Monday 18 December 2023

Using Uncertainty to Make Girls Chase You More

using uncertainty to make girls chase youWomen won’t chase if they feel certain they can get you – or that they can’t. Instead, you’ll use uncertainty to make girls chase you… PLUS 1 more thing.

Do women chase men because they feel uncertain?

They most certainly do. In fact, uncertainty is one of the central features of chasing behavior.

If you own a copy of my flagship program One Date & The Dating Artisan, and you’ve made it through Module 1 on getting girls to chase you, you know all about uncertainty.

You know the large role it plays in chasing behavior. You know that if you can create it, you can compel women to pursue you who might otherwise never chase a guy.

In that same Module 1, you also have a broad range of powerful tools to create all that attractive uncertainty. So we aren’t going to go too much into the nuts and bolts here today.

Instead, I want to take a closer look at the concept of uncertainty itself and expand on what we talked about in TDA Module 1. While Module 1 covers the “how to do it”, I’d like to dive deeper here into WHY it works… just why uncertainty drives people to chase others, and what preconditions there before the effect kicks in.

If you’re ready to really understand what it takes to create an inescapable vortex of attraction that sucks in women inexorably in with intrigue and attraction, you’re reading the right article.

Let’s talk about using uncertainty to make girls chase you harder and more.


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