Monday 13 March 2023

8 Tradeoffs in Girls Men MUST Choose Between in LTRs

LTR tradeoffsChoosing a partner for a long-term relationship presents tradeoffs. The more a girl is one thing, the less something else she may be. What will YOU choose?

I’m a “have your cake and eat it too” type of guy. I do not like the idea of tradeoff much. If you’re having to make tradeoffs, maybe you just didn’t do things as well as you could’ve!

While that is true some of the time, life has many places where we must accept tradeoffs. Very often, to have one thing, we must accept less of another; especially so when the two things conflict.

One of the many areas in life this is true is in the long-term relationship. That is because some of the things you might think you’d like in an LTR directly conflict with others.

For instance, wanting a passionate relationship that is low drama. Or wanting a vivacious, quick-minded woman who is also submissive and unwaveringly supportive. These traits directly conflict with each other – as do many other desirable qualities in LTRs.

Picking the right long-term relationship pertains as much to knowing what tradeoffs you’re okay with as it does to anything else.


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