Tuesday 5 December 2023

Tactics Tuesdays: Using Sexual Magnetism with Girls

using sexual magnetism with girlsSome men just ooze powerful sexual magnetism. But what is sexual magnetism? How did they get it? The secret is 3 key aspects – but you’ve got to be a bit of a “seduction pro” first.

This article presupposes you already have solid fundamentals and game. Basically, you are intermediate at least – and probably closer to advanced (or actually advanced). If you’re not there yet, feel free to read it still, but don’t worry if you can’t pull this one off yet – you can come back to it later once your game and attractive qualities are more on-lock.

A forum member named Jeff recently asked about how to convey sexual state to girls the way his highly skilled natural friend does. In other words, how to use sexual magnetism.

About this friend, Jeff says:

I have a friend who's been hitting the field for over 10 years.

Dude's a pro - having racked up easily over 500 lays, and between 100-150 in 2019.

Recently, he told me he moved to a new house (in Delhi, India where he's living) and there's a girl on the first floor (while he's on the fourth).

He ran into her while moving some stuff and all he did was have a 2 minute back and forth with the girl without doing anything fancy, and she was ON him - suggesting they should catch up, party, get a drink, etc.

...all the while being married, with her husband downstairs in the house they're sharing.

I was curious as to what he did to elicit such desire.

By that, I mean -

- Girls text him as opposed to him having to do all the work (of course he texts them, but he barely has to do anything)
- Falling all over him in the club within a few minutes of meeting
- Girls throwing attraction signals at him (like the time he was dancing at a dance workshop and everyone wanted to know who he was)

I, on the other hand, still have work way too hard, probably relying on my verbals a lot more than he does.

Sexual magnetism is an interesting topic. It’s a subset of charisma (which I’ve devoted an entire course to, as well as a series of charismatic breakdowns on Hollywood figures, and a set of beginner’s and pro’s guides to charisma that many guys found helpful)… but rather than focus on general charisma, it zeroes in on the sexual variety.

I gave a quick response on the forum thread, but I want to expand upon that a bit here in an article on what sexual magnetism is and how you can convey it.


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