Monday 22 January 2024

How to Want a Girl Less Than She Wants You

how to want a girl less than she wants youIf you’re the one who approaches a girl, how can you want a girl less than she wants you? It seems like a conundrum… yet many guys do it every day.

Beneath my article about Instagram dating’s uncomfortable truths, reader Sub-Zero asked the following:

Could you clarify things for me when it comes to wanting the woman less than she wants you when you’re the one approaching her and asking her out?

I never could quite understand this, and I’ve read your desireless article a few times, but it still isn’t working for me.

How do we want the woman less than she wants us when she isn’t putting that much effort in, and we’re the ones that are pursuing her?

It’s a simple question but it has a lot of merit! How can you want a girl less than she wants you, when YOU are the one making the approach? Are you just kidding yourself? How can this be?

At the beginning, you may indeed need to ‘kid yourself’ to a degree – though there are ways to do this more effectively. In the end, though, you will arrive at a place where you are able to approach yet truly want the women you approach less than they want you (assuming, that is, that they are interested!).

So, below, let’s talk about how to want a girl less than she wants you.


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