When a guy is not getting laid, it is almost always for the same reason:
He is playing it too safe with girls.
I don’t mean “safe” as in “avoiding sketchy situations with girls bristling with red flags.”
Sure, red flag girls might be easier, but that’s not the kind of “success” you want.
Instead I mean “safe” as in he is doing things to protect his ego and avoid work that might not pay off instantly, the cost of this being that he continues to not get laid with girls.
So long as he continues playing things this kind of “safe”, he will remain stuck in a dry spell, going nowhere with girls, and not getting laid.
The only way out of it (aside from Lady Luck taking pity on him and throwing him a freebie one day) is to stop playing it so safe… and begin taking the kind of risks that bring girls into one’s life and bed.
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