Friday 2 December 2022

High Sex Drive in Women: 16 Signs & Causes of High Libido & What To Do

Sex isn’t just something that men crave. There is a lot to know about a high sex drive in women. Here is what it is and why it could be so high. 

High Sex Drive in Women

Most of you who are reading this are probably thinking that a high libido is something that only really applies to men. However, women can have a high sex drive, too. Actually, women notice when they have a higher sex drive more often than men do because people generally think guys are supposed to be this way.

While it’s definitely true that men seem to want sex more often than women, there are people, women included, who have a particularly high thirst for some action between the sheets. The reason for having a stronger sexual appetite actually has a lot more to do with science and genetics than it does with you just wanting to get laid. So, it’s true; sometimes, you can’t control it.

What is sex drive?

A sex drive is a primary, instinctual drive to have sex. It is a pre-existing and hardwired aspect of human behavior. Some people also might describe it as a psychological and physiological motivation and desire for procreation and erotic pleasure.

What is considered a high sex drive for a woman?

Every person, including women, has their own sex drive that is normal to them. So, it’s best to view sex drive as a spectrum. What someone might consider normal might be different for someone else.

People’s sex drives can also fluctuate, so sometimes it is higher, and other times it’s lower. [Read: I need sex! Signs your high libido has become a sexual addition]

What causes a high sex drive and libido in females?

You might wonder why a woman’s sex drive would increase dramatically. While someone’s sex drive might just be hard-wired into them, there are some causes as to why someone would have a higher sex drive than others or why their sex drive might change.

Having a high sex drive isn’t a bad thing, so long as it doesn’t interfere with your life or turn into a sex addiction of any kind. That being said, you may still be wondering why it is you just can’t get enough.

If you’re someone who seems to want sex every day – even multiple times a day – these reasons for it may help you understand why you seem insatiable. You’ll also learn what you can do about it if you ever feel like it’s becoming a problem in your life. [Read: 25 horny ways to increase your sex drive and keep it high]

1. Genetics play a huge role

Everybody is different. We’re all made up of different DNA, and, therefore, we have different desires in different frequencies. One reason you have a high sex drive is simply genetics. So yes, you can blame your genes!

Your body craves sex more often than other people’s – and that’s okay. So long as it’s not getting in the way of you living your life, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s the way you were made, so you can’t help it.

2. The more you have it, the more you want it

This is true for so many other things in addition to sex. However, if you recently started hooking up with someone new and you’ve noticed an increase in your libido, the fact that you’re having sex more may be the reason. [ 11 struggles of being a highly sexual woman]

When you have sex a lot more than you’re used to, your body ends up craving it more. It’s kind of like when you start munching on junk food after a long time of only healthy foods. You end up craving the junk more than when you didn’t have it. It becomes addicting, in a way.

3. It’s just the honeymoon phase of your relationship

If you’re in a new relationship and you’re getting laid all the time, it only makes sense that your libido is much higher.

First of all, you’re super attracted to this person. Not to mention the fact that they’re new makes it even more exciting. Secondly, you’re having sex more, and that can increase your sex drive alone. [Read: Signs your honeymoon phase is all over]

4. You have underlying psychological conditions

Many people don’t realize that their sex drive can be linked to their psychological health. Those who have a high sex drive can sometimes have underlying conditions. They may not even know about them.

Things such as anxiety, low self-esteem, and even excessive stress can make a big difference in your libido.

5. Your medication is making you want it more

If you’re on any prescribed medications, take a look at the side effects. While many medications can decrease your sex drive, there are also a lot that can make you want it more. So if your sex drive has recently changed, any medication you’re on may be the reason. [Read: Things that can definitely improve your dwindling sex drive]

Other drugs, like stimulants and cocaine, can also increase some people’s libido. Even alcohol can make some people hornier when they are consuming it. 

6. Any hormonal additives can make you hornier

This is particularly true for women on hormonal birth control. However, this varies from person to person. One form of birth control may make a certain woman hornier while completely reducing the sex drive of another. Just contact your doctor to find out if you think this is the case.

7. You’ve been watching a lot of sexual movies/shows recently

This just makes sense for a lot of reasons. Humans are visual creatures. If you’re watching a lot of steamy shows and movies, you’re going to be turned on more. The quick fix for this is to just stop watching stuff that’s of sexual nature. [Read: Get in the mood with these 15 movies with a lot of sex]

8. Ladies, it’s that time of the month

Any additional amount of blood flow to your genitals will make you hornier and up your libido. And since during that time of the month, your body is contracting muscles, it sends more blood down to that region. This is often why many women are more aroused when they’re on their period. [Read: The horny woman’s guide to increasing your sex drive]

9. You have an actual disorder

There are actually a few different conditions that can cause women to have a higher sex drive. In women, Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome is an actual medical condition that increases blood flow to a woman’s genitals, making her horny frequently. [Read: How to know if you’re a sex addict]

10. Higher testosterone levels

In both men and women, an increase in testosterone levels can also make them have a higher sex drive. Testosterone is the hormone that makes men horny, especially when levels are high when they are young.

But women have testosterone, too, just in smaller amounts than men. So, if a woman has a higher-than-average level of testosterone for women, then she might have a high sex drive.

This is often genetic, and you can’t really control it unless you’re taking testosterone for whatever reason. Women who have higher levels of testosterone tend to have a much higher sex drive than women who have lower levels. [ 7 foods that kill your libido and your sex drive]

11. Exercising

Another reason for a high sex drive is exercising. Fat produces more estrogen, and muscle produces more testosterone. So, if a woman exercises regularly, she is probably reducing her fat and increasing her muscle which would contribute to a higher sex drive.

Signs of high libido in a woman

Other than the obvious sign of high libido in women *wanting to have sex all the time*, here are some other subtle signs that could indicate that a woman has a high sex drive.

One of the signs is a thin mustache. Usually, we think that only men have mustaches. But sometimes, a woman can have a thin one. If she does, it might mean she has a heightened sex drive because testosterone is responsible for facial hair growth. [Read: True sex talk – alcohol’s effects on sex and your libido]

Another sign that a woman might have a strong libido is that she is more aggressive or assertive than other women. Testosterone also causes those personality traits, even though we usually associate them with men. So, a woman with a higher-than-average testosterone level might be more aggressive and have a higher desire for sex.

The benefits of sex

We can’t tell you enough how healthy sex is for you. While some people may choose to abstain from it for personal reasons, everyone else should get out there getting laid. In addition to just feeling great and reducing stress, you can actually become healthier.

It boosts your immune system and is even great for your heart. After all, sex can be used as a form of exercise *if it’s particularly intense*. The benefits also extend past just the physical. Having sex can bring you closer to your partner. It can foster a healthy and nurturing relationship by increasing emotional intimacy. [Read: Benefits of sex that’ll make you want more]

How to deal with a high sex drive as a woman

While most people would think you don’t have to address a high sex drive at all, you may still want to know how to manage it. There are a number of different things that can help you keep it under control.

1. Have sex/masturbate

If you’re horny, just take care of it! Surely, your partner won’t be too upset at the idea of you using them to get off – so long as you allow them to, as well. [Read: The 15 best benefits of masturbation]

2. See an expert

If your high sex drive becomes an issue in your day-to-day life, you may want to seek professional help. This can be from a psychologist or even a doctor, as certain medications can help control your urges. [Read: Signs you need sex therapy and how to face it]

3. Exercising regularly

One way to slow your high sex drive is to exercise regularly and tire yourself out. When you use up your energy during physical activities, your body will be too tired for anything sexual.

4. Find out what triggers your arousal and avoid it

There has to be something that gets you going every time. Maybe it’s a certain smell or sight. It can even be a specific food you eat often. Whatever it is, if you can pinpoint it, then you can avoid it and keep yourself under control. [Read: Foods that cause your libido to sky-rocket]

5. Distract yourself with other activities

When you notice that you’re getting in the mood, distract yourself by doing something else. Read a book, watch a movie – that doesn’t have sex scenes – and just keep yourself busy doing non-sexual or arousing things.

Can a sex drive be too high for a woman?

As we said earlier, there is no right amount of sex that a person needs to have. Therefore, there is no “normal” sex drive. Sometimes, women with a high sex drive get “shamed” by others who think that they are sex addicts, nymphomaniacs, or sluts. But others think it’s normal for a woman to have a natural, healthy sex drive.

The key is to find a partner who has a similar sex drive. That way, you have a positive way to explore your sexuality. But if your partner has a much lower sex drive, this can cause problems in the relationship.

However, if your high sex drive is affecting your life in a negative way, then it could be a problem. For example, if it’s interfering with your work, family, romantic relationship, or other relationships, you might want to see a sex therapist for some support on how to manage your sex drive better.

[Read: The reasons you’re so horny and how to curb it]

There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you have a high sex drive. However, some people may be confused as to why they have one and what to do about it. Now that you know all about having a high sex drive as a woman, these tips are sure to help you not only understand it better but manage it as well.

The post High Sex Drive in Women: 16 Signs & Causes of High Libido & What To Do is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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