Wednesday 28 June 2023

30 Casual Questions to Ask Someone You Just Met to Read Them Like a Book

So you want to get to know somebody? Try these random questions to ask someone you just met, and learn what makes them tick!

questions to ask someone you just met

Sometimes, the best way to get to know someone you just met is by throwing a few carefully-chosen questions their way. This doesn’t mean you sit them down, shine a torch in their face, and fire question after question at them. It isn’t an interrogation! But it does mean naturally slotting a few carefully placed queries into the conversation.

So, do you want to read strangers like a book and know all about them straight away? Just use these questions to ask someone you just met.

By the end of the conversation, you’ll have found out everything you need to know about their personality. You’ll understand their likes, their dislikes, and even the way they see the world.

Of course, if you ask a question, you have to be prepared to give an answer yourself. They’re also trying to get to know you too! 

But if you’re brave enough—and prepared enough—this feature will show you all the tips and tricks you need to get to know people instantly.

[Read: 30 ways to get to know someone, open up to them, and create a genuine bond]

How do you talk to someone you’ve just met

It’s natural to be wary of strangers. It might even be your mind’s way of keeping you safe from harm. However, most strangers are nothing to be afraid of. In fact, they might even be more scared of you than you are of them! [Read: How to start a conversation with a stranger and say the right things]

Anyway, it’s not as if you’re going up to random people in public and grilling them about their life stories.

By the time you get to ask these questions, you’re probably out of the ‘stranger’ category and into ‘acquaintance’. That means you’ll already have loosened up a little, and might even be on your way to becoming friends. All you need is a little more mutual understanding.

So, the most important thing to remember when talking to someone you just met is this: be confident. Keep your shoulders back, hold your head high, and wear a big smile on your face.

If you show them the best side of yourself, they’ll be able to understand what’s so great about you. Then, they’ll feel confident enough to show you what’s so great about them too!

Why is asking the right questions important?

Sometimes, it can be hard to break the ice. Random questions are the perfect way to break even the thickest ice.

When the atmosphere starts to turn, you can simply spice things up by bringing in a question from left field.

Sure, it might seem like it’s coming out of the blue. But at least it’s something to talk about! This explains why it’s so important to always have questions on hand.

[Read: 60 deep and fun get-to-know-you questions to peek into their soul]

Also, when you meet somebody, you want to get to know as much about them as possible, fast. Of course, sometimes it’s fun to talk to somebody who’s the exact opposite of you.

But if you don’t have anything in common, it’s very unlikely that you’ll form a lasting friendship.

So, asking questions is a great way to know whether it’s worth talking to them!

How to ask questions of someone you just met

Have you ever tried to talk to a stranger, and just got tongue-tied? Maybe you suddenly couldn’t think of anything interesting to say, and just started stuttering?

Or, you put your foot in your mouth and said something dumb? If you’ve ever experienced these embarrassing situations, we’re here to tell you it’s not going to be like that every time.

Asking totally random questions of somebody you’ve just met has to be done right. That way, you can find that common ground and warm things up, without looking weird. Here’s how to ask a stranger questions—the right way! [Read: 55 personal questions to make someone open up and talk to you]

1. Start simple

Start off with the simplest questions that don’t take a lot of emotional effort. Just surface-level, basic questions. These will warm things up and kick off the conversation properly.

If you go in too hard, you might scare the other person away. So keep things simple to start off with.

2. Share as you go along

How can you expect them to answer questions if you don’t have the answers yourself? Lead by example.

Whenever you ask a question, share something about yourself too. Or, give them the opportunity to ask you a question back. It’ll make them feel more involved, and stop things from feeling one-sided.

3. Dig deeper as you get to know them

As you get to know them better, you can start asking more and more personal questions. A conversation is like digging for gold; the longer you work, the deeper you go.

And as you go deeper, you’ll find the really valuable stuff! You could even try branching off of certain questions to take things deeper.

Think of our list as a jumping-off point.

[Read: 30 deep, thought-provoking questions that’ll leave you curious and wondering]

4. Don’t push anything that’s too personal

Of course, there’s such a thing as *too* deep. Be aware that there are some topics that might be too personal for the person you’re talking to.

Not everybody feels comfortable sharing their innermost thoughts, and that’s OK. Sometimes it might be something that isn’t even controversial in your eyes. But if they’re uncomfortable, stop. Just move on to a different topic.

5. Enjoy and appreciate it!

Above all, it’s important to enjoy it. This is supposed to be a fun way to get to know somebody, not a third-degree interrogation.

Asking questions of someone you just met is all about fun and discovery. So, remember to keep it entertaining, and be grateful to the person for their answers. Appreciate that they’re game enough to share their thoughts with you!

[Read: 71 friendly, funny questions to get to know someone]

Questions to ask someone you just met

So, it’s time for the questions. Check out our top 30 perfect questions to ask someone you just met.

Then, try them out next time you meet someone you fancy getting to know a little better! Trust us—you’ll be able to read them like a book.

1. What is your number one favorite TV show? 

This question will tell you a lot. First of all, you’ll find out what type of genre they’re into. Is it comedy? Or horror? Maybe it’s true crime!

Of course, there’s also the chance that they’re going to give you a very generic answer too. “Friends” is a go-to for most people! But even then, that tells you that they’re basic.

[Read: 65 fun and deep questions to ask your best friend and bond like real BFFS]

2. What music did you like when you were growing up? 

This is probably going to make them cringe a little. Everyone liked embarrassing music of some kind when they were a teenager!

It might have been a boyband or a really terrible Europop group. It’s fun to find out at least. Maybe they’re still a big fan!

3. What music do you enjoy now? 

If you’re going to ask them what music they liked when they were growing up, it’s only fair that you give them the chance to redeem themselves by telling you what they love now.

However, do be prepared for an equally embarrassing answer! Either way, it’s one of the best questions to ask someone you just met because most people like music. And their taste in music can usually predict their personality too. [Read: 45 positive and negative personality traits that can change your life forever]

4. Who is your Hollywood crush? 

This is an interesting one and it’s probably going to put them on the spot for a second! Could it be someone you really like too?

It could be someone you’ve never even heard of. Or, it could be someone who’s passed away that they still hold a soft spot for.

5. What is your favorite sport? 

Perhaps they don’t like sport, but most people enjoy at least one type of sport occasionally. You can learn a lot about a person from the sport they watch.

For example, a team sport tells you they’re super social, while a solo game says they’re introverted.

6. What is your favorite food? 

This is a great question to get to know someone *especially a potential date* because it tells you what type of restaurant to book for a second meeting. But if they love fish and you hate it, there could be problems!

Best of all, it’s an easy one to answer. Everybody eats food, and everybody knows which foods they like. [Read: Questions to ask a new friend – 85 ways to feel like BFFs in no time]

7. Where do you like to hang out? 

You’re not asking this so you can follow them there, just to be clear! It’s interesting to find out where people spend their spare time.

Maybe they go somewhere quiet and chilled out, or maybe they like to be surrounded by a crowd. You might even find that you hang out at the same places already. 

8. Do you have any pets? 

Finding out if someone is an animal lover is a must-do. In our eyes, if someone loves animals, they’re a nice person.

They might have a mini animal farm at home. Or, they might not have a pet but wish they could. This question might also lead you down a path of stories related to their old pets that have passed. 

9. What is your favorite book of all time? 

This one could put them on the spot because not everyone has a number one book in their mind. Many people just have a series of books that they have enjoyed over time. Some people don’t even like to read.

Either way, it’s fun to find out, and it might be that they enjoy the same books as you. [Read: 25 questions to ask your guy best friend]

10. If you could drop everything and go, where is the first place you would visit?

Ah, a little imagination is needed for this one, which tells you a lot about a person! Will they choose somewhere obscure, will they go for the regular types of places, or will they pick a place that’s bustling with people?

You could push this question a little further and find out about the travel bucket list destinations they want to visit too. 

11. What do you enjoy doing when you’re at home alone? 

Be careful with this one, it could lead to some rather dodgy ground! However, most people won’t give you a kinky answer. They’ll simply tell you that they enjoy chilling out and watching TV, reading, or playing video games.

If they give you an answer that’s a little more creative, that could tell you a lot about them as a person. 

12. Do you enjoy spending time alone? 

Not everyone loves being alone and many people prefer to have others around them. However, some people enjoy the serenity and peace of being in their own company. They might even be a pro at meditation!

[Read: 43 really fun things to do at home when you’re bored, broke, and alone]

13. What type of exercise do you enjoy? 

This question tells you whether they enjoy spending time outdoors, or whether they’re an indoor gym-type of person. It also tells you whether you could exercise together if you get to know each other better.

Of course, they might tell you that they hate exercising. In which case you can just chill on the sofa together instead!

14. Are you a walker or a runner? 

This might seem like a simple question to ask someone you just met. However, it actually goes a lot deeper.

If they say walk, it could be that they prefer a measured and slow pace of life. If they say run, it could be that they’re often in a hurry and want to jump from place to place. 

15. Where were you born? 

Of course, we move around a lot these days. It’s possible that the place you are now isn’t where you or they were actually born. So, you could learn a lot about them by asking this question.

You might even find that you were born in the same place, or you have links that go way back. 

[Read: How to get closer to someone – 15 traits that bring people closer]

16. Are you a cat or a dog person? 

This is one of the best questions to ask someone you just met, especially a potential date. This might sound weird, but it tells you a lot about your romantic compatibility.

If they like cats, perhaps they’re a little rebellious. And if they like dogs, maybe they’re more loyal. Plus, if you like different pets, it might mean you can’t ever move in together!

17. If you could do any job in the world, what would it be? 

It’s sad, but most people aren’t actually doing their dream job. Some are, and that’s great! Yet most people have a career in mind that they wish they could do but never train for.

Find out what theirs is, and then remember to reciprocate and tell them yours. You can learn a lot about a person from the things they wish they were doing.  

[Read: 32 questions to ask your lover to learn everything you need to know]

18. Do you have siblings? 

Do they have brothers and sisters or are they an only child? Are they the baby of the family, the older one, or are they a middle child?

There are theories about the personality traits of siblings and where they are in the family order. So it’s a good thing to find out if those theories are true! 

19. What are your important friendship qualities? 

What does this person look for when they make new friends? Are they focused on loyalty, or do they look for someone who is adventurous and rebellious? This tells you a lot about their values in life and what is important to them. [Read: How to be a good friend – 49 traits and friend codes that define a real pal]

20. Which is more important – quality or quantity? 

This is a searching question. But it’s one of the best questions to ask someone you just met. It’s so great because it tells you whether this is someone who wants it all or someone who wants the best.

21. What is your favorite memory from your childhood? 

Hopefully, you’re not speaking to someone who had a terrible childhood because asking this question could make them uncomfortable. But it’s unlikely to be the first time anyone has asked them this question, so you should be fine.

If they’re giving you a fun memory from their childhood, you will probably be able to see the joy on their face as they recollect the details. [Read: How to start a conversation with a stranger and say the right things]

22. Which do you prefer – beach or snow? 

If you hit it off, you might go on a vacation at some point in the future. So, you have to know whether you’re both into the same kind of location!

Do they enjoy the cold and dramatic scenery of a snow-capped mountain location, or are they a beach person?

23. What is your biggest passion in life? 

This is another deep question but it’s one which will help you get to know them. Are they passionate about helping others? Animals? Travel? Science and research? Family?

It’s a great question to ask and one which could lead to much deeper conversations. [Read: What are you passionate about? How to find and own your desires]

24. Who is your biggest hero in life? 

They could choose a family member or a friend who’s been through a hard time. Or, they might choose a celebrity or a notable figure from history. Who do they look to for inspiration in life?

Of course, you need to think of your own hero figure too to keep the conversation going. 

25. What are you most scared of? 

Most people will come up with a humorous answer to this one. Just because it’s a little awkward to tell someone you’ve just met about what you’re really scared of. But if they do come out and tell you, that means they’re opening up to you. 

[Read: The art of getting someone to open up to you so you two can really connect]

26. Do you like spiders? 

Look, we know spiders are creatures that deserve to be loved, but most people really don’t like them. This question tells you whether this person is on the same level as you or not!

However, it’s also one of the few questions where you actually want to disagree. If you find a spider-lover, they’ll happily catch any unwanted guests for you and put them outside!

27. What would you study if you could go back to school? 

Again, most people have a career they wish they’d pursued and this question will tell you what that is. Maybe they want to learn another language so they can go traveling, or maybe they’ll tell you that they’re really interested in science. It’s a fun question to ask someone you’ve just met. 

28. What are you saving up for? 

For some people, money is a sensitive topic. But if you can spin it in a hopeful direction, it can be fun to talk about.

Your new friend might not be saving up for anything, but most people are in some way. Some are saving up for a deposit to buy a house. Meanwhile, some are saving up for a new car, others are just saving up for a rainy day. It’s one of the more interesting questions to ask someone you’ve just met. 

[Read: How to be more playful and flirty and open up when you meet someone]

29. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Again, this one can get a little sensitive. So tread carefully; you don’t want to bring up any of their insecurities.

However, if they tell you that they wouldn’t change anything because they’re perfect, you have to question them more! Most people have something they’d like to change, whether it’s appearance-wise or personality-wise. 

30. What is your most-used emoji?

It’s totally random, but still,l a fun one to finish off the list! Are they a regular emoji user? Or, do they go for an old-style emoticon? And which one do they usually reach for when they want to finish off a text? Hopefully, it isn’t the peach or the eggplant. Unless you want it to be!

These questions to ask someone you just met will certainly get the conversation rolling. Then, you can get to know them even more!

The post 30 Casual Questions to Ask Someone You Just Met to Read Them Like a Book is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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