Tuesday 5 September 2023

Tactics Tuesdays: Sexual Attractor Kino

sexual attractor kinoGirls often do things to visibly attract men. Once you’ve hooked a girl, you can look at and touch these things to raise the sensuality of the seduction.

This is a tactic from the old school seducer Lifeguard, from back in the Fast Seduction days. It does a handy job at upping the sexual electricity between you and a girl. It communicates to her that you recognize and appreciate what she’s doing to look sexy. Then, it gets you touching her in these sexual attractor locations – which does excellent things for the seduction.

Lifeguard, if you’re unfamiliar with him, was a confident, muscular playboy who took his handle from his days lifeguarding as a youth. While still a novice he joined a competition with the other lifeguards to see who could bed the most new girls in a summer. Girls did not count if one of the other lifeguards had already laid them. Putting his seductive skills to work, he racked up 50 lays over a 3-month summer, winning him the competition and emblazoning his path ahead as a legendary seducer.

His archive on the now-defunct Fast Seduction forum is well worth reading if you’re curious to learn more. You can download it (alongside other legendary guys’ archives) here.

Today’s Tactics Tuesdays is not about a tactic Lifeguard shared on mASF, however.

Instead, it comes from one of the handful of blog posts he made on the small seduction blog he very briefly ran, long since vanished from the web.


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