Monday 17 July 2023

Why Did She Give Her Number, Yet Now Does Not Text?

gave her number yet does not textA girl gave you her number, but doesn’t answer your texts. Why? You have to understand where her head is at – and what your texts are missing.

You have just 48 hours left to grab my new “text girls onto dates” system, Impulse Texting. After that, we shut the doors to new buyers… and you’ll be stuck texting the ‘average guy way’. So make sure you pick up Impulse Texting now!

In the meantime, let’s talk about girls who give you their numbers, yet do not text you.

You’ve met this amazingly cute girl and, much to your surprise, she gave you her number.

Only now, when you text her, she doesn’t text you back.

Could she have given you a wrong number?

Is she playing hard to get?

Might she just be really busy?

Why did she give her number, but won’t text back?

If she ISN’T interested, it would seem easier to just not give you her number in the first place, no? Why would she give you her number only to ignore your texts?


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