Saturday, 28 October 2023

When You Can't Pull a Girl Due to Logistics, Use Push-Pull Barriers

push-pull logisticsIf you hit it off with a girl but can’t pull her because she has to mind her friend or there’s no private place to take her, what can you do? Use push-pull!

Hi guys and welcome back.

Not long ago, I wrote a post about how to run 2-sets, groups of two girls, one of the hardest groupings to deal with in pickup and seduction. Isolation is difficult in those settings because you cannot fully isolate without leaving her friend alone. It’s why going for groups bigger than three is easier (unless you are dealing with lone wolves). In my guide, I covered how to work with those settings. I won’t recap that here.

But in a previous post, I suggested a cool technique called a barrier that provides great effects when the logistics are not in your favor (for example, her friend does not want to leave so you have enough alone time).

I would love to drink some Rosé with you back at my place, but I can’t leave your friend behind.

The above example is one of the lines discussed. The idea is to use a push-pull strategy (Tactics Tuesdays: Push-Pull for Getting Girls) and show mixed signals, but the push here is a sign of interest indicating you’d like to do X or talk about X, but can’t because of Y reason (logistical).

I will discuss how this works plus provide a few examples.

Let’s go!


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