Tuesday 12 December 2023

Tactics Tuesdays: Sexual Escalation Script

sexual escalation scriptWhat steps should you follow to get to sex with a girl? This sexual escalation script lays it all out, down to the timing of each move needed to bed a girl.

We’ve got a guy over on the forum who’s struggled to make things sexual with girls. He’s a mechanical learner who can follow rules but has trouble grasping the deeper purpose to them, and seems a little lacking in social intuition.

As a result, he’s struggled to find success with women – though he’s been on fifty dates from dating apps, he hasn’t bedded a single girl, and his efforts to seduce once back with girls at his place consistently fall flat.

For today’s Tactics Tuesdays installment, I’m going to lay out an example sexual escalation script you’ll be able to follow in a typical seduction. Even if you’re an intuitive learner this should still be helpful to you, as it’ll give you certain techniques and timings you might not have stumbled across yet. If you’re a mechanical learner I expect this might be a Godsend.

So join me and let’s follow along every step of the way as we lay out a path toward creating sexual arousal in a woman that allows you to sweep her off her off her feet and into bed!


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