Tuesday 14 March 2023

20 Skills & Secrets to Be a Ladies Man and Charm Any Woman You Talk To

Do you want to become the ultimate ladies’ man that every girl loves? Here are the most important things that movies don’t teach you. 

how to be a ladies man

Everyone loves movies. We can all list off a bunch of great ones that everyone needs to watch. However, if you’re trying to learn how to be a ladies’ man, you should avoid movies altogether. Because they just don’t teach you what you need to know.

We all know movies aren’t real. But we love them anyway because we think they’re still realistic enough. We think. But when it comes to the portrayal of a “ladies’ man” in the movies, they’ve got it so, so wrong.

The classic movie ladies’ man is a walking mess of clichés, obnoxious mistakes, and plain old arrogance. He’s fake, tacky, and unbelievable. If a ladies’ man from the movies actually approached a girl in real life, she wouldn’t even give him a chance.

So, what should you do if you want to become the guy that all girls love? Where can you learn how to be a ladies’ man? The answer is right here! This feature will show you everything you need to know to be the guy all girls want.

[Read: 30 traits women look for in a man that makes him truly irresistible]

What is a ladies’ man?

If some of you are confused, people refer to a guy as a “ladies’ man” if he is often surrounded by women. This can be because he’s great at picking them, or simply because women cling to him for whatever reason. But what does the term actually mean?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “ladies’ man” as “a man who shows a marked fondness for the company of women, or is especially attentive to women.” This covers both sides of what it really means to be a ladies’ man.

On one hand, it means a guy who really loves women. On the other hand, it means a man women love.

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Firstly, a ladies’ man is a guy women flock to be around. They feel drawn to him – whether by physical attraction, smell, or some mysterious magic – and hang on his every word. He never struggles to pick up girls, and always has someone on his arm at the end of the night. This is a guy who’s never, ever single—he just doesn’t have to be!

Secondly, a ladies’ man is a guy that truly adores women. He loves everything about them and dedicates his life to uncovering the mysteries of the female mind. If there’s a girl in the room, he ditches the guys and pays her special attention. In short, he’s happiest when the women around him are happy.

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Why guys want to be considered a “ladies’ man”

One thing most guys can agree on is that they want to know how to be a ladies’ man. They want to be the guy that all women love and want to spend time with. And there are a lot of reasons for this. It mostly just has to do with wanting to have access to more women.

In the end, it’s not just a male thing. Everybody wants attention from the opposite sex. But in our society, men often get the impression that they need to impress girls if they want to be something special. We hold up being a ladies’ man as the ultimate trait, whether that’s right or wrong.

So, you might want to be a ladies’ man to seem more masculine to those around you. You’re chasing the masculine ideal. And to get it, you need to be the guy that gets girls.

But there are also guys who just want to understand women on a deeper level. They want to be the guy that women go to for help and advice. It’s not about “getting women” to them. Instead, it’s about learning how they operate, and how to make them truly happy.

Clearly, there are lots of reasons why guys want to learn how to be ladies’ men. So, before you start your journey, make sure you understand your reasons. In the end, becoming a ladies’ man should be all about self-improvement. If you’re the best version of yourself, the women will follow.

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Is it good to be a ladies’ man?

Being a ladies’ man is good if you love getting laid. Who doesn’t, right? If you’re a ladies’ man, you can guarantee that you’ll get more sex, more often than a regular guy. This is because you’re somebody women want to be with, and you understand how to get them to like you.

However, it’s important to remember the difference between a ladies’ man and a womanizer. A womanizer is a guy who uses girls; he gets through them fast and never calls them in the morning. You don’t want to be that guy.

If you don’t treat women with respect, then you can never be true ladies’ man. It’s all about being somebody women *want* to be around.

The most important thing to remember is this: girls have feelings too. They’re not just toys for you to use or abuse. It’s important that you put your love and respect for women at the center of your new personality if you want to truly be a ladies’ man.

However, being a ladies’ man can be bad for you too. Or more specifically, *wanting * to be a ladies’ man. If you feel insecure about your masculinity or about who you are, you might feel compelled to try and become a ladies’ man.

But don’t start from a place of negativity. It’s only a good idea to become a ladies’ man if you’re doing it for the right reasons.

[Read: Womanizer alert: the major warning signs a player just can’t hide]

How to be a ladies’ man – an honest guide to being popular with women

So, now you know that the movies have it all wrong. In order to be a ladies’ man, you have to have so much more than just a charming personality and striking good looks. Here’s what it really takes to make women want to be around you all the time.

[Read: What women *really* want in a man]

1. You need to be a nice person

The person who’s the ladies’ man in a movie is usually a jerk and for some reason, women still like him. This is not at all accurate in any way. Girls don’t want to be around a guy who’s mean, so be a nice person. Do nice things and show them that you’re genuinely kind.

2. Being sensitive helps

Nowadays, it’s not taboo for guys to have feelings. No one still believes that boys don’t cry. However, there is still a certain stigma attached to men who show their feelings. They’re labeled as “not manly.”

The great thing about knowing how to be a ladies’ man is that you can easily stomp all over that stigma. Being sensitive and showing your true feelings is just a sign that you’re a genuine, authentic man, and women love that.

[Read: 20 questions to ask that’ll show off your sensitive side]

3. You have to be empathetic

If you don’t know what empathy is, you need to learn. Being empathetic is about being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes so you’ll know how they feel. When you do this with women, you’ll soon realize what it takes to relate to them on a deeper level. This empathic behavior will make the women flock to you.

4. Compliment more than her physical appearance

All the guys who are supposed to be ladies’ men in the movies only compliment women on their features. They go on and on about how pretty their eyes are, or how nice their body is.

You know what women really want and what will teach you how to be a ladies’ man? Complimenting a woman’s personality and hard work. If you go above and beyond what she always hears, she’ll love you for it. [Read: How to compliment a girl and make her blush]

5. Get to know the real her

You probably don’t know very many women on a deeper level, do you? We didn’t think so. That being said, you need to start.

Connect with women on a deeper level so you can understand the way they operate. This will definitely help you understand how to be a ladies’ man.

6. Show a deeper side to you

You’re not a big mess of pickup lines and shallow compliments. You’re a lot more than that, and in order to be a ladies’ man, you need to show it.

Be nerdy. Show women what you’re passionate about. If girls pick up on the fact that you’re not the standard “guy,” they’ll want to be around you more. [Read: 20 deep questions to reveal your true selves]

7. Get vulnerable

Show her your feelings. Open up to the women around you. Not only will it be good for you, but women can even help you become a ladies’ man by taking you under their wing. They’ll be there to offer advice and counsel you in the art of wooing women.

8. Be genuine

If you’re doing all of these tips for the pure purpose of being a ladies’ man, you’ll be found out. Women are very intuitive—a lot more so than you realize. They’ll notice how fake you are.

So be genuine with your emotions and don’t lie about the things in your life just for attention.

9. Make an effort to understand their perspective

The one thing men just can’t seem to do is look at things from a woman’s perspective. That’s why feminism is on the rise. If you make an effort to understand why certain things offend women or why they feel strongly about certain things, you’ll understand how to be a ladies’ man much better.

Make it a point to ask questions. Women will be glad to share. [Read: How to be more empathetic and forge deeper connections]

10. Don’t be afraid to joke around

Girls aren’t humorless, contrary to popular belief. They like to joke around, and even make some pretty dirty jokes from time to time. Don’t be afraid to show women your humor. The best kinds of jokes are actually those that poke fun at other men.

If you can make women laugh, they’ll be all over you.

11. NEVER point out their insecurities

And don’t make fun of them either. Women take their insecurities very seriously and if you make fun of them even one time, you’ll lose the interest of that girl.

You can’t learn how to be a ladies’ man if you don’t understand how deep women’s insecurities run. [Read: The worst things men do that make women feel insecure]

12. Make each woman feel special

This is really the bottom line. Knowing how to be a ladies’ man takes a lot of knowledge but this is by far the best piece. Make girls feel special and do so genuinely.

All girls have unique, wonderful features, but they don’t often know what those are. Point out what makes them great and women will always want to be around you.

13. Have confidence when approaching girls

A ladies’ man is always confident about approaching and interacting with a girl he finds attractive. Of course, we don’t mean you need to arm yourself with cheesy pickup lines.

However, if you want to learn how to be a ladies’ man, you need to learn how to approach women with confidence.

14. Smile often

Forget sharp suits or tight pants; a charming smile is the sexiest thing a guy can wear. Sure, you won’t see the guys in Calvin Klein ads walking around with massive grins on their faces.

But that’s because they’re not hanging around girls. Nothing makes women feel comfortable like a smile, so smile often if you want to be a ladies’ man.

 [Read: Small ways to make any girl feel special]

15. Show presence

In movies, the ladies’ man always has a presence. What’s presence? It’s that special something that grabs all the girls’ attention when he walks into the room.

If you want to be a ladies’ man, you need to cultivate that strong, attractive aura. Whether you get it by improving your posture, or by dressing well—doesn’t matter. As long as you can show presence, you’ll get female attention wherever you are.

16. Make a grand entrance

This is a great way to show presence. Whenever a ladies’ man enters a space, everybody knows he’s there. It’s impossible for him to go to a party without every guest knowing he’s arrived.

So, find a way to make a grand entrance. Turn up in a fancy car, or walk with the calm collected confidence of a guy who knows his worth.

[Read: How to have game with girls – the secrets to make them desire you]

17. Do not fidget

Boys fidget. Men have poise. If you want to know how to be a ladies’ man, you need to learn to sit still. Fidgeting, playing with your hands, jiggling your leg, or twitching your body, gives the impression that you aren’t at ease with yourself. Women like confidence, so fidgeting is a BIG turn-off for them.

18. Dress to impress

Make more effort with your appearance. If you look at famous ladies’ men in the movies, they all dress to impress.

Take James Bond, for example; he’s never seen without his slick tux and bow tie. So, find a sharp style that suits you and stick to it. And don’t forget your smile!

19. You need wit

The ultimate ladies’ man knows how to make a girl laugh. He’s witty and charming, and always has the best one-liners for any occasion.

If you want to become a true ladies’ man, you need to develop your wit. We don’t just mean dirty jokes you’d tell your guys, though. Focus on sharpening your mind so you can jump in with a witty comment that gets the girls laughing.

20. You need knowledge

Women like smart guys. Not only is it impressive when a guy has all the answers, but it also shows them that he’s passionate and loves to learn. However, you don’t just need to be book-smart. You also need knowledge of women; how they think, and what they want.

If you know a lot of facts and interesting points, it’ll help you have meaningful conversations with girls. But if you know about the female mind, you’ll truly understand how to be a ladies’ man.

Knowing how to be a ladies’ man requires a whole host of skills and qualities. If you want to be the guy every girl wants, this is how to do it.

The post 20 Skills & Secrets to Be a Ladies Man and Charm Any Woman You Talk To is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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