Wednesday 13 September 2023

20 Non-Pushy Secrets to Keep a Girl or Guy Interested After the First Date

Feeling a connection? Things went well on your date, but now what? Learn how to keep them interested after the first date.

how to keep him / her interested after the first date

So, you’ve had a first date that didn’t suck. High five! But now, the real game begins. While you might be tempted to start planning your joint Netflix queue, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Learning how to keep someone interested after the first date is a bit like navigating your social media feed.

You don’t want to overshare and scare people off, but you also can’t just post one fire selfie and then go radio silent. Striking that perfect balance is crucial to keep someone interested without making it seem like you’re trying too hard.

And the good news? There’s actual science that can guide us on how to do just that. We’re talking about more than just strategic text messages and well-timed emojis.

We’re diving into the psychology of what makes that dating spark turn into a lasting flame.

The Science of Attraction

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how to keep someone interested after the first date, let’s rewind a bit. What got them interested enough to go out with you in the first place?

Was it your killer smile, your shared obsession over indie bands, or the charming way you both complained about the same TV show finale?

There’s psychology behind why you two clicked initially, and understanding that can help us map out the journey ahead.

First up, we’ve got the trifecta of initial attraction: physical allure, reciprocity, and similarity. Think about it. If you’re a hardcore gym rat and they’re into fitness too, that’s a win for similarity.

When they threw you that subtle compliment and you responded in kind? That’s reciprocity in action. And, let’s be honest, if your eyes met across the room and the Earth shifted just a tad, well, physical attraction needs no introduction.

But hang on, we’re not just a pile of preferences and pretty faces. Ever heard of attachment styles? If not, let me drop some wisdom.

[Read: Attachment style theory: 4 types and 19 signs & ways you attach to others]

In the world of psychology, people often lean into one of three styles—secure, anxious, or avoidant. A secure attachment style means you’re good at balancing your needs with those of others.

If you’re anxious, you might be a bit more, well, clingy. And if you’re avoidant, you probably treat commitment like it’s last season’s fashion—no, thank you! John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory unpacks this in much detail.

Why does this matter for keeping him/her interested after the first date? Well, if you’re secure and they’re avoidant, knowing this could save you from turning into a texting tornado when they’re more of a “let’s catch up occasionally” cloud.

[Read: The science & rules of attraction and 29 traits that are far sexier than looks]

The Importance of Emotional Investment

Now, hear us out on why you should know this next tidbit when it comes to keeping someone interested after the first date.

We all appreciate something more when we’ve put a little sweat and TLC into it—like that Ikea coffee table you spent three hours assembling. This is known in psychology as “The Ikea Effect.” Basically, we cherish what we invest in emotionally and effort-wise.

Okay, let’s make this relatable. Imagine you both decided to try cooking a new recipe together on your first date.

The result? A dish that probably tastes better in your memory than it did in reality. Why? Because you both invested in the experience, making each other more invested in, well, each other.

And guess what? The emotional return on investment here can be huge.

So, next time you’re contemplating the post-first-date moves, consider activities or conversations that require a bit of emotional effort from both sides.

It’s like laying down bricks for a sturdy foundation that you both contribute to. Now, who wouldn’t want to come back for another date to see what you’re building together?

[Read: 32 fun ideas to build & grow intimacy in a relationship and feel more loved]

The Sizzling Tips to Keep Someone Interested After the First Date

Okay, onto the juicy part: specific actions you can take to keep a guy or girl interested after the first date without appearing like you’re trying to put a ring on it by week two.

1. Mirror, Mirror

Subtle mimicry can make a world of difference in how connected someone feels to you. You know how couples sometimes start to sound alike? That’s not an accident.

It’s based on a psychological phenomenon known as the Chameleon Effect. You don’t need to go overboard here, just small adjustments can go a long way.

When they lean in, lean in too. When they laugh, join in. It sends an unspoken signal that says, “We’re on the same wavelength.”

2. Be Mysteriously Open

Sharing is caring, but oversharing is, well, scary. Hold back just a bit, it’s like a trailer for a blockbuster movie. You want to tease enough scenes to captivate, but not so much that they don’t need to see the whole film.

By revealing slowly, you’re creating a story arc that they’ll want to follow. And who doesn’t want to be the star of someone’s thoughts?

[Read: How to be mysterious & leave everyone smitten and craving for more]

3. Plan a ‘Novel’ Date

If your first date was a cozy coffee shop, try to switch gears for the next outing. It’s all about triggering the release of dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ hormone.

According to relationship researcher Helen Fisher, new experiences can flood the brain with dopamine and norepinephrine, the same chemicals that light up our brains during the honeymoon phase of a relationship.

4. Don’t Always Be Available

Contrary to the notions of many rom-coms, being available at the drop of a hat isn’t always appealing. This taps into the concept of operant conditioning in psychology.

An unpredictable schedule makes the rewards *i.e., your charming self* more enticing. Think of it as a surprise ending to a book. They’ll keep turning the pages if they don’t know what’s coming.

[Read: 23 needy signs & ways to stop being too available for your partner]

5. Show, Don’t Tell

Actions are the VIPs of the dating world. A simple example: instead of saying “I appreciate you,” try doing something that shows it, like planning a fun outing that caters to their interests.

This relates back to Dr. Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages, where ‘Acts of Service’ is one way people understand and receive love.

6. Keep the Fun Factor Alive

Humor is the universal language of relatability. No need to whip out a peer-reviewed study to know that laughter makes you more likable.

Shared humor builds a sense of camaraderie and reduces the awkwardness that can sometimes trail behind a first date. The Humor Styles Questionnaire by Rod Martin could be a fun quiz to take together to explore your humor compatibilities.

7. Open Loop Conversations

The art of the “cliffhanger” in conversation! A classic move that, if done right, can add a spark of intrigue that has them eager for the next episode in the “You & Them” series.

Here’s how it works. It’s basically about initiating an “Open Loop,” a concept rooted in psychology and storytelling.

In psychology, Zeigarnik effect posits that people remember uncompleted tasks better than completed ones.

So when you casually drop, “Oh, remind me to tell you about the time I almost got kicked out of a concert,” you’ve just created a conversational bookmark. It’s a future story left untold. It’s akin to saying, “To be continued…”

The key is not to make this seem calculated, but rather a spontaneous comment. Your tone and timing need to be just right, coming off as a casual aside rather than a deliberate teaser.

This is a subtler approach than saying, “Hey, let’s meet again,” but it plants a similar seed of expectation.

And the beauty of this technique? It’s a gentle nudge, not a push, making your interest known without making you seem desperate.

Plus, now you’ve got a topic for the next date that they’ve already shown interest in—so half your conversational homework is done!

8. Leave a Memory Imprint

Do something memorable but simple. For instance, a unique compliment that they’ve never heard before could stick in their mind for days.

Or maybe you can secretly slip a fun doodle or note into their bag, only to be discovered later. It’s a pleasant surprise that adds a layer of intrigue.

9. Don’t Over-Promise

Future planning is great, but there’s a balance. Making promises or plans that are too grandiose can create unnecessary pressure. Keep things in the present moment. The future can wait until it becomes the present.

Overcommitting too soon can set the stage for disappointment, as reality rarely aligns perfectly with lofty expectations.

Plus, remaining a little more grounded initially gives you both the space to genuinely appreciate the relationship as it naturally unfolds.

10. Find Mutual Interests and Explore Them

Discovering shared hobbies or passions provides fertile ground for emotional connection. Also doing something you both enjoy ensures a good time, which can only lead to more dates.

Whether it’s hiking, cooking, or jamming to 90s pop songs, a mutual interest lays the foundation for future engagements.

11. Consistency with a Dash of Surprise

The ol’ consistency conundrum! One minute you’re a flirty texter, the next you’re a ghost—no bueno. Be consistent in your communication but sprinkle in unexpected sweet gestures.

How about a surprise voice note saying, “Hey, this song reminded me of you!” Simple but impactful. Consistency builds trust and shows you’re reliable, but those occasional surprises keep the spark alive and show you’re thinking about them even when you’re not obligated to.

It’s like your text messages are the regular season games, but those voice notes? Definitely the playoffs.

12. Personal Space is Sacred

If you’ve ever had someone invade your personal space bubble, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Make sure you respect theirs as well.

This sends a message that you understand boundaries, which is huge in building trust.

[Read: 15 ways to give space in a relationship & feel closer than before]

13. Celebrate Small Wins Together

Had a rough day at work and ended up solving a big issue? Share it!

Accomplishing tiny victories and celebrating them together adds layers to your budding relationship. This naturally extends the storyline between you two without making it look like you’re forcing chapters into the book.

14. Flexible Plans, Fixed Interest

Ever tried to plan something and it fell apart?

Instead of getting frustrated, show how adaptable you can be. If the coffee shop is unexpectedly closed, suggest a walk in the park.

This shows you’re interested in spending time together, regardless of the setting.

15. Low-Key Social Media Interaction

You don’t have to go on a liking spree on their Instagram to show you’re interested. But a casual comment or DM slide can say, “Hey, I’m into you,” without a billboard declaration.

Just don’t overdo it; subtlety is key. Engaging thoughtfully with their posts lets you enter their digital world without feeling invasive.

Think of it like a friendly neighborly wave, not a 24/7 stakeout. A sporadic heart emoji or a witty reply not only keeps you on their radar but also opens the door for more intimate conversations down the line.

[Read: 26 ways to get a guy’s attention on Instagram without using your body]

16. Build In-Jokes

Private jokes or terms that only the two of you understand can become endearing tokens of your relationship.

Like calling a favorite shared meal “The Usual” or referring to an awkward moment you both laughed at as “The Incident.”

17. Active Listening, Passive Flirting

Listening is an underrated skill in the dating world. When they speak, really listen. Reply with more than just “uh-huh” or “cool.”

Dive a little deeper, asking about the why’s or how’s. And if you can slip in a light compliment like, “You really know your stuff, don’t you?” that’s the cherry on top.

Active listening not only shows that you’re invested in what they’re saying, but it also allows you to better understand who they are at their core.

This two-way emotional exchange deepens your connection and lays the groundwork for a meaningful relationship. Plus, who doesn’t love feeling heard and valued? That’s dating gold right there.

18. Avoid the Ex-talk

Until you reach a certain level of comfort and trust, avoid talking about past relationships. Nobody wants their date to be a living scrapbook of their exes.

Bringing up past love affairs too early can shift the focus away from the budding connection between you two. It’s like inserting a third wheel into a romantic dinner—awkward and unnecessary.

Save the ex-talk for later stages when you’re both secure enough in what you’re building to handle the ghosts of relationships past.

[Read: How to talk about a past relationship & not piss your partner off]

19. Help Them Help You

Let them do something nice for you, whether it’s picking up the tab or holding the door. It gives them a sense of contribution and invests them in the relationship.

20. Netflix, Yes; Chill, Maybe

Instead of jumping straight into a Netflix & Chill scenario, how about just watching a movie you both enjoy and discussing it afterward?

This gives you more to talk about and takes off the pressure of an expected physical relationship.

[Read: 22 things to do on a date that aren’t Netflix and chill]

It’s About Sustaining That Initial Spark

Life is too short for ‘what-ifs,’ especially in the game of love. So, break a leg but don’t break hearts—unless you’re playing a card game.

Now it’s about sustaining that initial spark and turning it into a lasting connection. It’s not about games or gimmicks; it’s about genuine interactions that let both parties know they’re valued. As you navigate these early stages, remember, it’s okay to be yourself. Authenticity is always your strongest suit.

Knowing how to keep a guy or girl interested after the first date can seem daunting. But, with a little confidence and a lot of honesty, it doesn’t have to be so hard.

The post 20 Non-Pushy Secrets to Keep a Girl or Guy Interested After the First Date is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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