Wednesday 21 December 2022

High Testosterone in Men: 33 Signs, Causes, Effects & Secrets to Increase It

If you are wondering about the signs of high testosterone in men, look no further. There are both advantages and disadvantages, so learn all about them.

signs of high testosterone

Aside from a Y-chromosome and what’s between his legs, an abundant supply of testosterone is another blueprint feature that makes a man, well… a man. After all, it is named after another one of his defining anatomical features *which is the testes*.

While testosterone is a hormone that both sexes produce, men get a higher dose than women. It highlights his various masculine features that we’re all familiar with: higher muscle mass, larger bone structure, copious amounts of hair, etc. These signs of high testosterone in men tell you what it means exactly.

What does testosterone do to your body? 

While we all have a vague idea of what testosterone does to a man’s body, let’s take a closer look at the roles it plays in a man’s body throughout his life.

First, testosterone influences a fetus even before it is born. Around seven weeks, the sex-related gene on the Y chromosome starts the development of the testicles in male infants. 

The testicles produce testosterone. This, in turn, causes the male internal and external reproductive organs to develop. [Read: Blue balls – why guys get epididymal hypertension & how to cure it ASAP]

Testosterone also plays a huge role in a male’s body during puberty. It is responsible for many of the changes such as increases in height, body and pubic hair growth, penis, testes, and prostate enlargement, and increased sex drive.

In adulthood, testosterone is essential for sperm production. It also signals the body to make new red blood cells, keeps the bones and muscles strong, controls the sex drive, and gives overall well-being.

What is considered a normal testosterone level varies by age and it is typically measured in nanograms per deciliter *ng/dL*. [Read: 110 must-KNOW interesting sex facts, myths, and strange secrets about sex]

For example, before puberty, most males will have between 12-25 ng/dL. 16 and 17 year-olds vary between 102-1010 ng/dL and 18-99 year-olds 193-824 ng/dL.

Causes of high testosterone in males

You’re probably wondering why some men have higher testosterone levels than others. Here are some of the causes of high testosterone.

1. Supplementation

If a man doesn’t want to change his diet to increase his testosterone levels, he can take some supplements. [Read: 27 hard tips, tricks, and ways to get and maintain harder erections for longer]

Some men use steroids, which is not ideal for the long run because it leads to health problems.

2. T replacement therapy *TRT*

With the help of his doctor, a man can get testosterone replacement therapy *TRT*.

Men do this in many ways, such as patches, injections, pellets under the skin, oral, nasal, and topical gels. The decision should be made between a man and his doctor. [Read: Cum like a porn star – how to increase semen volume and shoot a big load]

3. Touching testosterone gel 

If you opt to try the testosterone gel, anyone who touches it can get higher levels of the hormone in their body. This is because the testosterone from the gel absorbs into the skin quite easily. So, if someone doesn’t want to increase their testosterone, they should avoid getting close to those gels.

4. Tumors in the adrenal glands or testicles 

As strange as it might sound, sometimes having tumors in the adrenal glands or testicles can result in higher testosterone levels. [Read: How to last longer in bed – 34 sex secrets for men to go long and hard]

If you are concerned about this, it’s important to see your doctor right away to get checked out.

Signs of high testosterone

And like all the other chemicals produced by the human body, having too much of the normal amount produces noticeable physiological effects. 

Positive effects of high testosterone

Have you ever wondered why bodybuilders dope themselves with the stuff to achieve that Herculean body figure?

Testosterone determines how physically masculine you look. This means that the more testosterone you have, the manlier you look.

Although not every man may desire these traits, they are widely sought after in most cases. Here are the positive effects and signs of high testosterone. [Read: 28 natural aphrodisiacs in your kitchen to make yourself horny AF]

1. Stronger and more pronounced jawline

The first sign of high testosterone can be seen in a man’s jawline. There is evidence that abundant testosterone levels shape your body like a Picasso painting: sharp and edgy. Men with above-average testosterone levels have a squared and more pronounced jawline.

2. Wider facial area

Aside from the jawline, extra testosterone also results in a wider and bonier facial area. So, guys with an extra dose tend to have wider faces, sharp cheekbones, and stronger chins as a result. [Read: What do you look for in a guy?]

3. Larger Adam’s apple and a deeper voice

Another sign of high testosterone can be seen in a man’s neck and voice. We all know that boys experience testosterone surges during puberty which brings about changes in their bodies.

One of these changes is the deepening of the voice caused by developing muscle and cartilage in the laryngeal area.

Therefore, a guy with extra testosterone has well-developed vocal cord muscles as shown by a big Adam’s apple and a deep, baritone voice. [Read: How to be more masculine – start listening to your instincts]

4. Higher bone density

Men with extra testosterone develop higher bone density, making their frame larger than other men. This can be noticed by measuring the back area. 

Men with normal testosterone can grow tall while maintaining an average frame, but guys with higher bone density will have a wider frame than the rest. [Read: The rules of attraction as explained by science]

5. Wider shoulders

If you notice a guy who has never stepped inside a gym but still has broad shoulders and an “inverted triangle” upper body shape, his body produces higher amounts of testosterone than normal.

6. Lots of facial and body hair

The ability to grow a full beard alone is a sign of high testosterone levels. Testosterone and its derivatives are the ones responsible for accelerating facial hair growth.

Guys with above-average testosterone also are capable of growing their beards to lengths, unlike their other brethren who must settle with a dainty mustache. [Read: Guys with beards – reasons why they make the best boyfriends]

7. Longer ring finger

A study found out that if a guy received a higher dose of testosterone while in the womb, his ring finger would be longer than the average guy’s. 

The ring finger of an average guy is usually shorter than the index finger so if the ring finger is noticeably longer than the index finger, that guy is gifted with high testosterone levels even before he was born.

8. Increased strength

High testosterone means more muscle mass and more muscle mass means more strength. That’s why guys with higher testosterone have no trouble developing their muscles even with minimal workouts. [Read: How to be more masculine without being a jerk or A-hole]

9. Higher metabolic rate

Testosterone plays a large part in how your body uses and stocks energy. And since higher testosterone means that your metabolism is on overdrive, your body carries less fat and more muscle.

10. Increased libido or sex drive

Testosterone is a sex hormone. And the more of this a guy has, the more susceptible he is to his urges. Males with above-average testosterone have increased libidos, making them desire more sexual activity than the average guy.

In addition to this, they also get frequent, harder, and longer erections. This is a common sign of high testosterone. [Read: High sex drive – 15 scientific reasons why you have it and what to do]

The downside of high testosterone

While there are benefits from having too much testosterone, it also has inconvenient side effects. These are the negative signs and effects a man may experience if he has too high testosterone.

1. Male pattern baldness

Guys with higher testosterone levels develop male pattern baldness at an earlier age than their normal peers, which is quite ironic since the same chemical responsible for hair growth also causes hair loss. 

Take actor Jason Statham, for example, large frame, edgy face, square jaws, muscles, and male pattern baldness as a cherry on top. [Read: How to manscape – 43 manscaping tips most guys don’t know but girls like]

2. Aggressive behavior

Testosterone plays a major part in aggression. Having too much testosterone makes a man more aggressive than the average guy.

For example, when a person gets angry, their body produces extra testosterone to prepare it for a fight or flight situation. [Read: 30 alpha male characteristics that make you a real alpha]

So, having a little extra testosterone makes a man more susceptible to fits of rages, picking fights, and physical violence.

3. Confidence to the point of arrogance

Testosterone is also associated with causing feelings of confidence and well-being. So, if a guy has above-average testosterone levels, he may have a tendency to become overconfident and arrogant. [Read: Subtle differences between a confident & arrogant man]

4. Risk-taking behavior and impulsiveness

A side effect of being extra aggressive and overconfident, guys with lots of testosterone in their bodies take more risks and become more impulsive than their average counterparts. This is a common sign of high testosterone.

If they think they’re the strongest of them all and fight or bully their way into things, they make pretty bad decisions without thinking of the consequences. [Read: How to be an alpha male – unleash the irresistible inner you]

5. Headaches

It’s not uncommon for people to have headaches, and they happen for a variety of reasons. But other than having one from muscle tension, a headache can result from high testosterone levels for some people. 

6. Increased appetite

Do you know how most teenage boys can eat all they want and never gain weight? Well, that’s because of their high testosterone levels. 

Not only does it cause them to be hungry all the time, but it also allows their body to burn fat because of their high metabolism. [Read: 15 gender stereotypes about males we need to let go of for good]

7. Liver or heart issues

Men who have normal testosterone levels should not take testosterone therapy or supplements because it can increase their risk for heart attacks, clots, lung, and liver damage. It can also shut down their natural production of testosterone and could make them sterile.

8. Acne

Elevated testosterone levels can also contribute to acne. The reason for this is that it increases your body’s production of sebum, which can form pimples. [Read: Bare chestedness – scenarios where it’s totally unsexy on men]

More specifically, the sebum clogs hair follicles along with dead skin cells and other particles. From there, there’s a good chance it will become inflamed and turn into acne. This is why many teens have breakouts during puberty.

9. Blood pressure changes

High testosterone levels can cause changes in your blood pressure. For example, it can lower blood pressure and lead to dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. 

It can also happen the opposite way and cause your blood pressure to rise. This puts someone with high levels of testosterone at a higher risk for heart problems such as heart attacks and strokes. [Read: 37 health benefits of masturbation, bad side effects, and other must-knows]

When to see a doctor

While high testosterone levels can be good or bad, there are certain times when you should be concerned and see your doctor right away.

1. Trouble sleeping

Sleep is vitally important to your health. Not getting enough sleep can lead to all sorts of problems. 

So, if you think that you’re having sleep problems due to high testosterone levels, then you should have a blood test. Your doctor can determine if that’s the cause. [Read: What is masculinity? 46 manly and toxic traits women love and despise in men]

2. Dizziness

As we said earlier, testosterone can cause your blood pressure to lower. And this can cause you to get dizzy and even faint. 

So, if you’re experiencing uncommon dizziness or feeling lightheaded, then testosterone could be the culprit. Get it checked out.

3. Abnormal changes in good *HDL* cholesterol

While your HDL is the “good” cholesterol, as the saying goes, “everything in moderation.”

There has to be a delicate balance between good and bad cholesterol. [Read: What makes a man a man – tradition-defying manly characteristics]

So, if your doctor notices that your blood work is different than normal, ask him or her to check your testosterone levels too.

How to get high testosterone

If you want to raise your testosterone levels, there are some things you can do, and they mostly include changing your diet. Here are some tips.

1. Eat certain vegetables 

As we just said, how much testosterone someone has depends a lot on a person’s diet. You should eat a lot of healthy fats, leafy vegetables, protein, and cholesterol. [Read: Grower vs. shower – how it’s different and ways to tell which penis is better]

Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage lower estrogen levels, which boosts testosterone. You should also avoid low-fat diets.

2. Eat nuts

Having a handful or two of walnuts or almonds helps boost testosterone levels. You can also try Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, and other nuts high in monounsaturated fats. 

Also, seeds, such as sunflower and sesame seeds also provide high levels of these fats, protein, vitamin E, and zinc. [Read: Do women like the penis? 22 things that make a perfect cock that girls love]

3. Eat oysters and zinc-rich foods

Zinc is one of the most important minerals your body needs to produce testosterone. One food that has a lot of zinc is oysters. 

But if you don’t like them, you can also increase your zinc intake by eating protein-rich meats and fish, and raw dairy products such as milk and cheese. You can also take a zinc supplement too, but no more than 40 mg per day.

4. Eat oatmeal

Oats have compounds called avenacoside that can limit the level of sex hormone-binding globulins in your body. This will increase testosterone levels. [Read: How to be good at sex – 32 sex secrets that make you the hottest lay]

Oatmeal can also improve sexual performance because it’s loaded with L-arginine, an amino acid that reacts with nitric oxide to relax blood vessels.

5. Eat eggs

Eggs are a testosterone-producing superfood. Yolks have high levels of HDL, which is a good type of cholesterol and forms the building blocks of testosterone production.

Eggs are also high in zinc. You can eat up to three eggs per day without worrying about how it affects your health. [Read: Limp dick – 31 causes, cures, and ways to go from flaccid to firm ASAP!]

6. Limit sugar

Overweight men are more likely to have low testosterone than normal-weight men. So, staying away from sugar is a good way to lose some weight. 

You can try to eliminate sodas, juices, processed foods, and other refined carbohydrates. This includes things like pancakes, bread, breakfast cereals, and chips. [Read: 15 big dick problems guys with a smaller penis have no idea about]

7. Take vitamin D3

Believe it or not, vitamin D3 is technically a hormone, and it’s really important. Studies have shown that men with higher testosterone levels also have higher vitamin D3 levels too. So, supplementing with this vitamin will help you boost those levels. 

[Read: The awesome omega male – what makes him better than the alpha]

Now you know the signs of high testosterone in males. And just like any other chemical in the body, a little dose of testosterone over the normal only emphasizes the already manly features with a few inconvenient side effects.

The post High Testosterone in Men: 33 Signs, Causes, Effects & Secrets to Increase It is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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