Sex for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or more should not be a backbreaker for you as a man.
But for many men it is.
Here’s a quote from a guy who had sex for 20 minutes, and considered that a Herculean effort:
Recently found the one, thought i had a big sex drive, until I really turned her on
And by god, she turned on
she turned on like a 1990 brand new honda civic
I mean like, jesus christ, 10 min in and I was fighting for my fuckin' life
After 20 whole minutes of grueling, internal screaming, trying my absolute best to keep it in, while thinking of the most horrible, gut wrenching gore i have ever seen just for that few minutes more, I finally made her cum
My arm, my hip and my legs all hurt like hell and I just layed down and fucking turned off like a windows 95
woke up 15 min later to her provoking me to do it again
And that's how I died folks
Many men commiserated in the comments with this guy. Some recommended giving women oral sex to deal with these more ‘voracious’ women. A few guys (like I was on reading it) were shocked at this guy acting like 20 minutes of sex was a long time or an achievement… however, another guy claimed that thinking 20 minutes of sex is NOT long “tells us you’ve never had sex before” and that “thrusting your pelvic for 20mins straight will burn your legs off.”
A lot of men really do think 20 minutes of sex is a LONG time!
The average duration of sexual intercourse is 5.4 minutes. This guy writing the comment above, who went for 4x the average length, was indeed something of a champ among the Average Joe crowd.
Today, though, I’m going to tell you how to have sex for 45 minutes, an hour, two hours, or more, without “burning your legs off” – that way you can give women the kind of deep satisfaction most men (who last far less long) will never be able to give them.
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