Thursday 21 September 2023

How to Pick Up Shy, Conservative Girls Who Don't Go Out

picking up shy, conservative girlsIt’s not hard to find girls who date around. But how do you find the girls who don’t – and how do you pick up such shy, conservative girls?

The online world is filled with men declaring that all women are out there hooking up constantly, leaping from one man to the next, and that conservative women are unicorns.

The reality however is that the median American woman sleeps with a mere three men in her entire life. 42% of American women sleep with two or fewer men. 21% sleep with just one man all their lives. 6% die virgins, never having been with a man. Why then does it seem like there’s a non-stop sex party going on?

It’s because all these women who aren’t out there dating, partying, and sleeping around are invisible. They’re not on the scene. They don’t actively date much. Most of them have very quiet social lives, or barely even any social life. Most men who are actively dating women – using avenues like dating apps or nightlife – very rarely run into girls like this. Because, again, these women aren’t active in the scene. The smaller number of prolific dating women, on the other hand, are VERY active… and it is easy to run into them a LOT.

I wrote this article to answer a question guys have been asking me lately: namely, where do you have to go and what do you need to do to pick up shy, conservative girls?


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