Saturday 22 April 2023

Why Women Break Up with Guys After Years of Dating

break up after years of datingDespite years in a happy, satisfying relationship, women sometimes start turning resentful and pulling away. What causes this – and can it be reversed?

Over on the forum, we have a member with a girlfriend of 6.5 years whose attraction is fading, and who’s begun to decline sex. She is also showing resentment toward him. She’s 34; he’s 40. He’s wondering how to get things back like they were before with her.

I’ve seen this scenario plenty over the years – and been through it myself. There’s a very simple reason girlfriends go sour after years of otherwise happy dating. Your great-grandfather would’ve understood it instantly the first time it happened to him, but times have changed and men don’t learn this stuff from elders anymore.

So let’s have a quick look at what a long-term romantic relationship is, and why women pull away and break up what were, until a point, satisfactory relationships.


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