Friday 21 April 2023

Isolating Girls You Like by Using Clever Social Dynamics

isolate a girl with social dynamicsWhen you want to get a girl alone with you but she’s with friends, use it to your advantage. With her friend’s approval, isolating a girl gets even easier…

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Last time we discussed isolation basics: the art of getting her alone with you and away from her group of friends.

We covered why isolation is essential and went over basic techniques.

So why is it essential?

  • You create more intimacy; it’s only you and her. You have a more connecting vibe.

  • Fewer distractions as it is all about you and her. You can focus on her alone.

  • You have less resistance when escalating with fewer people to see and judge her, helping her feel more at ease about letting go and escalating the vibe with you.

  • Usually, you both move to a quieter area, facilitating verbal communication.

  • Moving her around grants you bonus rapport points, as experiencing different spaces with someone makes them feel like they know you.

We discussed different settings where isolation occurs, ranging from natural isolation (when it happens accidentally) to actively isolating your girl with isolation requests (asking her to go somewhere with you). The ley for successfully isolating is how your girl feels about you (unless it is an accidental isolation).

Consider these factors before trying to isolate:

  • How compliant she is toward you. (How attracted is she?)

  • How comfortable she is around you.

  • How much her friends like you, and how secure they are in letting you be around her.

We also covered techniques to increase your odds of successfully isolating, such as seeding, thread slicing, open loops, and plausible deniability.

Today we will dive deeper into actively isolating her with requests. We will focus on group dynamics and how that plays into isolation by making or breaking your isolation attempt. You will learn how to use social dynamics to increase your chances of successfully isolating even more.

The main goal is to understand how social dynamics affect isolation requests and how playing the social dynamics correctly will up your success rate.

And as you will see, it plays a huge role.


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