Thursday 23 February 2023

Free Spirit: What It Means & 40 Signs and Ways to Enjoy the Flow of Life

Life is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. We have all the secrets you need to become a free spirit so that you can take control of your life and find peace.

how to be a free spirit

Before we talk about how to be a free spirit, let’s take a brief moment to talk about life in general.

When we say that life is hard, we mean it is hard. At times, it can feel like there’s always something to do, never enough time to do it, and somehow everyone around us but ourselves is able to keep a grasp on everything.

And it’s no wonder we feel this insane pressure on ourselves. [Read: How to find your meaning when you feel like life is meaningless]

When we’re young, it feels like we have no time at all until we’re questioned by our teachers and our parents about what career we want to have when we’re older. And then, after years of pressure to figure out a life path, we grow up, and we’re bombarded with constant messages from advertisements telling us to look this way, be like this, smell like that, and live this unattainable lifestyle.

And then, to escape the noise, we go on social media, only to find that the people we went to school with are getting married, starting families, and making huge strides in their careers. [Read: Simple ways to make each day more meaningful]

Okay… that was quite the rant. But we say all of that to highlight just how much pressure is constantly on us. The way to break free from this pressure and feel at peace? Become a free spirit!

What is a free spirit?

In order to learn how to be a free spirit, you must first learn what it means to be a free spirit. It essentially means that you are an independent person who is wholeheartedly yourself. You will find the good in every day, and make light of bad situations.

A free spirit is someone who goes with the flow of life. This type of individual is fully comfortable with themselves. They accept everything for what they are and go on with their day. Usually, they are very positive. [Read: Books to read if you want to reinvent your life]

Free-spirited people do whatever makes them happy, are content, and keep their cool better than most.

Given the nightmarish cycle of pressure we just discussed, this seems like a fantastic way to live. [Read: 20 things to be grateful for that you don’t appreciate enough in life]

Signs you’re already a free spirit

To some, being a free spirit is an intentional practice. However, some people are just born natural free spirits – it’s just a part of who they are.

If you’ve never reflected on yourself or your personality, you might not truly have all the labels at hand to define who you are.

If you’re wondering if you’re already a free spirit or not, then take a look at these signs and see if any resonate with you.

1. You’re carefree

Appointments due, deadlines approaching, and people in your ear making demands, and you’re not breaking a sweat?

If you’re a very carefree person, and it’s rare that the grind of daily life will get you down, then you might be a naturally free-spirited person.

2. You’re intuitive

If you’re very intuitive, you’re tuned in to yourself and the people around you. You instinctively know what you need and how to take care of others.

The thing is, many people have intuition, but not many people trust themselves enough to listen to their gut. That’s what makes you stand out from the rest – you trust yourself and you fully go with your intuition. [Read: Gut instinct – what it is, how it works & 30 tips to follow & listen to your gut]

If you’re uncomfortable in a situation, you leave it. If you are struggling, you give yourself a mental health day. And if you notice someone is acting odd, you reach out to them. Those are just some examples of what an intuitive person would do.

3. You’re sensitive

A side-effect of being so intuitive is also being sensitive. You know so much about yourself, what you want, and what matters to you, that you know when something cuts too close to home for you.

Free-spirited people are also known to be great empaths because of their sensitivity. You’re really able to connect with and understand other people, and that’s beautiful.

4. You’re open

No one would ever dare to call you close-minded, because you’re so naturally open to everything! New people, new ideas and perspectives, new activities – if it’s something you’ve never encountered, you’re dying to find out more.

5. You’re authentic and don’t follow trends

You don’t even know what’s currently trendy, because you’re far too busy focusing on yourself and the things that matter to you.

6. You know that you’re unique

And you don’t try to hide it! Wondering why others would prefer to be a sheep following the herd than an individual person, you’re just a born free spirit who doesn’t see the value in fitting in with others.

7. You’re independent

If you’re a free spirit, you’re not worried about having someone to depend on. You can handle it all yourself because you know that not much is really worth stressing about. [Read: Important habits you need to follow to be more independent]

This independence streak might also leak its way into your professional life. Sitting at a desk all day and following the orders of your boss is just not your style.

You’re much better suited to being an artist, a freelancer, or an entrepreneur. Whatever you do, you’d much rather be your own boss and make your own rules than work under someone else’s guidelines.

8. You’re courageous

We’ve been talking a lot about how free spirits follow their gut and aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd to do their own thing, but we haven’t yet touched on how courageous they are for doing so.

For many people, fear and doubts are what hold them back from living their true, authentic life. However, that doesn’t mean that free spirits don’t also feel fear and doubt.

They’re still human after all. The difference between a free spirit and anyone else though is that they don’t let this fear hold them back. And that’s pretty courageous if you ask us.

9. You approach things lightheartedly

If you’re a free spirit, then you know that nothing is all that serious, and most things can be the butt of a joke. Why stress about benign things, when you can just laugh them off and continue with your day?

10. You’re not afraid to be contradictory

Being contradictory is a part of the human experience, although we don’t often like to admit it. Instead, we like to put things into neat boxes.

You might say that someone is “a perfect sweetheart who wouldn’t hurt a fly,” or maybe that someone has been “a troublemaker since the day they were born.” But that’s not life.

A perfect sweetheart can break the rules sometimes, and a for-life troublemaker can do good things. And yet, we ignore those facts and persist to define, label, and organize people into little boxes.

But free spirits defy little organized boxes. You’re too busy being your honest self to subscribe to a pre-defined category. [Read: 24 spirited ways to live in moment, be present and stop worrying]

11. You’re a very nonjudgmental person

After all, you get it. Even if you don’t agree with someone, you know that they’re just being themselves, and you know that there’s nothing wrong with that.

In fact, being such an open-minded person, you’re far more likely to listen to and learn from a different perspective than judge it.

12. You have an adventurous soul

If there’s anything that a free spirit thrives on, it’s challenges and new experiences. So, if you have a thirst for adventure and trying new things, you’re most likely a free spirit. [Read: 15 reasons why you should travel at least once a year]

13. You’re widely ambitious

And why not? It’s not like you’d ever let someone get in your way!

Being independent will never work out for you if you’re not ambitious. Luckily for free-spirited people, that ambition comes hard-wired in them. That’s why they strive for the careers we pointed out, like artists or entrepreneurs, because they have the ambition to make it in these very difficult fields.

14. You’re ever-evolving

No one is ever just one thing for their entire life. As a free spirit, you’re not only unashamed in expressing who you are, but you’re excited to see how you will evolve and change over the years. Be that personality, interests, or an aging appearance, you celebrate all changes.

15. You don’t let societal pressures influence you

A free-spirited person runs on their own clock. That means that anything the outside world tells them about what they should be working towards and when they should achieve these things is irrelevant to them.

When they’re told to be this, do that, and achieve their goals by a certain age, they just don’t listen. [Read: How to be yourself – 26 steps to un-fake your life & love being you]

16. You wear what you like

Tying in to the above sign, you also don’t give a care in the world about what fashion styles are trending. You have your own carefully curated look that expresses who you are and makes you happy, and you stick true to it. And you couldn’t care less about what people have to say about that.

17. You don’t follow mainstream culture

No, you don’t keep up with the Kardashians, you wouldn’t know which celebrity couples are divorcing because you don’t even know which celebrities are married!

Your highly ambitious nature means that you don’t have time to find out what mainstream culture deems important. You’re too busy chasing your goals and living your life.

18. You don’t care about being a “good girl/guy”

Yes, free spirits are empathetic and understanding of other people. But does that mean that they’re going to be pushovers to make other people happy? Hell no!

If you have no qualms about standing your ground and stopping people from crossing your boundaries, then you’re most likely a free-spirited person. [Read: How to be true to yourself and start living your life on your terms]

19. You feel uninhibited and free

In fact, you don’t just feel uninhibited and free, you are! After all, as we’ve said, you don’t listen to other people, you’re incredibly carefree, and you’re not afraid to be your authentic self. You’re quite literally held down by nothing!

20. You don’t compare yourself to others

This ties into a free-spirited person’s unjudgmental attitude. They also don’t compare themselves to others. After all, that’s just a form of self-judgment, and a free spirit would never dream of judging or putting themselves down.

If you’re proud of someone who’s more successful than you and not bitter, or if you acknowledge other people’s beauty without doubting your own, then you’re definitely a free spirit.

21. You use bold adjectives to describe yourself

Well, we should say that you use accurate adjectives to describe yourself. You’re not only a bold person, but you are also self-aware enough to know that you have a lot of personality.

You might also find that other people describe you with similarly bold adjectives if you’re a free spirit.

22. You go with the flow

If there’s one word that should be associated with free spirits, it’s spontaneity. So, if you never shy away from a spur-of-the-moment change of plans, or you’re always rearing to go on your next adventure, there’s no doubt that you’re a free spirit.

23. You’re considered unconventional

Other people might not know quite how to define you. That’s because as a free spirit, you’re not definable, but some people might have a problem with that.

Not everyone is as open-minded as you; when met with something they don’t understand or aren’t familiar with, they might automatically dislike it.

Although being considered unconventional is never a bad thing. The only bad thing here is judging someone for being unconventional.

24. You’re incredibly passionate

Bold and passionate – that’s a free spirit, and that might be you! When you’re a free spirit, you know what you like and what you don’t. The thing is that when you like something, you really like it!

Maybe it’s because you don’t care if people stare and judge you when you act passionate and excited about things in public.

25. You love to daydream

Or maybe you can’t help it! Every time you’re sat down to focus on a task, your eyes drift over to the window and before you know it, your mind is wandering through countless thoughts and made-up scenarios.

A tendency to daydream is usually a by-product of ambition. While some people might scold you for being a daydreamer, you might just think of your next breakthrough creation/invention in a daydream!

26. You love unconditionally

There are so many games that people play in the dating game that it can be hard to know how to act on the first few dates.

Play it cool, leave them wanting more, and don’t double-text. It seems that when it comes to love, everyone operates under the same thought pattern – hold yourself back. But a free spirit is never one to hold themselves back in any part of their life.

So if you’re a free spirit, you put your all into loving someone. You really throw yourself into a relationship, and you truly love your partner deeply and unconditionally. It’s just a part of being unapologetically yourself.

27. You have a tribe of very close, loyal friends

You attract the energy that you give out. So, if you’re a free spirit, your friends aren’t likely to be fake, flakey, or two-faced.

Your tribe might be small, but it is stronger than any force on the planet. Your group is close-knit, and you can rest assured that they have your back no matter what, just like you have theirs.

28. You let go of something that’s not meant for you

Letting go of something or someone you love is never easy. That’s why so many people stay in unhappy relationships or spend years pining over an unrequited lover.

However, you not only understand that love isn’t enough for a relationship to thrive, but you also accept that some things aren’t meant to be, no matter how much you want them to.

You’re not afraid to let things go because you’re eagerly awaiting all the possibilities that the future has to offer.

29. You don’t mind being alone

A free spirit likes themself enough to actually enjoy being alone. You’re not the type to chase after friends or constant entertainment to drown out the noise of silence. Instead, you relish the opportunity to indulge in some self-care.

Your time alone is spent reading a book, having a nice bath, or spending time on a hobby that makes you feel calm and fulfilled, not fretting about loneliness. [Read: Sense of self – 23 steps to raise it and feel like a million bucks]

Why you should learn how to be a free spirit

Okay, so now you know what it means to be a free spirit, maybe you’re thinking “why?” Well, let us tell you! When you change your mind to see the positivity in the world, amazing things start to happen.

Have you ever heard of the “Law of Attraction?” To sum it up, it basically means you attract what you are. If you think positive things, positive things will come your way.

It might sound phony or too good to be true, but many people believe in manifesting greatness. If you continue to say and share that you will be successful in your career, the universe has a way of making that happen.

It is a huge phenomenon in the world as of late. And it is incredibly interesting to see how effective it can be for many people.

So, why should you learn how to be a free spirit? Because life becomes easier when you allow it to be easier. It is as simple as that. [Read: 34 life-changing steps to fall in love with yourself all over again]

How to be a free spirit in 11 easy steps

Now, you might be thinking, “there are only 11 steps?” Well, yes, that’s sort of the point. Being a free spirit doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it really shouldn’t be. Your motto going forward should be “think less, do more.”

But if you need a few more pointers than that to become a free spirit, have a look at these tips:

1. It all begins in your mind

It’s true. You can’t expect to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life if you don’t believe that you deserve it, or that you’ll ever achieve it. Remember that Law of Attraction we talked about? It relates primarily to your thoughts actually. It is all about perspective.

For example, if one bad thing happens in the morning, you could let it affect the rest of your day. You could say “Oh great, what a wonderful way to start my day” and that would be the end of it. From that point on, every little thing that happens will be tarnished by your negative attitude.

Something small like breaking a nail or dropping something on the floor can leave you saying “Of course, just another thing to go wrong.”

That’s a negative mind-frame to live your life with.

If you want to reframe your negative thoughts into positive ones, you have to force yourself to think differently when something bad happens.

At any inconvenience, laugh it off and say “It’s okay, this is minor.” Change the way your mind sees the world, and the world itself will change. [Read: Negative thinking – 32 signs & ways to stop and get rid of negative thoughts]

2. Let go of the past

Something that is a huge barrier to becoming a free spirit is the ability to let go of past mistakes, and it makes sense.

Think about it: If you are constantly harping on the past, you are not going to be able to embrace the future, and more importantly, the present. Live in the moment, and it becomes increasingly easier to be a free spirit.

3. Don’t hold grudges

If you are holding a grudge against somebody or something, you are consciously wasting your energy. Your energy is very valuable.

Don’t put your energy into anybody or anything that doesn’t deserve it. Put that energy into yourself and focus on the things that will make you happy. [Read: 17 ways to welcome positive energy into your life]

4. Take time to reconnect with nature

If there’s one thing that you take away from this feature, it’s that you should really take part in “grounding exercises.” Not sure what grounding is? Basically, it is the act of touching bare skin to the earth.

The easiest means of doing this is to simply walk barefoot. However, you can do this any way that involves touching your skin to the ground. Some like to lay or sit in the grass with bare skin showing.

Grounding, also known as earthing, is known to decrease stress levels, increase your immune system, and allow you to reconnect with nature. [Read: How to find yourself when you feel like you lost your way]

5. Look on the positive side of life

Life looks a lot better when looking at the positive side of it. When learning how to be a free spirit, this is one of the most important steps. Learning to put negative thoughts to rest, and inviting positive ones in their place is crucial not only to your sanity but to living life like a free spirit.

We know this can be difficult. But it is crucial that you force yourself to think positively. Eventually, it will become second nature and you won’t have to work so hard for it.

6. Don’t make promises you can’t keep

If you want to become a free spirit, you likely feel burdened by pressure and responsibilities and you want to let those go. Well, just because you make the decision to become a free spirit doesn’t mean it’s going to happen overnight. It takes time.

In the meantime, don’t make promises or commitments that you can’t keep. That will only introduce even more pressure onto yourself when you’re trying to break free!

7. Keep exploring

As we said, free spirits are avid adventurers. So, when you’re becoming a free spirit, feed your adventurous side.

For you, that might not look like traveling the world. Maybe your adventure is chasing a career, finishing a project, or learning something new. Either way, keep exploring and keep learning new things.

Free spirits know that the world has way too much to offer to just sit still for too long.

8. Find your kindred spirits

If you surround yourself with anxious, overthinking, or just negative people, your energy is eventually going to match theirs. So, to fully embrace your new free spirit lifestyle, find others who feel the way you do!

We all have bad days, so by making friends with fellow free spirits, they’ll be there to uplift you when you’re not feeling your best.

9. Don’t let the world harden you

It’s hard out here, no one’s denying that.

The best way to not let the world harden you is to limit your exposure to the news. Sure, it’s good to be keyed in with current world events, but it’s a widely known fact that the more news stories you consume, the worst you feel.

Instead, surround yourself with reminders of how incredible and amazing the world can be.

10. Feel your feelings

If there’s one message we hope we’ve conveyed, it’s that free spirits aren’t afraid to be themselves. They’re in tune with and sensitive about their emotions. If you want to become a free spirit, you can’t deny yourself the chance to feel your feelings.

It can be hard to open up if you’re used to keeping your emotions behind lock and key, but let it out. You’ll feel so much freer when you do.

Final thoughts

Making the transition from yourself to a free-spirited version of yourself isn’t going to be easy. After all, everyone carries with them some level of fear, insecurity, and self-doubt. Being a free spirit means confronting all of these things head-on, sharing them with the world, and rising above them.

That is in no way an easy feat, but you will be completely unburdened and wholeheartedly free for doing it.

Just take it one day at a time.

[Read: Tired of the toxic? Move on from the toxic by starting a new life]

Now that you know how to be a free spirit, it is time to put it into action. Living a free-spirited life might well be the best decision you ever make.

The post Free Spirit: What It Means & 40 Signs and Ways to Enjoy the Flow of Life is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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