Thursday 5 October 2023

Absent Motive: The Hidden Reason Why Approaches on Girls Flop

approach on girl flopsAn all-too-common mistake men make that causes approaches on girls to flop. Even good conversationalists make this mistake… yet it’s simple to correct.

I want to tell you about a common, though obscure, reason why many men’s approaches on women don’t go anywhere.

When I make this reason clear to you, it’s going to be REALLY clear – and if you’re like many guys you may never have realized it before.

This phenomenon (it’s really a mistake) occurs in a great deal of approaches. When it’s there, you will be able to feel something missing in the approach, even if you’re not sure what.

Many things that actually aren’t to blame get fingers pointed at them over go-nowhere approaches. Yet the real reason approaches often flop is far simpler than the tangled accounts men often concoct to explain unsuccessful approaches on girls.


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