Monday 21 August 2023

Study: Women Are More Swayed by Compliments When Non-Fertile

women swayed by complimentsWomen in their luteal (non-fertile) phase are more swayable by some types of compliments. Which ones, why, and why not for single, fertile women? Read on…

I realize genuine interest is out of fashion in the seduction community of late (probably an overcorrection due to neo-direct). Nevertheless, this study’s too interesting to not relate.

We often tell guys “It doesn’t matter what you say. Just get talking to her!”

For the most part it’s true. For a guy who’s hung up on what opener to use, who as a result is NOT opening, it’s DOUBLY true! This guy will get way more girls using any opener than he will standing around, twiddling his thumbs, trying to come up with the perfect opener, missing girl after girl he could have spoken with.

But for guys who’re actively approaching – who were going to make the approach regardless – the opener can make an impact. It can influence how a woman receives you on the open, and even have ripple effects later on into the interaction.

That’s what we’ll discuss today.

If you’re not talking to enough girls, this article should NOT matter to you – it’s just splitting hairs in your case.

However, if you’re active in the field, it may just be of interest.


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