a polyamorous relationship includes multiple partners, all of who consent to be with one another at the same time. [Read: Polyamorous dating – everything you need to know first]

Because it’s known by all parties that they’re dating more than one person, this isn’t the same as cheating. Although polyamory isn’t inherently cheating, that does not mean partners can’t cheat when in this type of relationship.

They face many complications that monogamous couples face, such as craving attention from a specific partner or jealousy. [Read: Could you be happy in polyamorous relationships?]

Monogamy is defined as the standard approach to relationships in the US. For many people, anything that doesn’t fit the mold is wrong. Why is this?

This is because, for many people, monogamy fulfills their inherent need for security, loyalty, and desire to protect. These are all attributes that can be found with one partner, and for many, are strengthened *because* they have one dedicated partner. In most cases, the desire to stay loyal to one person is subconscious. [Read: 25 must-follow relationship rules that’ll assure you of a perfect romance]

Have you ever felt guilty after being intimate with someone other than your partner, even though it felt great while you were indulging in the act? Ever wondered why your mind convinces you to have an affair and then makes you feel guilty for having one? [Read: What to do when you get attracted to someone else]

These involuntary responses are because your mind prefers the security of having one partner.

Monogamy and dating

Different cultures have various approaches to choosing their partner. The evolution of relationships and the dating process has given way for many people to approach monogamy from different angles.

One of these approaches being you can decide to see someone exclusively without having to commit to each other. Many people still adhere to this concept, but there are those who would rather explore their options before they settle down. [Read: 10 rules of being in a casual relationship]

Or, you can engage in a temporary dating arrangement until someone decides that the relationship is not working. Some people even engage in monogamous sexual relationships. [Read: Talking vs. dating – 16 ways to tell them apart and know your exact status]

Committing to just one person can seem like a big deal to some, but it may come easily and naturally for others. Some people choose to forego the motions of getting to know each other for years once they realize that they found the person that they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

These different ways of dating are not actually definitive of the actual concept of monogamy. If you wish to be truly monogamous, you have to promise yourself to one person for the rest of your life and vice versa. 

Understanding a monogamous relationship

Monogamy is based on the rules of society. But, these rules may not be ones you feel naturally inclined to follow. If this is your case, set your own rules with your partner. It’s perfectly normal to set your own rules, as long as your partner’s comfortable with it.

Of course, monogamy goes deeper than the broad term we are familiar with. To some, it may mean just no cheating. Others could consider masturbating or flirting as a breach of monogamy. Monogamy can be wonderful and healthy, but just like any other existing relationship, it requires work.

Serial monogamy

Since casual dating has become a normal occurrence in society, the term “serial monogamy” arose from its predecessor. People are considered serial monogamists when they date only one person at any one time. Most of these people do so due to the need to establish a long-term committed relationship.

While serial monogamists don’t like the idea of dating multiple people at once, they also hate the idea of being single for too long!

They like the idea of love, but enjoy being loved exclusively by one person. *whoever it is!*

They fall madly in love with someone, and they fall in love fast. It almost seems like they’re love-bombing their new boo, but in all honesty, there is only one kind of love serial monogamists know – they fall fast, and they fall hard.

It sounds like the perfect set-up for any romantic, but there are downsides to being a serial monogamist.

Serial monogamists fall out of love just as fast as they fall in love with someone. What they enjoy most is the infatuation stage, when romantic feelings are on a high. The minute the high of infatuation starts to simmer down, they feel less loved by their partner, and start to crave the emotional rollercoaster of the infatuation stage all over again.

So as exciting as it is to be in love with a serial monogamist who loves the idea of monogamy, always pay attention to three things:

a. how long ago was their last relationship? *are you a rebound?*

b. what is the longest they’ve ever dated someone?

c. why did they break up with their ex?

If their answers satisfy you, that’s great. But if it seems like you’ll just be a quick fling before a serial monogamist

How do people achieve monogamy these days?

If you look at how people perceive monogamy today, it all comes down to a simple belief: you are only monogamous when you don’t plan on seeing other people and have agreed to commit to a relationship. But how and when is this established? Here is a list of how people broach the subject.

1. Verbal agreements

It should be consensual. Always ask the person that you are dating about your situation. Do not assume that you are in an exclusive relationship, just because you act like you’re in one. [Read: Define the relationship – 20 signs it’s time to DTR already and how to do it]

Those who do not wish to commit to just one partner can claim plausible deniability if they never agreed to exclusivity in the first place.

2. The first few dates

We understand that some people need to explore their options before committing to one person. However, there are those who do not wish to date someone who is already seeing or is planning to see other people.

It is not a definite rule, but it would be nice to know that your date’s attention is focused only on you for the time being.

3. Courtship

A long time ago, people in the States needed to adhere to strict social norms before they could go on a date with someone. [Read: What is courting? The modern-day gentleman’s guide to wooing a lady]

Many conservative families and numerous cultures still adhere to those traditions, because it tests the will of a person and their determination to win someone’s heart. And it’s not exclusive to men these days, women can court men as well.

4. Friendship

Some relationships start within one’s circle of friends. There is a deeper level of trust and history that necessitates monogamy. 

Your closest friends tend to hold more value than strangers. That is why monogamy appears to work best when you choose one of your best friends. [Read: Ways to become more than just friends]

5. Marriage

This is a religious, social, and economic testament to a person’s willingness to be legally monogamous – unless otherwise stated. It’s basically the largest step you can take to declare your desire to become monogamous.

It is also not limited to those reasons. Marriage is a universal declaration of love as well. [Read: Marriage advice – 20 real-life tips and lessons for a happily ever after]

People will rarely use monogamy as a label or as a reference for modern relationships. It is too deep a term to delve into, especially for those who are reluctant to commit to any one person for such a long time.

Choosing to be monogamous is a huge step, but it does not have to be such a colossal decision. By giving yourself to just one person at a time, you can make a decision without having to consider your feelings toward other people. Aside from that, you get to invest all of your feelings, which makes being in a relationship so much better.

Have you explored monogamy with your partner?

You may have always found monogamous relationships to be too limiting. Maybe just from seeing your parents in a monogamous marriage or in movies, you’ve felt that monogamy isn’t for you.

With society’s eagerness for compulsory monogamy, it can be hard to admit that you want something separate from that. It isn’t something everyone accepts. Because of that, you may feel pressure to try a monogamous relationship. It is expected. [Read: Answer these open relationship questions to see if it works for you]

Naturally, every romantic relationship is different. You may not want to be monogamous until you meet your person, and that is okay. But if you’ve tried a traditional monogamous relationship and felt stuck, it may not be what’s right for you. [Read: Is monogamy for you? How to know your needs and what works for you]

If you don’t want a monogamous relationship, don’t be in one due to someone else, societal pressures, or anything else.

Signs whether monogamy is for you

Now, simply answering these questions with certain answers doesn’t mean you are exclusively monogamous or not from this point on. Monogamy is also complicated just like polygamy or any other non-monogamous relationship.

But these questions may help ease some of your confusion on if monogamy suits your lifestyle best or not.

1. Are you an extrovert? 

If you are extroverted, you may find that it’s more difficult to practice a monogamous relationship. Gaining energy from being around others and meeting new people with a lot of enthusiasm is something that benefits people who prefer to casually date or be in an open relationship. [Read: The benefits and complications of a triad relationship between three people]

If you are an introvert who is okay with having your partner spend time with others to take the pressure off you, you can still be non-monogamous, but it may be a bit more difficult to communicate openly with others.

2. Are you open? 

Non-monogamous relationships, as we said, are not the norm. They can be hard to navigate for some because there isn’t as much open discussion, guidance, and consideration for these relationships in public spaces.

You should be willing to compromise and consider that what might work for you may not work for someone you’re interested in. [Read: Tips on raising the idea of being exclusive]

3. Do you love meeting people? 

If you thrive from meeting new people and gaining new experiences, you are more likely to enjoy the benefits and idea of non-monogamy. If you thrive in new environments and click with people easily, committing to just one person can feel limiting for you.

4. Do you enjoy dating? 

A lot of monogamists despise dating. The whole idea of meeting someone new and getting to know them in a high-pressure environment is not for a lot of people. Just the thought of it gives them hives.

But if you love going on dates and getting to know people no matter the outcome, you may want to consider the idea of something non-committal or branching out from a duo. [Read: Polyamorous dating and what you need to know about it]

5. Are you a jealous person? 

If you are easily jealous or suspicious, being non-monogamous may trouble you in more ways than one. Different types of relationships require communication.

But if you are a naturally jealous person, knowing what is going on with your partner’s outside relationships or even someone you’re casually dating can drive you crazy. [Read: How to get past the jealousy of sharing love in a poly relationship]

You may think knowing is better than being committed and worrying, but jealousy comes out in all ways. [Read: Why am I so jealous? How to recognize and fix it]

6. Do you love your independence? 

Not to say that you can’t be independent in a traditional relationship, but if you thrive from having alone time and handling things on your own, you may benefit from a more casual dating setting. 

You may also feel comfortable with your partner getting what they need from outside your relationship if you can’t meet certain needs they have. 

7. Do you share easily? 

And this doesn’t mean sharing food. Something about monogamous relationships that turns people off is their possessiveness. People believe they have the right to control their partner and their opinions or actions. [Read: Possessive relationship – what it is, signs you’re in one & how to fix it]

If you are happy sharing your connection with someone with others and want them to be free to share their light with the world, being non-monogamous may be better for you.

8. How do you face challenges? 

There is no hiding the fact that non-monogamous relationships of any sort will require challenges. Even if you lay out your needs and your partners and discuss every detail of what you share and don’t and what you keep between you two, things will come up.

There will always be uncertainties and difficult conversations. If you appreciate a challenge and can take them as a learning experience and growth opportunity, you are more likely to thrive in a non-monogamous relationship.

9. How have you felt in a monogamous relationship? 

If you’re currently in a monogamous relationship or have been in one, how did it make you feel? Did you crave the attention of others? Were you feeling trapped or suffocated? Was it a healthy relationship? [Read: How to manage your expectations in a relationship]

Think about the parts of that relationship that could have been altered to suit you and your needs. Was monogamy the problem or was it something else?

10. Do you connect with others easily? 

Being non-monogamous can be lonely if you struggle to connect with others. There are a lot of connections to be made when you choose that lifestyle. If you are shy or hesitant to meet people, it makes dating in any way more difficult.

11. Do you have trust issues? 

This is different from jealousy. Trust issues are often brought on by a past relationship whether romantic, platonic, or familial. These issues don’t just lead to jealousy but they lead to guilt, suspicion, and general distrust.

An open relationship will not work if you cannot trust the open communication needed for this type of relationship. [Read: How to date with trust issues and learn to trust again]

Reasons people choose monogamy

While being in a monogamous relationship is pretty much the norm in most societies, you might not have thought about why people actively choose to be in one. Here are some of the reasons that people choose monogamy. 

1. You prefer going deep with one person rather than juggling many partners

When you are committed to one person, you can get to know them on a very deep level. You spend a lot of time with them, so you get to know their likes, dislikes, fears, dreams, and what makes them who they are. It’s very difficult to do that if you are juggling several partners.

2. You enjoy feeling special and uniquely prioritized by a romantic partner

Everyone likes to feel loved, special, cherished and wanted. And it is much more likely that you will feel that way if you are in a monogamous relationship. [Read: How to tell someone you love them and 18 sweet ways to make it special]

If you’re not in one, then your partner will have other people to require their attention, and you are not number one on their priority list.

3. You struggle with maintaining several relationships at the same time 

Let’s face it, if you are juggling several partners all at once, that takes a lot of time. Maybe you don’t have that much extra leisure time in your life because you are so busy. 

In addition, even if you do have the time, it also takes a lot of energy to do it. And perhaps you don’t have that much energy. [Read: Commitment in a relationship – 27 ways to show it and feel secure in love]

4. You like the simplicity of having just one relationship to nurture

If you want a monogamous relationship, it could also be that you like your life to be simple. Having relationships with multiple people does not make your life simple, especially if they don’t know about each other. 

You have to constantly think about how often you’ve contacted and seen each one of them, and that can get complicated.

5. You find it easier to focus on just one partner than to try to build connections with multiple people

Along with it being simpler to have just one relationship to nurture, it’s also just easier. Trying to connect with multiple people is difficult.

It takes time to build connections for some people, so why would you make your life harder than it has to be? [Read: What exactly is soul gazing? Learn to foster a deeper connection]

Do monogamous relationships fail?

Well, yes and no. Love and relationships are also complex issues that all humans have to cope with.

On one hand, one part of our brain tells us to have indiscriminate sex to better the odds for the survival of mankind. But at the same time, there’s another part of our brain that craves security and emotional stability. [Read: Should you ever confess to cheating on your partner?]

While one part of you wants to take the risk of having sex with someone else, another part prefers the stress-free, emotionally stable, and happy romance you share with one partner. 

While stress can trigger an adventurous streak in all of us, most of us still prefer a calm, happy life on a regular basis instead of living in a constant state of crisis.

Call it your conscience or a messed up confused mind, but this constant conflict takes place all the time within your own head. [Read: To cheat or not to cheat… find out here]

How to have a monogamous relationship 

A monogamous relationship may feel restrictive, but only if you look at it as a burden. If you truly share a great relationship with your partner, you’d see that a monogamous relationship can be just as fun as a polyamorous relationship.

Couples who have a monogamous relationship together thrive from great communication, prioritizing one another, and being on the same page about their dedication to one another.

How to be faithful and happy in a monogamous relationship

Whether you’re married or not, here are 17 tips on how you can avoid straying from your monogamous partner. No matter how it plays out, at least you can be proud that you managed to keep your promise and make it work without cheating.

1. Understand what you stand to lose

You could get away with an affair for a while, but would you be willing to give up on your happy relationship just to have a few minutes of sexual pleasure now and then? Think about it when your mind is not clouded by sexual fantasies. [Read: The best way to end an affair and get over it]

2. Understand what you’d gain

What would you really gain by groping another body now and then, sexual satisfaction for a day? Weigh the benefits of a long-term happy relationship and you’d see that a monogamous relationship can actually define your life and give you a sense of accomplishment.

3. Be truthful about your sexual desires with your partner

A big reason why most people stray from being faithful to their monogamous relationship is because of the kind of relationship they share with their lover. In this case, both partners are not comfortable openly expressing their sexual desires.

Whether they pretend like they’re not sexually attracted to anyone else or are unenthusiastic about their sex life, these feelings never get expressed and they stray from each other to have their sexual needs fulfilled.

Can bottling your sexual urge ever help the relationship? Learn to be frank, and your relationship will get better. [Read: Things to talk about in a perfect relationship]

4. Satisfy your sexual desires before the urge heightens

You fantasize about other people now and then. Or you recreate sexual thoughts with someone else in your head when you’re alone. Over time, these urges will force you to make a mistake and move away from monogamy. 

Instead of suppressing your desires, learn to talk about them with your lover. Talking about someone else while having sex with your lover can help you satiate your sexual desires without having to stray.

5. Affairs are more fun in the head

Affairs seem like a lot of fun when you think about it. It’s so sexually liberating and enjoyable, isn’t it? But have you ever thought of the different emotions and games involved in the whole affair? [Read: How to fantasize about someone else]

Sex could last an hour a day, but you still need to deal with the affair for the rest of the twenty-four hours. Is it worth it?

6. Communicate well

Communication is key.

There’s nothing more important than keeping the lines of communication open. It will only work to your benefit if you’re honest and don’t keep things pent up inside. [Read: How to communicate in a relationship – 16 steps to a better love]

When you communicate well and your partner is aware of your needs and wants, you have conversations about anything and everything, and share your dreams and fears. You’ll be able to work through anything.

7. Stoke the flames of passion

Many people who have affairs blame their vanilla sex life at home. Don’t let the same thing happen to you and be sure to keep things hot and spicy in the bedroom.

Yes, it’s tough keeping things exciting after spending years together, but keep an open mind and introduce toys, new moves, and other fun stuff the next time you dive under the sheets. [Read: Really naughty ways to make long-term sex feel like a one-night stand from tonight]

8. Resist temptation

Think of the myriad of consequences that come with cheating. Is it worth it? No matter how careful you are, you’re going to eventually get caught, and you can be sure that you’ll be in for a shitstorm when it happens.

Always remember the promise of fidelity that you made.

9. Make a conscious effort

You have to make an effort to keep the relationship alive. If you can slave away at work to make money for a heartless corporation, you sure as hell can work hard at home to keep your relationship third-party-free. [Read: Healthy relationship – 27 signs, qualities, and what it looks like in real life]

10. Work toward a feasible goal

A reason why many couples can’t keep up with the structure of monogamy is that they drift away from their spouse. They end up living separate lives and cultivating new relationships with other people.

Don’t let this happen, and make sure you and your partner work toward a goal together. It could be anything from planning to buy a boat and sailing around the world within the next 7 years, taking next year off to chill, or even planning to retire early in Hawaii. [Read: Real reasons why so many couples drift apart over time]

11. Travel often

Traveling together will give you the chance to break the routine, experience new things, and welcome new insights into your relationship. There’s nothing more magical than sharing life-changing memories with your partner.

Whether it’s taking a road trip to the next state or heading on a trip to India, head somewhere new with your sweetheart at least once a year.

12. Have your own friends

Be sure that you have your own circle of friends who can give you positive support whenever you need it. Sometimes, all you need is an objective and unbiased opinion from someone other than your partner, especially when both of you get into an argument. [Read: 100 juicy, sexual questions to ask friends and have a fun, naughty time]

This may give you the chance to see things from your partner’s point of view and realize that they have opinions too.

13. Stay positive

No matter how bad things get, be sure to stay positive. There’s nothing that’ll drive you into the arms of someone else more than the thought of giving up on your relationship.

Remember that things will get better, and do something to make sure it happens. [Read: 16 silly bad habits that can really hurt your relationship]

14. Patience is key

Don’t lose your temper over the little things, because the buildup will push your partner over the edge. The last thing you want is your temper causing your partner to run off and be consoled by someone else.

15. Recognize that your partner is a person 

Never treat your partner like a trophy wife, boy toy, sex bunny, maid, chef, breadwinner, or anything else besides your partner. Remember that your partner is a person and that they deserve all the love, affection, respect, and attention that you can muster.

When your spouse is happy, they in turn will make you happy, and you’ll find fewer and fewer reasons for needing to cheat. [Read: How to show empathy and learn to understand someone else’s feelings]

16. Indulge in dates

If you can keep the spark alive and behave like a brand-new couple, your relationship is a winning one. Indulge in date nights, and shower your loved one with the attention and love that they deserve.

When you stay focused on your current relationship, there’s no need to seek another.

17. Don’t shun surprises

Make your loved one happy by surprising them for no reason. Whether it’s buying her flowers or shopping for fancy cufflinks for him, never stop trying to please.

If your partner is the one doing the surprising, don’t scoff at their efforts. Be sure to let them know how appreciative you are, and be sure to respond in kind. [Read: 25 sweetest gestures to keep romance alive every day]

18. Stay busy together

Another secret ingredient to a happy, monogamous relationship is staying busy together. Indulge in hobbies and pick up new skills. From starting a vegetable patch in your garden to learning how to rock climb together, have fun with your lover any chance you get.

19. Get your vows renewed

If you’re married, remind yourselves why you tied the knot in the first place. Celebrate your love by renewing your vows.

If you aren’t married, make a big deal about your upcoming anniversary. It’s a sweet way to commemorate and strengthen your love. [Read: 25 really romantic ways to make your lover melt!]

20. Accept and trust

Be vulnerable and accept your partner for who they are. Trust that they will never break your heart. Ask your partner to do the same. Only when you’re both on the same page will you understand that it isn’t worth cheating.

21. Be sure there’s a balance of power

Many relationships falter because both parties can’t maintain a healthy balance of power. Don’t let one party call all the shots, because the other will certainly feel less of a person and be unhappy.

What happens next? The belittled party will compare your relationship to someone else’s, realize that they can have it better, throw caution to the wind, and seek out their ideal partner. [Read: Dominant girlfriend – the pros and cons of dating a woman in control and how to handle it]

22. The grass isn’t greener

Despite what people say, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You found someone who loves you and has agreed to commit to you, so why do you need anything else?

You have no idea how many people out there are dying to be in your position. Realize that you have something great in your pocket and treasure it.

Signs that monogamy may be a problem for you

Just because being in a monogamous relationship structure is the norm for most people doesn’t mean it works for you. You might not be the kind of person who thrives with only one partner at a time. Here are some signs a monogamous relationship isn’t right for you. [Quiz: Would you be unfaithful to your partner?]

1. You feel strongly about exploring other or multiple relationships

Some people feel trapped by being with only one person. They feel like they need to experience as many people and sexual or romantic partners as they can. These are the people who might feel like their significant other is their “old ball and chain.”

Other times, monogamous couples may be drawn to the idea of wanting sexual encounters with someone else as an intentional part of the relationship.

2. You have been unfaithful

If you have a pattern of cheating on your partners, then you are definitely not cut out for a monogamous relationship style. You find it difficult to be faithful to only one person and the desire to sleep with more than one person tends to be overwhelming for you.

3. You and your partner can’t agree on boundaries

Maybe you would like a more open relationship or just to be able to hang out with people of the opposite sex on a regular basis.

If your partner doesn’t agree with these kinds of terms of the relationship, then maybe you are mismatched and should look beyond a monogamous relationship. [Read: How to set boundaries in a relationship – 19 rules for healthy love]

4. You aren’t bothered by the thought of your partner being with someone else

If you’re someone who fantasizes about sharing their partner with someone else and it turns you on, then you aren’t the kind of person who should be in a monogamous relationship.

Perhaps you could try being a swinger, being in a polygamous relationship, or being a throuple *3 people in a relationship*. [Read: Triad relationship – what it is, 33 honest questions, facts & benefits]

5. You don’t think that there is one person in the world that can solely fulfill your desires, wants, and needs

Some people get really bored by being with the same person all the time. And you honestly don’t think that any one person can give you what you need in life. So, you think that being committed to multiple partners at the same time would increase the chances that your desires, wants, and needs will be fulfilled.

How to add a polygamous streak to monogamy

Happiness is a state of mind. If you still find your mind conflicting over monogamy and polygamy, it’s time you learn to trick your mind into believing that you’ve got a polygamous streak in your life even if it’s all monogamous. [Read: How to be in a relationship when the world of monogamy is so new]

Your mind triggers sexual interests and creates polygamous scenarios in your head, and it wants to experience all those fantasies in the real world.

Use these three tips to satisfy those sexual cravings with your partner, and you’ll have an exciting sex life, even in a monogamous relationship.

1. Don’t restrict your life when you’re in a relationship

Respect your partner and ensure that they feel secure in the relationship, but don’t avoid flirting or talking to people of the opposite sex. [Read: How to handle insecurity in a relationship]

If you intentionally stop yourself from getting sexually attracted to someone else, you’re bottling up the sexual emotions in your head which may eventually lead to a sudden burst of sexual affairs.

2. Indulge in kinky ideas

Try to relive the fantasies and sexual desires in real life with your own partner. If you want to have sex with a doctor, ask your partner to dress like one. Be open and truthful with your own partner and explore your sexual desires. [Read: Top 50 kinky ideas for a sexy relationship]

3. Involve your partner to do more

Are you having a hard time staying faithful no matter what? Well, your last resort may be to talk to your partner and test the waters of infidelity together. 

In a manner, you’re not being unfaithful because you’re involving your partner to participate with you. Try indulging in threesome sex or swing with another couple.

You’d definitely be straying into the territory of polygamy, but if you have no other options, well, what have you got to lose when you’re trying to keep your faithful relationship exciting and sexually fulfilling at the same time?

[Read: 25 rules for having a successful romantic life]

Monogamous relationships are not for everyone, and everyone has their reasons for that. Still, setting your sights on just one person can give you a fulfilling life in ways that differ from non-monogamy.

The post Monogamous Relationship: What It Is, 51 Signs & Ways to Be Happy in Monogamy is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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