Tuesday 15 August 2023

Tactics Tuesdays: Personalizing Your Conversations

personalizing conversationConversation feels flat when it stays impersonal too long. But personalizing conversation can be tricky. These 5 tips let you personalize things SMOOTHLY.

Want to build an emotional connection with someone?

You’re going to need a personal conversation to do that.

Sure, you can debate local politics or the state of Lithuanian culinary arts with your friends and have a nice, stimulating conversation. It won’t create or deepen an emotional bond, though.

Emotional bonds stem from personal topics: those about you, and those about your conversation partner. The more direct and intimate the topic, the deeper the bond you create. Yet even topics that are fairly superficial yet nevertheless still personal to one of the interlocutors do the trick.

This one weird trick (actually, I’ll show you five tricks!) for personalizing your conversations can make such a sea change in the way conversations go for you that you’ll almost never want to talk to people any other way.


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