Friday 9 June 2023

Misanthrope: What It Means & 31 Signs and Reasons Why You’re a People Hater

If you don’t like people, then you just might be a misanthrope. If you’re not sure if you are, then here are the signs to look for to figure it out.

Misanthrope signs reasons

You may have never heard of this term, or maybe you have. Either way, the fact that you’re reading this might mean that you are a misanthrope. But how do you know for sure? Keep reading to find out.

What is misanthropy?

Misanthrope comes from the Greek “misein Anthropos,” which roughly translates as “to hate people.”

As the name implies, misanthropes have a general disdain for human interaction, and deal with other humans in either a fight or flight reaction: they either avoid people or confront them with annoyance.

Since kindergarten, one of the important life skills taught to us is how to make friends and behave kindly so that others will like us. [Read: How to be more social – 22 ways to genuinely connect with others]

However, growing up and experiencing human interaction can produce good and ugly results. Oftentimes, it is the bad experiences that will give the lasting impression that influences whether or not you’ll hate the idea of dealing with people.

Understanding the misanthrope

To be fair, misanthropes are not bad people, nor are they loners who lack the company of friends. Antagonistic? Yes. Typically, they do have friends—most likely misanthropes themselves, who share the same disgust of the general populace.

An interesting theory is that hating people is a natural reaction to other people’s deplorable behavior. [Read: 26 social mind tricks to be more outgoing, friendly, and talkative instantly]

In other words, misanthropes are brutally honest in recognizing other people’s idiocy and pretentiousness, and do not hesitate to point it out—usually in front of them and without regard to the concept of “being nice.” 

They are antagonistic towards people and their unfavorable behavior because those people think that what they’re doing or saying is just fine—when it is not.

1. Misanthropes generally have more sense than the people around them

Ask a misanthrope why they hate people and their first answer is usually, “Because other people are idiots.” This doesn’t mean that they are genius, intellectual snobs who look down upon an IQ below 90. [Read: Confident or cocky? 16 subtle signs that split an arrogant and modest man]

If you check the content of social media, you would understand the reason for their seemingly allergic reaction to the avalanche of nonsense and inanities that preoccupy humanity nowadays.

2. Misanthropes dislike drama

Interacting with people means that you’ll have to partake in their lives in some way. That includes their problems, frustrations, and the drama that comes with them. 

For misanthropes, there are far more important and meaningful things to do than put up with people’s rants and whines that they’d rather complain about than actually deal with. [Read: Avoidant attachment style – the types, 32 symptoms, and how to love one]

3. Misanthropes are most likely introverts

It means that their personality leans inward, away from others. Misanthropes are introspective, bordering philosophical, people who have a very different perspective on life. 

That’s the reason they have little interest in the art of socializing: misanthropes like their personal space full of calm and silence, and hate people if they intrude in their “zone.” [Read: Easy dating advice for introverts – 19 tips and tricks]

Signs that you are a misanthrope yourself

Now that you understand misanthropy, use these 16 signs to determine whether you are, in fact, on the misanthropic side.

1. You love the Internet

Because with the internet, you can watch movies, do your work, shop, and be entertained without having to deal with people physically. However…

2. You rarely visit social media, if you’re interested in social media at all

The idea of socializing with people without having to stand near them should be appealing to you, but with your level of antipathy, you’ve unfriended more people than you’ve accepted—if that’s even possible at all. [Read: The toxic dangers of social media & 19 signs and ways it makes you insecure]

If you’re on Facebook, your favorite buttons are unfollow, unfriend, and report abuse. Your means of online interaction would be your old email address, which you will only give to a chosen few.

3. You can’t stand kids

Children are like adults, only less inhibited and, oftentimes, more self-centered. Not good news for a misanthrope who can’t even stand dealing with adults. 

Being invited to your friend’s children’s party is the perfect Stephen King-ish nightmare for you, and hearing all the cries, whines, and high-pitched shouting makes you want to go violate child abuse laws.

4. You have little tolerance for small talk

Your idea of an ideal conversation is something answerable by yes or no. [Read: How to make small talk and talk to anyone without feeling awkward]

You also have a sentence limit—anything further, or if the conversation starts to get uninteresting, gives you the urge to flee with your ears covered.

5. Reunions are not your thing

When reunions are mentioned, other people usually worry about what to wear, or what gifts to bring, if it’s a family affair. Misanthropes, however, would be thinking of possible reasons or excuses to say no.

If attendance is inevitable, you tend to move around more often, like a spy switching safe houses, to avoid unwanted attention or conversation. [Read: Proper social etiquette – 19 signs and traits that make you classy and likable]

6. You have offended and will offend people

Not because you’re a natural-born a-hole, but because you’re no-nonsense and blunt when pointing out how stupid ideas are. 

You’re either the Ron Swanson or Gregory House of your workplace, or the Red Foreman of family reunions. You are allergic to other people’s bullsh*t, and you’ll gladly go and myth-bust their pretentiousness.

7. You maintain a lot of personal space

If you are a misanthrope, then you value the concept of personal space and give anyone who breaches your 3-foot personal space radius a death stare. [Read: 23 secrets to set personal boundaries and guide others to respect them]

You would rather eat your lunch at your workstation or outside than suffer the conversationalists inside the cafeteria.

8. Your headphones are your best friend

Your headphones are like a big “do not disturb” flag above your head, and you wear them all the time when crossing hallways and riding the train to people-proof your day. 

And you also secretly want to murder anyone who makes the mistake of calling your attention to something, despite the big “busy” sign plugged into your ears. [Read: Social cues – what it is, 22 universal behaviors and how to respond to them]

9. Your concept of recreation is an activity involving little to no people at all

You prefer a solitary cabin in the woods instead of a crowded beach or a hike in the mountains instead of touring a city. Other activities in your repertoire are playing video games, reading a book at home, and pretty much anything that does not require other people.

10. Sarcasm is your language

Because there are times when other people won’t get your subtle hints at irritation, and you’d have to really say that they’re idiots in their face. Creatively. 

You basically have an on-off switch for sarcasm when conversing with people who spout nonsense.

Aside from sarcastic, witty retorts, you have a collection of “meh”s, “tch”s, and “right”s to cap your sentences. [Read: Dry sense of humor – what it is and 20 signs you’re deadpan dry and funny]

11. You have a bad case of road rage

Because you tend to think most people are idiots, you easily get angry on the road. You can’t understand why some people are just too slow or too unaware when they are driving.

Because of this, you might scream, yell, honk your horn, and tail people on a regular basis. You think that doing this might change their bad driving habits, but in reality, it only makes you more frustrated.

12. You have a difficult time making new friends 

Why would you want to have friends when you don’t even like people? It’s not even pleasant for you to talk to anyone. And others probably sense that. [Read: 27 fun ways to make new friends and mistakes to avoid + the best social apps]

Because of this, there are people who probably want to avoid you. You might not be that easy to talk to, mostly because you don’t want to be there in that situation. 

13. You’d rather not have a significant other

Sure, we live in a world where most people either are in or want to be in a relationship. But you don’t really understand this. Having a significant other means that you would have to talk and interact with them.

You’re more comfortable being a loner. That way, you have your space and the freedom to do anything you want. This is your comfort zone more than anything else. [Read: Are some people meant to be alone and single? 18 signs you’re that one]

14. You think you are better than most people 

One of the reasons you don’t like people is probably that you think you are better than them. Whether it’s their driving skills or anything else that annoys you, you mostly think you can do anything better. 

Because of this, you usually roll your eyes when you have to interact with other people. You are always astounded that people are the way they are—and not in a good way.

15. You have some sort of anxiety disorder

Many misanthropists have some sort of social anxiety disorder. Being in a social situation makes them very anxious, and they can’t wait to get out of them. [Read: Signs of social anxiety that hold you back and how to overcome it]

For this reason, you might have a job that doesn’t require a lot of social interaction. Maybe you are a computer programmer or a factory worker where you don’t really have to converse with anyone else. It makes you more comfortable that way.

16. You really enjoy people watching

Even though you don’t like interacting with other people, sometimes you are fascinated by them anyway—but from afar. It might even be a favorite pastime of yours to go out in public by yourself to watch people go by.

But what you’re actually doing for the most part is making fun of them in your head. From what they wear, to how messy their hair is, to how they walk, you love to criticize people in your thoughts. [Read: How to be less critical – 15 reasons why you judge and how to stop it]

Problems only misanthropes will understand

If you’re a misanthrope, then you have problems that other people don’t. So, if you can relate to any or most of these, then you are probably most definitely a misanthrope.

1. Watching the news

Let’s face it, when you watch the news, you are seeing a wide range of human ugliness on a daily basis. 

And this is a great way to increase your hatred for humanity immediately. You see awful human behavior on a global scale reported by awful people. [Read: Why do I hate people? 16 reasons and ways to let go and find happiness]

2. Pretending to care about other people’s problems

Since you despise small talk, you also hate pretending to care about other people’s problems. For other people, it’s easy to care, but to you, it’s a chore. 

In fact, you couldn’t find anything else less interesting. But you try to fake it anyway, even though you feel tortured.

3. Attending parties

Your definition of hell is going to a party and so you want to avoid it at all costs. Exposure to unrestrained human behavior is absolute torture for you. [Read: Third wheel – 32 perks, annoyances, and the guide to survive third wheeling]

You hate all parties big and small—from the loud music and dancing to the talking and listening to uninteresting stories.

4. Trying to avoid people as much as possible

It’s one of your life goals to avoid people as much as you possibly can. If you can do something without the help of another person, then you will do that every time. You usually try to resort to the internet instead of interacting with people face-to-face.

5. Navigating the Internet

You think that people use the internet to spread dumb information around instead of using it as a learning tool. [Read: Why does everyone hate me? 69 things you do that people probably don’t like!]

If you read the comment section of any article or video, you see stupidity and ignorance flourishing. You just can’t seem to get away from idiots—even on the internet.

6. The feeling of being surrounded by stupidity

As we just mentioned, it feels like you can never get away from the stupidity of human beings.  You don’t like to be with people, and everywhere you turn, you see behavior that only confirms your belief that humanity is the worst.

This can mentally overwhelm and deplete you, which is a vicious cycle. [Read: How not to hurt people’s feelings – the 20 golden rules you need]

7. Enduring pop culture

You think that most of the things in pop culture are for brain-dead people. 

Superhero and action movies along with reality TV just make your mind go numb. Even music is something you can’t stand. All of this lacks anything remotely intellectually appealing.

8. When something you like becomes popular

Misanthropes think that everything that is popular is intolerable. Therefore, you tend to go the opposite direction into more obscure things. [Read: Not interested in dating? The reasons and why this is becoming the new normal]

However, if anything you like reaches mass appeal, it ruins it for you. The purity of what you liked is completely gone.

9. Hiding your feelings

Obviously, a misanthrope can’t let people know how much they hate humanity because they still do need to function within society. 

Because of this, you have to keep these feelings to yourself and hide them—at least from people you don’t know. In other words, you have to act like a person who doesn’t actually hate people. [Read: How to express your feelings – 16 must-know ideas to speak your mind]

10. Meeting like-minded people 

Even though you have hate and distrust for humanity, you aren’t completely anti-social. You still want the company of other people occasionally. 

But finding fellow misanthropes to hang out with is not very easy. They are a small percentage of the human population.

11. Trusting people

On the rare occasion that you manage to develop some meaningful relationships, you still have a hard time trusting them. [Read: Pistanthrophobia – why you fear trusting people, 16 signs, and ways to overcome it]

After all, you expect the worst in people, and so you’re also expecting to get hurt by them. So, you push people away because you simply can’t trust them.

12. Maintaining relationships

Because you can’t find fellow misanthropes very easily, and when you do you can’t trust them, it’s difficult to maintain relationships. 

Your constant negativity and pessimism are a turn-off and get on people’s nerves. Socializing is difficult if you despise everything that people do. [Read: 45 positive and negative personality traits that can change your life forever!]

13. Not relating to anyone

You usually aren’t interested in things that normal people are, so you really can’t relate to anyone. This creates distance between you and other people. 

As a result, you tend to isolate yourself because feel like you don’t fit in. And this also leads you to think that you are better than most people.

14. Forcing yourself to keep an open mind

Because you’re a misanthrope, you are also judgmental. You tend to label large groups of people based on the actions of a few. [Read: Relationship with a polar opposite – 26 truths and must-knows to make it work]

As a result, you have to keep reminding yourself to give people the benefit of the doubt with an open mind and not stereotype everyone.

15. Convincing people you aren’t a sociopath

People are often confused by you and your behavior. Since you are so anti-social, a lot of people might think you are actually a sociopath.

But you’re not. You still have the capacity to feel love and compassion, know right from wrong, and can be kind. You just don’t like being around people.

[Read: Selfish people – 20 ways to spot one and stop them from hurting you]

Most of the time, it is easier to hate and avoid people than to try hard and find reasons to like them. If you find that you are a misanthrope, that’s alright. As long as your sentiments are purely based on annoyance and not homicidal thoughts, own your misanthropy and rock on.

The post Misanthrope: What It Means & 31 Signs and Reasons Why You’re a People Hater is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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