Wednesday 8 February 2023

Promiscuous Women: What Makes One, 24 Types & Signs You’re Dating One

Lots of women love sex and love to get around. Here’s everything you need to know about promiscuous women!

promiscuous women

People give promiscuous women a bad rap, but they really shouldn’t. What’s wrong with a woman being sexually liberated? Nothing. The only problem is that it intimidates other women and men. That’s why we label them negatively.

But in reality, they’re confident in themselves and love to have sex. Who doesn’t? Of course, unless you’re asexual. But if you’re not, amazing sex is on everyone’s mind. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Seriously.

However, if you’re interested in dating a girl, you might feel intimidated about her being promiscuous. Whether you should or not, it’s natural to feel this way.

So how do you know if a girl is promiscuous, and how should you treat her? This feature will show you. [Read: Have modern relationships changed for the better or worse?]

Types of promiscuous women

Some guys have a lot to say about promiscuous women. Some guys even have a thought or two about women who go on dates with a lot of men. They find it ‘weird’ and ‘unnecessary,’ whatever that means.

But, when it comes to them, it’s okay to sleep around a lot or date as many women as they want. This is the problem; there’s a two-tier system when it comes to sexuality and promiscuity.

Actually, promiscuity is only really discussed when talking about women. What do you call a man that is promiscuous? A man.

But in reality, both men and women are sexual beings, so get used to it. It’s perfectly OK for a girl to enjoy sex, and have a lot of it too.

It’s time you learned the types of promiscuous women that exist in the world. Which one are you? If you’re one of them, be proud! Or, if you’re interested in dating one, try and work out which one best matches your crush.

1. The nymph

She genuinely loves having sex. She’s not doing it because she has daddy issues or because she’s insecure, she just really loves having sex. And honestly, can you blame her?

People are going to call her a “slut” or “hoe”, but that’s wrong – she’s a nymph!

People call her nasty names simply because they don’t know how to handle her sexuality. For them, it’s clearly a big issue, even though it’s none of their business. But she doesn’t care, and why would she? She’s not doing anything wrong. [Read: The big positive lessons slutty girls can teach us]

2. The feminist

She’s having sex because she can. This girl isn’t trying to hide or tone down her sexuality to prevent offending anyone.

If men have sex without getting slut-shamed, then why can’t a woman have sex? What’s the difference? That they’re delicate creatures? Fuck that. She has sex with whomever she wants because it’s her right as a promiscuous woman. [Read: Un-faking porn and celebrating female sexuality]

3. The hiding-in-the-closet-waiting-to-come-out

She’s probably done more things than you have, but she’s hiding it. Why? Because she’s afraid of what people will say about her.

It’s pretty sad that though she’s sexually liberated, she hides it. It might take some time but eventually, she just needs to own her actions. There’s nothing wrong with being a promiscuous woman.

4. The newbie

She’s a little new on the promiscuity scene and that’s sweet. All promiscuous women were at that stage once. She could have been in a long-term relationship and only had one or two sexual experiences.

Now, she wants to break loose and explore the world of dick. She’s interested in trying one night stands out, maybe even a bisexual experience, who knows.

5. The rebel

If her parents don’t like the guys she’s with, that’s great! And if she’s doing badly in school, even better. Her boyfriend dropped out of college, so she’s struck gold.

She’s a rebel, and she likes to take things up a notch and test out her luck. Being a promiscuous woman is all part of her rebellion.

If her parents told her to wait till marriage to have sex, well, she went and did the complete opposite the next day! [Read: 22 signs you’re the black sheep going against the herd]

6. The 70s love child

This girl embraces other human beings and focuses on sexual and spiritual freedom and enlightenment.

Though the sexual revolution happened in the 60s, she still pushes the movement and is keeping it alive as a promiscuous woman. This doesn’t mean she’s into orgies and hallucinogens, but she may dabble in them from time to time.

7. The Tinder pro

These ladies have Tinder dates lined up and mastered. Of course, this doesn’t mean they sleep with every date they go on, but there may be some second or third-base action. Why not? It’s fun!

8. The down-under lover

Most girls fall into this category, promiscuous women and others. They love to be eaten out by someone who knows how to eat well, if you catch our drift. If you eat her out well, she’ll spend the rest of her nights with you. [Read: What does it feel like to be eaten out?]

9. The player

And you thought you were a player… just wait until you encounter one of these ladies. They juggle a couple of guys at one time, and you never notice.

They know how to play the game and get you hooked in a minute. If you already fell for her and it’s only the first date, well, you lost the game ’cause she’s just playing you.

10. The virgin

She acts so innocent and pure when she’s in front of family and friends. But we all know that’s just a front. In bed, she’s wild.

She may look at you with big doe eyes, but she knows exactly what she’s doing. She hides behind the virgin look because it protects her from judgment.

11. The tease

She’s similar to a player, in that she just loves mind games. She leads you on, manipulates you, and makes you fight over her. It’s exciting, it’s dramatic, and it boosts her ego.

Now, in the end, this actually works out great for her, because the sex ends up being even better. [Read: The tantalizing ways to be a seductive tease]

12. The artist

She loves sex for the emotional connection. She wants to feel you, and she wants to give herself to her partner – but not because she loves you.

She’s an artist and if she wants to create something she needs inspiration and progress in the field. So, maybe she’s sleeping with you to climb up the ladder or maybe she’s using you for a piece of work.

What the science says about promiscuous women

Now you know the different types of promiscuous women. But what does the science say about promiscuous behavior? Are girls naturally as horny as guys, or is there a difference between the genders?

Popular belief holds that guys are the hornier gender. There are countless jokes and stories about men “thinking with their dick,” and there’s even evidence that guys think about sex extremely often – as much as once every six seconds!

However, science shows that promiscuous women aren’t as uncommon as you think. Over the past 50 years, scientists have found that female animals in almost every species like to sleep around.

Biologists even argue that women are genetically driven to have sex with lots of different men, in order to increase the chance of having healthy children.

[Read: All the reasons why being bad can feel so darn good]

In the past, it was believed that only men were promiscuous, as this would allow them to have as many children as possible.

But think about it: if a cavewoman only ever stuck with one guy, she might miss out on a partner that could create stronger, healthier children. So it makes sense to try lots of different men!

However, there can be some drawbacks to being a promiscuous woman. Psychiatric studies show that women engaging in casual sex are more likely to experience depression symptoms than men. Yet this is also linked to specifically female issues, such as unwanted pregnancy, social stigma, and STIs.

So, as long as you have casual sex in a healthy, responsible, and constructive way, you’ll find it can have a positive effect on your mood. The mood-boosting chemicals your brain releases during sex – such as dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin – are great for your mental health.

How to tell if you’re dating a promiscuous woman

This section is for the guys or people who date women. If you’ve just started talking to a girl, you might be interested to know if she’s promiscuous.

Perhaps you’re a very monogamous person and want somebody that suits your sexual style. Or maybe you’re a horny person who wants somebody similar.

[Read: Body count – how many sexual partners is too many?]

Whatever your reasons, you’ll want to know how to tell if you’re dating a promiscuous woman. Of course, the best way to know is to ask her about her sexual history. But she might not feel ready to say. So, you need to know what signs you can read to tell you if she loves sex, and loves to get around.

Here are some secret signs most promiscuous women share. But it’s important to remember that just because your girl has some of these traits, doesn’t mean she’s promiscuous. But if you want to know how horny a person she is, they’re a great place to start.

A disclaimer before we start: NEVER judge a girl for being promiscuous. If it turns out that you’re sexually incompatible, just break up politely without hurting her feelings. It’s not wrong for a woman to like sex with lots of guys, and it’s not fair for you to put her down.

1. She’s a party girl

Going out a lot means meeting lots of different guys. And meeting different guys means lots of chances to hook up! That’s why being a party girl can be a sign of a promiscuous woman.

If your girl likes to go out and get lit, it might be her way of finding new guys to have fun with.

2. She has lots of male friends

Now, she might just get along better with guys than with girls. Some women prefer to make friends with guys, for a number of reasons: they’re less drama, don’t start catfights, or are more into certain hobbies like cars or sports.

However, sometimes having lots of male friends can be a sign of a promiscuous girl. Maybe they’ve been ‘friends with benefits’ in the past. If she’s a very sexual person, it could have been hard for her to be around hot guys without trying anything.

[Read: Sex demons – historical excuses for horny behavior]

3. She has tattoos or piercings in *intimate* places

The majority of the time, tattoos or piercings are a sign of a girl who doesn’t play by the rules. They mean she’s alternative and maybe a little edgy. So, if a girl has them, it could also mean she’s unconventional in other ways – like being a promiscuous woman.

Tattoos and piercings can also be part of the BDSM subculture, especially genital piercings or sexually themed tattoos. So whatever they mean, piercings and tattoos mean you’re dating somebody who doesn’t care what society thinks.

4. She drinks heavily and does drugs

Getting drunk or high lowers your inhibitions. Drinking relaxes you and makes you less afraid to approach people.

Some drugs, like MDMA or ecstasy, can make you act very sexually with strangers too. So, if she drinks a lot or does party drugs, she might be a promiscuous woman.

5. She’s addicted to her phone

This one’s a little misleading. Who isn’t addicted to their phone, right? But we don’t mean checking her social media or chatting with friends. We mean she can’t stop using her phone to get to know guys.

[Read: The well-hidden signs you’re not the only one she’s sleeping with]

There are hundreds of dating apps out there, and your girl can’t stop using them. If she’s really into Tinder or can’t bring herself to delete Bumble, you’re likely dating a promiscuous woman.

6. She’s very touchy-feely

Some girls are more hands-on than others. It’s nothing big if she’s always touching her female friends – unless she’s bisexual or gay, obviously.

But if she always touches guys, it could mean she’s very into men and likes having sex with them.

7. She’s in love with “love” and relationships

Does she love you, or does she just love… well, love? There are some women who love being in relationships more than they love any specific guy.

This means they can end up being with a lot of different people, as relationships that aren’t built on love for a particular person don’t tend to last.

So, if the girl you’re dating can’t stand being single, she could have gotten through a lot of guys in the past. [Read: The types of women you can expect to meet at a bar]

8. She likes to talk dirty

Does she have a potty mouth, or love to talk about sex? If she’s not somebody you can imagine chatting with your Mom over dinner, she might be a promiscuous woman.

Some girls can’t have a conversation without bringing it around to something dirty. A dirty mind shows they’re thinking about sex all the time; if they’re always thinking about it, why wouldn’t they be doing it too?

9. Her friends are promiscuous

People tend to be friends with others who are similar to them. So, it makes sense that promiscuous women would be friends with each other! If your girlfriend has friends who sleep around, it’s possible that she does too. Remember, birds of a feather flock together…

10. She’s too focused on her appearance

Some women think that their sex appeal is the most powerful part of them. It’s a sad symptom of living in a society like ours, where women’s looks are put before everything else.

As a result of sexism, some girls think that sex is the only way they can get what they want in life.

[Read: 43 cheating signs – plus why girls cheat & how to deal with it]

These promiscuous women can get super focused on their appearance. So, if your girl is obsessed with looking sexy, it could be because she’s used to using sex to her advantage. She has to be attractive to guys to maintain her power.

11. She accuses you of being promiscuous

There are some promiscuous women that don’t feel proud of the way they are. For whatever reason – judgment from society, regret, or self-consciousness – they don’t feel happy in themselves. As a result, they might act out by accusing you of being promiscuous.

Maybe she’s obsessed with proving how many sexual partners you’ve had. Or, she won’t accept the answers you give her about your sexual past. This all might be her way of transferring her bad feelings about her sexuality onto you.

[Read: 33 toxic sexual double standards and how to avoid them]

12. She tries too hard to seem “good”

Promiscuous women often get a reputation as “bad girls.” If you’re a girl who’s been with a lot of guys, it can be hard to find a partner who won’t buy into society’s lies and judge you.

So, a promiscuous girl might go into overdrive trying to prove she’s not bad.

If you’re with a girl who puts on a fake “good” personality, it could be because she’s a promiscuous woman. Gently let her know you don’t look down on her for her past. Her sexuality is a part of who she is, and what makes her so loveable!

Now that you know the different types of promiscuous women, which one do you think you are? Or which type are you dating? Remember, never judge a girl for her past. It’s her life, let her live it!

The post Promiscuous Women: What Makes One, 24 Types & Signs You’re Dating One is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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