Friday 16 December 2022

42 Proven Secrets to Stop Thinking About Your Ex & Forget Them for Good

Breaking up is never easy, but you can learn how to stop thinking about your ex if you use these secrets and steps to get over your breakup.

stop thinking about your ex

We’ve all experienced breakups. And even if you haven’t, you must already know just how painful breakups can feel. Breakup’s hurt, but they’re made so much worse when you spend all your time thinking about how much it hurts. When you’re deep in the throes of heartbreak, the only thing that will make you feel better is if you forget all about your ex.

A breakup marks the end of an era. All of the plans, the ideas, the future you had planned for you and your ex – all of a sudden, you’re watching those fly out of the window.

So no wonder you struggle with even getting out of bed in the morning; that hurts! During the first stages of getting over a breakup, learning how to forget an ex is the best thing you can do for yourself. Will it be easy? No, not a chance.

But this is why you need to be patient with yourself. Take it day by day to forget your ex. When dealing with matters of the heart, you have to be extra kind and gentle with yourself.

Don’t be hard on yourself in these early stages. Everything feels terrible when you miss your ex deeply, and that’s totally valid. The point is forgetting an ex isn’t as easy as people think it is. [Read: How to move on and deal with a break up with a smile]

Why are you thinking of your ex? 

Why? Well, it’s human nature.

We’d have more questions for you if you weren’t thinking about them at all, as that would mean you didn’t care about them as much as you thought you did. 

These are a few reasons that seem to be the most probable as to why you can’t stop thinking about your ex. [Read: Signs you’re lovesick and ways to get out fast!]

And if you’re tossing and turning in bed, wondering why you’re losing sleep over someone who’s now history, these 6 reasons should probably sum it up for you, even if you can’t put your finger on it.

1. The lifestyle

Perhaps you miss the lifestyle that you shared while you were both together. 

Dinners out at new and exciting restaurants, nights dancing and laughing with good friends, trips to new cities, or just hanging out with someone that was into the same things as you *good coffee, music, and being outdoors*. [Read: 16 signs you’re settling in an unhappy relationship]

When you two broke up, you lost the person that you would do all of these things with, so it’s a possibility that you are mourning the lifestyle you once had more than your actual ex.

2. Friendships

Perhaps, you miss the friendships that you had while you were in your previous relationship. Sometimes ending a relationship, unfortunately, also means ending awesome friendships. 

If you are on the short end of that stick, it could mean losing a group of people you really got along well with. As they were the key to your old crew, no wonder you’re having a hard time forgetting your ex.

3. The tough stuff

Most often, in healthy relationships, you go through a lot of stuff together. Not just relationship stuff but life stuff. Family and friends change, people and things are lost, and depression, anxiety, etc., all throw obstacles into both of your lives. [Read: 25 memorable life lessons to perfect your life]

Life definitely throws a lot at you, and when you are in a relationship, your partner is the person who most often helps you through it. Without their support or guidance, you may be having a hard time navigating life while you get used to standing on your own two feet.

4. The good times

You’ve obviously shared good times together. While you weren’t dealing with life’s tough stuff, you were hopefully busy making some happy memories with your ex. 

And while you reminisce on your vacation to Spain or your road trip to New York City, you are likely to remember whom you were with. And often, that is going to be an ex. It’s hard to forget an ex when they’re tied to such incredible memories. [Read: 16 clear signs it’s time to end your relationship and move on]

5. You have unfinished business

Some of us are unlucky enough to have those exes that leave us with unfinished business, unanswered questions, and generally a lot of baggage. 

Perhaps, you can’t forget about your ex again because you want to closure; you just want to get it over with and move on with your life for good.

6. You’re wondering… what if? 

Another big reason why you might be thinking of your ex is that you are wondering, “what if.” What if you could get back together? [Read: 18 critical signs of an unhealthy relationship]

What if things would work out this time around? What if you are meant for each other? What if your ex is thinking about you too?

“What ifs” can be dangerous territory, so it’s best to consider a few things, like why you two broke up in the first place, before making your next late-night confession message or phone call to an ex.

The big things to consider when you start thinking about your ex

Ignoring thoughts about your ex isn’t really the easiest thing to do, especially if the breakup wound is still fresh. But the next time your ex comes to mind, don’t shut them away. [Read: Do you miss your ex or think about them often?]

Instead, give these five things to think about some consideration, so you can truly understand just why you’re thinking of your ex and what you need to do about it.

1. Thinking about your ex does not necessarily mean it’s a sign

For whatever reason, you are thinking about your ex again, but it does not mean the universe is sending you a sign to hook up with them one more time. 

You can think about an ex and muse over old memories, friendships, and the massive life changes they pulled you through. But that does not mean you should try to rekindle what has already been extinguished. [Read: 14 things to keep in mind when you bump into your ex]

2. *Most* exes are better left in the past

There is a reason, or sometimes several, why you broke up with your ex in the first place. It is crucial to mull those over if you are debating whether you should try to get back again with your ex.

Whether it was a lack of communication or emotional availability, unaligned life goals, or abuse, the chances that your ex has truly changed are often slim to none. 

After all, people are stubborn. But you know that already, don’t you? [Read: 16 scenarios when you should and shouldn’t be friends with an ex!]

3. If you think your ex is the exception to #2

If you think that your ex has truly changed, and without a doubt, you should try again because things will be different this time, fine. 

You can try and reconnect with your ex, but you should be very clear, very early on, about what you truly want, need, and expect to be different this time around.

4. Are they truly worth fighting for, or are you relying on the familiar?

This is something to consider when you are debating whether your ex is worth another chance. [Read: How to move on from a break up without compromising your dignity]

Are you truly in love with the person, all of their traits, ambitions, and disgusting habits, or are you just falling back on what you know because it’s all so familiar?

The familiar is safe, and often we run to it because we have enough to deal with on a day-to-day basis. 

But, if you want that true love, it probably isn’t always going to be familiar, and you are going to have to take risks. [Read: Are you still madly in love with your ex?]

5. Take what you can from the experience and leave the rest behind

The best piece of advice we could give you when you can’t stop thinking about an ex is to remember the good and the bad and take what you can from the experience.

We can all learn a lot from our past relationships, like what made us happy and what was missing. 

If we take these lessons once we get into a relationship again and leave the past where it belongs, we can often find true love and happiness in a relationship with someone new. [Read: 20 ways to stop thinking about someone you still like]

How to stop thinking about an ex you still have lingering feelings for

Learning how to forget an ex you still love will take a lot of time and effort. It won’t happen overnight, which is why you need to give yourself a lot of time. 

You two went through a lot together, so you won’t be able to magically forget about your ex overnight.

You need to do your part in forgetting them, such as not dwelling on the breakup, not stalking them on social media, or even something as simple as getting out of bed. [Read: 16 signs your ex still wants you back in their life]

We know you think your relationship was perfect, and if it were up to you, you two would still be together.

But life is unpredictable, and breakups are part of that uncertainty. Although you may not see it now, you need to realize that there’s a particular reason why you broke up, and until you open your eyes to that reason, you’ll never forget them or your feelings for them.

Just take it day by day, and eventually, you won’t miss them as much anymore. You might not entirely forget their existence, but the thought of them wouldn’t consume you as much anymore. [Read: How to move on from a break up without compromising your dignity]

Where do people go wrong when trying to stop thinking about an ex?

When trying to forget an ex, the path people often take is the fast route. But, usually, the fastest routes are the most problematic. It’s why most people on a broken road take the destructive course. 

They binge drink night after night just to forget their ex, which doesn’t help them in the slightest. They’re just using an unhealthy crutch to forget about their broken heart rather than allowing them time to heal and productively seek ways to healthily forget an ex and move on with their lives.

Look, we get how painful a broken heart feels, but you should never try to rush the process. Instead, you should take it slowly. Let yourself sit with even your most difficult emotions, even if that’s the last thing you want to do. [Read: Relationship hang-ups and how to deal with them]

None of us want to sit with our loss, feelings of grief, brokenness, and sadness, but it’s all part of the process. 

If you don’t and keep numbing yourself with all the wrong things, you’ll never heal from your breakup because you’ll never effectively learn how to forget an ex.

How to stop thinking about an ex – the steps you need to take

If you were emotionally bonded with someone, it will take a lot of strength to break away from that bond. You’re no longer a couple; you’re transitioning to strangers. It’s a weird transition to make, and that’s why it’s so hard to do. [Read: The 9-step guide you need for how to get over a heartbreak]

Most of the time, it happens on a whim, and you’re left feeling displaced and shocked. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to move past your feelings about the breakup.

Yes, it’s a shock, and it’ll be hard, but it’s entirely doable. In other words, your life isn’t over, and you will find love again. It’s time you moved on and learned how to forget an ex for good.

1. Accept the breakup

The worst thing you can do is hold on to hope that you’ll get back together. Right now, if you want to process the breakup and move on, accept what happened. It’s the only way you’ll start your healing process. [Read: 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through each of them]

You are not going to get back together, and you need to move on. By accepting what happened, you’ll feel a little relief and, of course, sadness.

But that’s the process. You will only learn how to stop thinking about your ex if you accept the breakup as it is. 

If you keep looking for any shred of hope that you two could get back together, your ex will never leave your obsessive thoughts. [Read: Should I block my ex? 17 signs to help you decide what’s best for you]

We know it’s hard, but you must do this for yourself.

2. Grieve

Breaking up with someone is a grieving process. You no longer have your ex in your life, and it’s a transition. Give yourself the time to be emotional. 

Cry, scream, yell, get all your emotions out, and go through the process. If you want to learn how to forget an ex, give yourself time to grieve the loss of someone who impacted your life. [Read: 5 stages of grief in divorce and everything else in between]

Grieve the fact they’re no longer in your life, and also grieve the person you used to be when you were with them. After all, we tend to lose parts of ourselves in every relationship we’re in.

3. Write your feelings down

Your friends and family will eventually get tired of talking about the breakup. This isn’t a bad thing. Really, there’s only so much other people can hear about it. 

So, if you feel the need to write your painful feelings down, get a pen and paper and get out everything that’s running through your mind. Just get it out. [Read: How to express your feelings & get your point across the right way]

Whether in a journal or on a piece of paper, write every ounce of your feelings down. Trust us, this can be really therapeutic, even when dealing with a breakup.

4. Feel your emotions

This is quite possibly one of the hardest to do on this list. Honestly, who likes sitting with their heartbreak? But if you want to heal from your breakup and genuinely stop thinking about them, this is a necessary step.

If you don’t feel your emotions, you’ll constantly be running toward distraction after distraction. It’s okay to use distractions as a coping mechanism, but only to an extent. [Read: Why am I so emotional? Science has the answers you may not expect]

So, stop shutting off your emotions or numbing them, and let yourself feel the pain. It won’t go away until you do.

5. Don’t blame yourself

It’s frankly so easy to blame yourself when you’re going through a breakup. But thoughts of them will constantly consume you if you keep putting the weight of the blame on yourself.

Remember that a breakup takes two, so if you want to learn how to stop thinking about your ex, stop indulging in self-blame. Your ex also has a part in why things ended, you know? [Read: How to stop feeling guilty and finally start living for you]

6. If you’re still sleeping together, stop

Yeah, we know you think you can continue sleeping with them without having feelings, but that’s a fairytale. You’ll never be able to move on if you’re still intimate with your ex. 

The sex may be good, but you know what’s better? Moving on. Sleeping with your ex is one of the worst mistakes you can make.

Do you actually think you’ll get back together when you keep sleeping with them? They no longer want you because if they do, they’ll ask you back. You’re already giving your ex the benefits of a relationship without the commitment. Why would they get back together with you? [Read: What you need to hear if you’re sleeping with an ex]

Also, it’s detrimental to your sanity and especially your moving-on process.

7. Don’t text them

Oh, we know you want to send them a text to test the waters, but don’t do it. If you’re still texting with your ex, even in a friendly way, you won’t be able to get over them. 

This can become compulsive. Delete their number from your phone, so you won’t be able to text them first. [Read: Resolute ways to resist the urge to call your ex]

The next step, and it will be a hard one, is to block their number. 

If you’re serious about learning how to stop thinking about your ex, stop texting them. This won’t do you any good; we assure you that. Delete their number, and don’t ever look back!

8. Follow the no-contact rule

Seriously, this is something you really need to follow. If you want to move on, you cannot contact them for at least 30 days. That’s right. [Read: Why the no contact rule always works]

You need one month to process your feelings and breathe. If you’re still talking to them, you won’t be able to move on.

You might’ve heard this popular rule as a tactic to get your ex back, but you’re not doing this to get them back. You’re doing it to stop thinking of them altogether. We repeat, you’re not doing this to get them back!

The moment you go a month without talking to them, you’ll realize you can actually live your life even without them in it. How great is that? [Read: No contact rule – what it is, how to use it, and why it works so well]

9. Don’t be friends with them

So your ex broke up with you. You probably think you could continue to be friends with them, but let’s get real here. It’s not going to happen, at least not right now. 

You can’t grieve and move on if you’re still hanging out with your ex-partner. So take a solid break from them, and when you feel you’ve moved on, then bring them back into your life.

It may feel nice to have them in your life now, but you will come to regret keeping your ex as a friend. It’s preventing you from moving on, and you’re giving yourself false hope in being with them again. [Read: How to make up your mind when your ex wants to stay friends]

Never stay friends with an ex, not unless you’ve fully healed from your relationship.

10. Remove everything that reminds you of your ex

They gave you a teddy bear, you have framed photos of you two, or maybe a flower vase that you bought together. Remove them. 

You don’t need to burn them in a fire; instead, keep them in a box and put them in your basement or attic. If you don’t want to remove the memories, make sure you put them somewhere out of sight. [Read: Deleting pictures of an ex – The psychology behind it and why we do it]

If you keep seeing your ex everywhere, you’ll constantly think of them. So, the only way to stop your thoughts of them is to get rid of everything that is a reminder of your ex.

11. Change your space or redecorate

This is an underrated aspect of learning how to stop thinking about your ex, but it’s necessary. Especially if your ex was constantly around your place, everything within your space would remind you of them. [Read: The best things to do when you’re stuck at home & feel productive]

From waking up in the morning to even watching Netflix, everything around you is stained by memories of them.

By decluttering your space and even redecorating, you’ll be surrounded by fewer reminders of them, and you’ll naturally find yourself thinking of your ex less. Don’t be afraid to change your personal space and try something different completely.

In this instance, change can be extremely good for you. [Read: Things about love you’ll only learn from experience]

12. Stop stalking

We know you want to see their social media and make sure they haven’t moved on yet. But you need to stop checking for their status updates if you want to start feeling better.

Delete them from all social media and whatever apps you have them on. How can you move on if they’re constantly in your face? Stop caring and stalking, as that will not be good for your mental and physical well-being.

Social media is the biggest culprit when it comes to struggles with forgetting an ex, as when they’re so accessible, it’s hard not to think about them. So, block them, unfriend them, or even just mute them if the idea of blocking them is too much for you. [Read: Social media detox – ways to wean yourself off social media]

Just stop lingering over their profile and updating yourself on what they’ve been doing lately. That goes the same with your mutual friends. Really, how is this helping you move on?

13. Focus on yourself and get busy

Um, hello, you’re single now! Which means you have all the time in the world to focus on yourself. This is the season for self-care, and now, it’s time you practiced it. 

Find new activities, spend time with your friends and family, or go for hikes. Whatever it is, focus on doing things you enjoy and that make you happy instead of ruminating on negative thoughts. [Read: How to focus on yourself: 27 ways to create your own sunshine]

Instead of dwelling on your heartbreak and replaying the end of your relationship, focus on your newfound independence and freedom. 

This is your chance to do everything you’ve ever wanted without someone influencing your actions, so make the most out of it!

14. Reflect on your part of the breakup

Just as we talked about your ex having some responsibility over the breakup, so do you. Now, that doesn’t mean you should blame yourself for the end of the relationship, but you should use this as a learning excuse to reflect on the relationship and see what went wrong. [Read: Letting go of your ex: 15 ways to make it easier]

What were the things you did in the relationship? What should you work on for yourself? Remember what we said about a breakup happening for a reason?

People don’t like admitting this, but, as we said, it really does take two to break up. So if there was something you did or maybe didn’t do that contributed to the falling apart of the relationship, reflect on that and learn from it.

That way, you’ll prevent yourself from making those mistakes in future relationships. [Read: A helpful reflection: What am I doing with my life?]

15. Realize why the breakup had to occur

Breakups might hurt, but they often happen for a reason. There’s usually a lesson after every breakup, and to stop thinking of them, you need to realize why you had to break up.

Did you have contradicting values? Maybe the futures you both envision don’t align? Did one of you cheat or lose interest? 

Or was it more of a compatibility problem? Pinpoint and reflect on why you had to end it, as that’s the best way you can stop thinking of them. [Read: Do you regret breaking up? 15 signs you should give it another chance]

Holding on to that reason can help you accept the breakup and move on.

16. Think about the things you didn’t like

Every relationship has its ups and downs. There are things you liked about your partner and the relationship and things you didn’t. 

During a breakup, we tend to only look at the good times. But this is when you should focus on the attributes you didn’t like. [Read: How to feel better after a breakup – 22 steps to find your happiness]

You’ll be more aware of what you don’t want in a partner for your next relationship. For instance, maybe you disliked your ex’s workaholic tendencies, so maybe next time, you’d be more cautious of choosing someone who prioritizes their time outside of work.

Reflection is an essential part of learning how to forget an ex, so be honest and real with yourself about the things you didn’t like.

17. Hang out with your friends and family

Spend time with your support group, as they’re the ones who will stand by you through the ups and downs. Listen to their advice and accept their love and support. [Read: How to single after a long relationship – 16 steps to start over]

And if you want to pull through, you’ll need those people around you. As easy as it is to isolate yourself from those you love, you must refrain from doing so.

Being around your loved ones will make you realize that even if your ex is no longer in your life, so much love still surrounds you. Work on your relationship with friends and family, especially if you kind of threw them away while you were with your ex.

18. Volunteer and give back

We underestimate the value of giving back. When we’re stuck in our heads, it’s hard to see the good things we have in our lives. [Read: 5 Ways volunteer work can help heal depression]

But volunteering will keep you busy and will direct your time and focus your attention towards giving back.

Volunteering switches the focus from your ex to others, and this switch of focus distracts the thoughts of your ex. From then, it’ll be much easier to move on. Also, it prevents you from holding onto feelings of bitterness and resentment for your ex because you’re counterbalancing those feelings with something as selfless and pure as volunteering.

19. Plan a trip

Sometimes, you just need to get out of your environment to help you put things into perspective. The great thing about this is you don’t even need to travel the world. [Read: Quick pick-me-ups for the recently broken hearted]

A weekend trip to the next town over can do wonders. Plus, a change of scenery can help you reflect and inspire you for the future.

We know what you’re likely thinking – how can traveling help you learn how to forget an ex? But you’ll be surprised how changing your environment can do you a lot of good for your heartbreak. 

It doesn’t matter where you go, as long as you go somewhere new to make new memories. It may even be a good idea to travel by yourself if you want to be alone. Just make sure you go somewhere safe. Who knows, maybe there’s where you’ll find your new love. [Read: Top 50 really fun things to do on a road trip to have a great time]

20. Don’t go down the self-sabotaging road

If there’s one thing that’s so easy to do during a breakup, it’s sabotaging yourself just to forget the pain. But however easy that might be, you must refrain from doing so.

You won’t learn how to forget an ex by destroying yourself through destructive habits – it works the opposite, actually. If you just use unhealthy habits to run away from the pain of your breakup, it will find a way to catch up with you.

So if you want to really move on, you won’t achieve that by drinking or partying your sorrows away. You have to address the heartache head-on. [Read: Want to fall in love? Change these self-sabotaging habits]

21. Don’t date before you’re ready

Another common way we tend to deal with breakups is by going for rebounds, flings, or really just burying ourselves in the next person we see. It doesn’t really matter what the official label is as long as we date someone else.

Again, while this works enough as a powerful distraction, it’s not a healthy way to get over your ex, so it may be a good idea to wait until the old wounds have fully healed.

You should only start dating around and entering a new relationship with someone else when you’re ready to do so and not when the breakup is still fresh. All you’ll do is rant about your ex to your new partner, and this is because you’re still hurting and grieving. [Read: 19 clear signs you are ready for a serious relationship]

22. Focus on improving yourself

Self-improvement truly is a powerful thing when you can’t let go of a painful experience. Whether it’s working on your career, hitting the gym, investing time into your hobbies, or something else entirely, improving yourself is a healthy distraction for your breakup.

Eventually, you’ll be so invested in improving yourself that you’ll no longer have the time to miss your ex. It sounds cliché, but success and happiness are the best revenge. [Read: How to better a relationship and improve your love life]

23. Try new things

Did you always want to go kayaking, but your ex was too scared to do it? Or have you always wanted to learn a new language? Well, it might be time to pursue these interests! 

You have the extra space in your day for something new, and we recommend you use it to improve yourself.

When you expand your horizons and get out of your comfort zone, this distracts you just enough to stop thinking of your ex. [Read: How to start a new life and move on from the toxicity for good]

Rather than dwelling on the breakup, use this as an opportunity to do all the things you couldn’t do when you were still together.

24. Be kind to your family and friends

They’re by your side to support you through the breakup, but remember, time keeps ticking. You’re going to be sad, and that’s understandable, but remember to treat your loved ones with kindness. They can only do so much to help you through this time.

It’s so easy to be rude to your loved ones when you’re going through heart troubles, but don’t push them away or lash out at them. [Read: How to be kind to yourself and others & love life instead of hating it]

They’re only focused on helping you, and they’re who you need to forget your ex. So don’t keep them at arm’s length.

25. Treat yourself

If there’s a time to treat yourself, it’s right now. You just went through a challenging experience, so why not be kind to yourself? 

If you want to know how you’ll be able to stop thinking about your ex, go to the spa for a day, buy that shirt you’ve had your eye on, or go on a weekend getaway with just yourself or your friends. [Read: How to love yourself – The 23 best ways to find self-love & happiness]

This is the perfect opportunity to prioritize yourself, so don’t hold back! Treat yourself and buy the things you’ve always wanted to buy. We promise this will help if you can’t seem to get over someone.

26. Stay away from the bottle

Ah, yes, drinking to get over an ex sounds like the perfect answer. And yes, almost everyone who drinks will use a breakup as an excuse to get roaring drunk. But is it the healthiest choice? No, not a chance. 

Oh, it’s easy to have a couple of drinks after an emotional breakup, but then those drinks turn into a bottle every night. You don’t need that. [Read: How to stop self-destructive behavior and change your life for good]

And then, just when you think you have enough on your plate, you’ll have to battle more things at once – your ex, a raging hangover, the fear of addiction, and the risk of using alcohol as a crutch to get over an ex. 

Stay away from drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with your breakup. If you want to get drunk one night, that’s up to you. But don’t make it a daily routine. 

You don’t need to embark on the self-destructive route to learn how to stop thinking about your ex. There are other ways to cope than drinking or doing drugs. [Read: On-Off relationships and all the reasons why you should never stay in one]

27. Give yourself time to move on

When there’s a breakup, you want to move on as soon as possible. This is why we rebound and act like everything is okay. 

But in reality, you’re grieving. It’s going to take months for you to move on, and that’s okay. Give yourself time to move on. Don’t rush the process of moving on.

We know you want to stop feeling the pain and devastation right away, but you won’t achieve that by rushing everything. [Read: These are the best books to read after you break up to begin your healing]

You won’t forget your ex overnight. So just take it one step at a time, and you’ll eventually get there.

28. Talk to a professional

Going through the end of a relationship may be one of the hardest things someone can go through, especially if they find it hard to stop thinking about their ex. You’ve talked to your friends about it, but they’re getting a bit tired of talking about the same thing. And you need to understand and respect this. 

If you’re unable to get closure, why not speak to a mental health professional like a licensed marriage and family therapist? You can go through your relationship with them, and they’ll help you come to a conclusion. [Read: Why we need to breakdown the stigma of mental illness]

If you want to stop thinking of your ex, and you’re struggling to do so on your own, talk to a professional. 

They can also help you develop healthier coping mechanisms and help you understand why you’re feeling the way you do.

29. Accept that everything happens for a reason

It might not make sense right now, but everything really does happen for a reason.

The breakup ended for a particular reason, and even if things didn’t pan out in your favor, it can be helpful to realize what those reasons are. [Read: How to make letting go of your ex a little easier]

Were you incompatible? Maybe you had different values? 

Or they always had a red flag you ignored because you loved them so much? Reflect on your relationship and try to see why your relationship had to end. These things will help you and your future partner handle things better.

30. Be appreciative of the memories

This is quite an unusual thing to say when you’re learning how to forget an ex for good. But being grateful and appreciative of the memories you shared with them can help you forget them and let them go. [Read: Achieving self-acceptance: 10 little steps for one big change]

It will help you see the relationship on a good note, even until the very end. Just because you didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate all the good memories they gave you. [Read: How to show your appreciation to someone and express your gratitude]

31. Time heals everything

If you just broke up with your partner, you’re not going to get over them in a week or two. It will take time for you to process the breakup and move on emotionally. 

Give yourself some time. It could take months, even years, for you to move on. And that’s okay. There’s no time limit for these things.

If you can’t stop thinking about your ex, give yourself time and space.

You won’t realize it’s happening until one day, you find that you’ve already stopped thinking about them, but you can’t rush the process. [Read: How long does it take to get over a breakup? The exact timeline in months you can expect]

So, how do you stop thinking about your ex for good?

You can only stop thinking about your ex if you make a conscious effort to follow the steps we’ve shared here.

Listen, moving on isn’t something you can rush. Finding yourself thinking about your ex is normal, no matter who broke up with who. [Read: How to move on from a relationship in a healthy and happy way]

But what’s unhealthy is when thoughts of them consume you so much that it prevents you from living your life or moving forward. There’s more to life than your ex, who’s now in the past, you know?

Forgetting your ex is a matter of patience, kindness, gentleness, and consistency with yourself. 

Stick to healthy habits that will distract you from missing them. If you go down the route of chasing destructive distractions, you’ll just be suppressing the emotions that you really need to sit with and face. It’s easier said than done, but one day, you won’t miss them anymore.

[Read: Obvious signs your past relationship is holding you back from a happy future]

Knowing how to stop thinking about an ex isn’t something that can be done overnight. But you have to believe that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

The post 42 Proven Secrets to Stop Thinking About Your Ex & Forget Them for Good is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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