Sunday 26 March 2023

The Way a Man Dresses Should Showcase Who He Is

man dress attractive sideThe way a man dresses is like a megaphone to the world: it says much about him. It’s key the message a man’s clothes convey is both attractive – & accurate.

On the forum, we have a member who’s become fascinated with the idea of dressing like a bad boy. He got the idea from a few of us guys talking about dramatic results we’ve seen with attraction from women simply from upgrading our wardrobes.

There’s just one problem: the forum member in question is very clearly not a bad boy… in fact, he doesn’t even seem to grasp what “being a bad boy” is, or how to act like one.

Even if he succeeds in dressing like a super sexy modern day bad boy, he’s going to run into a huge issue with the women he talks to. The issue will be this:

  • The better a job he does exemplifying a bad boy aesthetic, the more he is going to attract women who are really, really looking for a guy who’s a bad boy, and the more disappointed women are going to be when they start talking to this really bad boy-looking man only to discover he’s not a bad boy at all. Plus

  • The better a job he does exemplifying a bad boy aesthetic, the more he is going to repel women who are not looking for bad boys, which (if he’s not actually a bad boy, which he isn’t) is likely going to include the girls he likes best.

This is the trick with how a man dresses himself: he has to dress in a way that attracts the women he wants, and he needs to be able to dress in a way that showcases his most attractive sides – not a way that conflicts with them.


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