Thursday, 31 August 2023

Act Like You Belong and You Can Go Anywhere

act like you belongYou can walk and talk your way into places by acting like you should be there. People pay more attention to behavior than you think – & less to credentials.

Once, many years ago, just a few years into my seduction career, I was in Singapore with a couple of friends and entered a nightclub. It was one of the higher end clubs in town.

One of my friends, a local, wanted to move into the VIP-only area. The girls there were much hotter, he said. The only problem was the narrow stairway into it had two large bouncers keeping guard – and the two were frequently stopping people entering to inspect whether they were in fact members or not.

“Just walk in with your chin way up like you’re a celebrity and are used to walking in there,” my friend said. “No one will stop you.” So my other friend and I marched in with him, heads held high, doing our best to look like modern royalty, and sure enough, a moment later we were picking up on girls in the VIP. They were indeed hotter (and friendlier) there.

Not long after that, I crashed a private party at a San Diego nightclub, rolling right past the bouncer checking names at the door, by walking up behind a couple whose names he’d just checked and acting as if I was probably with them. Since then, I have often toured through roped-off or doorman-guarded areas of nightclubs just by walking proudly in, chest held high, either ignoring the bouncers or, at other times, giving them a confident nod. Sometimes while in these areas I have looked out and watched numerous other people get stopped trying to enter as I’ve privately marveled at how I sauntered right in.

I’ve entered closed-off areas of venues, restricted beaches (though be careful with these; they can be restricted due to hazardous conditions), and even establishments that have closed down for the night just by walking right in like I’m supposed to be there.

Today we’re going to talk about walking right into places you’re not supposed to be.


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